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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    You're ahead of me - I did know The Weeknd is a person, not a band, but had no idea what he looks like or, like you, if I'd heard any of his songs. I just looked him up, so now I know what he looks like, but when I listened to snippets of the first six videos that came up on Google, I didn't know any of the songs.
  2. Exactly -- she didn't even make an acronym out of it, just an initialism, and then she'd still go on to immediately say the whole thing every single time. "Use a tablespoon of E-V-O-O, extra virgin olive oil ..." Abbreviations are supposed to save time! It was thoroughly annoying.
  3. She did - kids at school and on her teams - but then when she went through her bout with depression, she didn't want to do anything with anyone and eventually they quit calling. She was more comfortable with Karen, the woman who ran the bookstore, than her classmates, at that point. Then she mostly just hung out with David. This season, when Dan said he has friends he disagrees with, does she, Darlene said that wasn't a fair question, since she doesn't have friends. So she's still the loner type.
  4. I want to say the Winnipeg TS surprised me, but at this point I don't think any geography TS, especially outside the U.S., can truly be unexpected. The dog star TS did surprise me, though. Knowing that Huckleberry Finn was written Mark Twain had no place being in DJ, even at $400. I only missed three in the first round, so I was off to a much better start than last night. I missed five in DJ, and FJ was an instaget, so my perfect game remains elusive (I'd sure like to achieve that goal during Alex's tenure, but I'm running out of time), but it was still a good one.
  5. Bonnie didn't change her name (and I don't think Adam expected her to; I don't specifically recall, but they were in their 50s and he's not a sexist jerk, so I don't think he'd have made that assumption, just asked if she wanted to), just as a lot of women don't these days (not that everyone did decades ago, either), yet this trend continues on TV unabated. And it wouldn't be the last time, anyway, if a woman did, since she'd still hear her original name during the engagement period. (I know you're joking, but, as you said, it's weird, and I can't come up with a plausible reason for its ubiquity on TV.)
  6. Oh, wow - just ten minutes ago I was playing with my cat in one room while listening to an episode of Mom playing in the next room; it was the one where Adam proposed to Bonnie, and when he asked, "Bonnie Plunkett, will you marry me," I asked my cat, "Why do they [meaning guys on TV] always use the full name?"
  7. Against all odds, Chester (my parents' cat with terminal cancer) is still alive and happy. He's also lost even more weight and fur, so my mom got him a sweater today and just sent me this picture. It will mostly be for when he insists on going out in the garage with his brother (he and Bandit like to hang out there sometimes at night; I guess it's their man cave).
  8. Thanks, @rubaco, that was quite funny. I love "You dumb son of a bitch, you don't watch it 24 hours a day" and "Fuck 'em".
  9. Just paste in the URL of the tweet, and it will embed. (I don't use Twitter, so I don't know how to search for the tweet being discussed in order to post it here, but that's how you do it.)
  10. I haven't watched last night's episode (I'm a sporadic viewer), but I loved Monday's. A lot of great moments have already been noted, and another one I loved was Trevor asking why, if Democrats used their satanic powers to hand themselves the presidency, they didn't also give themselves the Senate: Because they were using the free version of Satanic Powers, and Senate control is only available on the premium version?
  11. She was posing for her best camera angle, but since she was being filmed for a whole clue's worth of reading rather than having a still photo snapped on the red carpet, it came off weird.
  12. Oh my, I had a terrible first round - I missed nearly a dozen clues! But I thoroughly redeemed myself, only missing one (Carrie Ann and Spanish Moss) in DJ and knowing FJ almost immediately. The Marley & Me TS surprised me some, as did Black Beauty (but I correctly predicted someone was going to totally ignore the year and guess Seabiscuit). Wicked surprised me in a sense, but I don't think no one knew it, I think they forgot the category. One-man band and deafening silence are two more I wasn't expecting to stump everyone.
  13. She had a year left. So, yes, they can sue for breach unless she buys herself out, but it's far more common to reach a deal so that's not necessary. She probably at least agreed not to appear on a rival network for that remaining year, but there are numerous possibilities. Based on both parties' statements when the news broke, though, they negotiated a departure agreement both are satisfied with.
  14. Oh, my - you asked me this two weeks ago about my coworker who appeared in the early days of Designed to Sell (the fakery of which made me take an even more critical look at the stories presented by HHs at the time) and I completely forgot to respond. I don't have an interesting answer, but I didn't mean to leave a direct question unaddressed, sorry (I read it, got distracted, forgot all about it, and then when seeing Sell This House while scrolling through the program guide just now had the oops realization). We were not friends outside of work, but I was at her house once and chatted about it some with her and her husband (it was a cute old house, they'd done some work, and it needed more). I had no idea she'd applied to be on the show, and by the time they taped it, we no longer worked together, so when it aired, I just happened to see it and say, "Hey!" So I did not talk directly with her about the experience, I just knew from being there and talking specifically about renovations that a lot of what was presented was inaccurate. It was so long ago, most of the details are lost to me, I just remember that things were distorted or misstated for maximum drama/suspense (as much as one can get on shows like this; it was all a bunch of little stuff). Things like having her and her husband disagree on whether to do something when I knew from talking with them in the very house they wanted to do it, but were feeling lazy and hadn't. And there was one project the VO made out to be a really big task, but I knew (had seen) the hard part had already been done by the homeowners YEARS before and never finished, so all that was left was the final, mostly cosmetic step (so, of course, that was all that was shown, as that was all that was actually done at the time). Basically, it was clear they were using the show to get free labor to do the half-assed work that, in that market, would garner far more in increased selling price than was invested in the work; this way, they invested nothing, so turned an even greater profit. (They were those type of people, but I'm not going to cry for the production company - the parties were using each other and it worked out for both.)
  15. I missed the last two weeks of episodes in favor of sports or news, and now I regret missing ten of my last chances to see Alex hosting. So tonight I took a break from football to watch. I was making it through the opening tribute, until the producer solemnly said, "This is Jeopardy," and the set went dark. Very well done. I only missed two in the first round (F1 and Conan O'Brien), but I'm not entirely sure how I did in DJ; I was distracted by a phone call for quite a few clues. Of those I heard, I got most of them, and FJ came to me quickly, so it was a great game for me.
  16. Here's a link to how Jeopardy! opened tonight: I was making it through until the set went dark.
  17. I finished the series last night, and I think I'm rather glad it didn't go on for another season. I'd have continued enjoying the music (if they could still afford it) and the flashbacks, but it feels like they intended to let Scotty get away with murder, and we'd have Lilly's awful sister* around all the time because of the baby. *The only name I dreaded seeing in the guest cast credits more than Daniel Baldwin's was Nicki Aycox's.
  18. I don't know the Thomas Rhett song (I don't want to know something called "Get Me Some Of That"), but this comment made me laugh so hard I jostled my cat off my lap: It was interesting to see the CU commentators all over the map in their analysis of the "Before He Cheats" ranking. I'm torn between Too High and the one no one chose: About Right. Too Low and So Wrong both have me scratching my head.
  19. It's touching that one of the reasons he wanted to keep working even as he got sicker was how much he loved being surrounded by the intelligence of the contestants and writers - that's what most of us love and find so comforting about the show, I'm glad it gave him such pleasure, too.
  20. The amount of time she was still working is what made me think she was in the part-time program, but I forgot the ABA got rid of its prohibition against 1Ls in the full-time program working more than 20 hours per week.
  21. I was thoroughly unimpressed with her acting at the time, so remain a bit stunned she went on to have the career she's had as an adult. The only thing I've seen her in since is Us, so I don't have a proper frame of reference, but, while she was better there she was just okay.
  22. Estelle Parsons is 93 years old; no matter what their COVID protocols are, she cannot come work on set. It would be nice to have a video chat appearance worked into an episode, though.
  23. Yuck. I don't like ground beef other than as a cheeseburger.
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