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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. But as annoyed as I've always been, I also have to - as another episode in this marathon reminded me - give props for the Pol vets' willingness to go on site/come into the clinic for an emergency call. I'm fortunate enough to live within less than 10 minutes of the nearest 24-hour veterinary hospital, and for it to be a terrific one, and to have two others within 15 and 20 minutes, respectively, in case of a tremendous back-up. (And back in the day, my primary vet would stay if the pet's condition was such that overnight monitoring was advised but transferring her/him to hospital was more stressful than necessary.) For these folks where there aren't many regular vets, never mind emergency vets, in the area, it's great that the Pol clinic is on call, and even Dr. Pol himself will haul his ass out/in if it seems time sensitive.
  2. Jimi Hendrix and seedless surprised me as TS. So did profile, but then I thought they might have been trying to put in a word in front of, rather than after, flavor. And straw hat surprised me, but some of you have made me consider they were trying to come up with something more specific and failing. I was on fire in the first round, but then missed two of the Leo and most of the Rome clues. But I was back on track in DJ, only missing Mather and Beat Shazam. And I got FJ, because I quiz myself on geography several times a year, so I'm good with capitals and locations.
  3. Holy hell, I just watched part of an old episode in which a chinchilla died on the operating table (probably because it would have anyway, possibly because the clinic generally does shit all to monitor animals while they're under anesthesia, but that's another rant) and Dr. Pol told the owner within MINUTES of talking to her in the aftermath that she should get another pet since this was her only one. Are you fucking kidding me?! Everyone is ready on their own timeline, so you don't make a declaration like that EVER, let alone while a teenager is standing in an examination room crying and trying to process. I'm so disgusted (and reminded why I rarely watch this show anymore, as I'm so often annoyed by him and/or his clients).
  4. I've been falling asleep to my season four DVDs lately, and last night watched an episode with Olivia's nanny, Mrs. Philpott (or, as Suzanne would claim, fugitive Roberta Harwood from Unsolved Mysteries). After all this time, it finally dawned on me that it's the same actor who played the older Marla in A League of Their Own. I saw and heard it plain as day this time, but had never recognized her before. Speaking of that stretch of episodes, they never address that Anthony is really quite an ass to Vanessa in the beginning; their New Year's Eve date (when Charlene goes into labor) is a set-up, it turns out she's a disaster, he doesn't want to date her. No problem. But he keeps stringing her along for a month, having sex with her, knowing she's into him, without ever telling her that (and then, of course, he decides he'll date her if he can fix her - if she gets a job, goes to school, etc.).
  5. I'm the opposite; I remember the stuff with Carter and his mom clearly, but only vaguely recall the Ella storyline. What I do distinctly remember from that is loving that Elizabeth was made up to actually look like someone with the flu, not the usual glamorized TV version of illness; she looked like shit, and I really appreciated that.
  6. She's an actor (she got her degree in Theatre from Brown), best known for her starring roles in Girlfriends (as a side note, I loved that show, and have just started re-watching it) and Black-ish, who also produces (she's co-creator of the Mixed-ish spinoff) and sings. And I think she has a hair care line. As noted, she's Diana Ross's daughter. She seems pretty cool from the little I know.
  7. Bastet

    The Judges

    Geoffrey Zakarian. (Scott Conant screwed his employees out of wages, too, but GZ is who was being discussed there.)
  8. I don't text, so when on Major Crimes they showed a text Gus sent to Rusty continuing their verbal argument from earlier, I thought it was funny that, rather than "Fine, you win; I won't take the job" being its own text, it was a reply to a totally innocuous "I'll be there around 9:00" text conversation that predated the verbal argument. But you're saying that's what most people do, so I guess I need to retroactively give them points for realism.
  9. One more reason to hate COVID-19, but the fundamental problem is how there isn't enough interest/support for shows like this in any time. I am glad to have had the experience for the time it lasted, though; I watched the original because it was there, but this reboot I truly loved (and I watch very little new fictional programming these days). At least the way we left the extended family is a positive one, and we can imagine realistically good things for everyone's futures. But, damn.
  10. When I was a kid, we had a cat named Yeager, after Chuck Yeager (because he was found at the airport). And Sam Shepard's performance of him (and Shepard and Barbara Hershey's portrayal of the marriage between Chuck and Glynnis Yeager) is one of the umpteen things I love about The Right Stuff. Reading his obituary and realizing he married a woman 35 years his junior when he was 80, I can see where his kids might have had some issues! But, hopefully she's a good person, and everyone learned to deal sometime in the last 17 years.
  11. Exactly; it's easy to understand that being too much cumulative pain for one person to survive, especially in the span of only about ten years.
  12. I'm not one of those people - I used to be, back when TVs were small, matinees were cheap, and a lot of documentaries could only be seen in theatres, but with a big ol' TV and most things being available on DVD/streaming in a timely fashion, I've long since lost the desire to see much of anything at the cinema; the last film was Halloween (2018) - but I agree.
  13. I know nothing about her (and little about him beyond the food and friendship he shared with Julia Child), but this certainly endears her to me: As does the story of how they might dance together after dinner at home - but only if Jeopardy! was over.
  14. I eat mine cold (unless it's a chicken alfredo pizza; that I prefer reheated), but otherwise, yes - Ooh, I can have pizza for breakfast is a lovely realization. And, an hour later, since I'm now sitting here finishing up my second Bloody Mary and thinking about what I want to make for breakfast, I'm wishing I'd ordered pizza last night!
  15. Just as I thought, "If I was that little girl (who'd taken care of the kittens whose momma was killed by a car), I'd be bawling at having to give them up," she started crying. I liked the shelter worker telling her she'd done a wonderful thing, and now they'd take over, and send her pictures to let her know they were doing well. Looking at their teeth while the rats were knocked out, I understand how those little suckers can be so destructive in a short period of time. Che was seriously cute, and I love how he made Dr. B. laugh with his "don't examine me, pet me" antics. Baby's owner was so scared when she brought him in, I'm glad that worked out so well. Nice to have the person who initially saved Baby there to see him reunited with his mom. The two Yorkies with bad knees were cute together. It's interesting that sutures were the cause of the problem for one of them. Did one of them have a bad front leg, too? I just caught a glimpse of the final segment with them running around at home, and at first I thought one was a tripod, but then it looked like a front leg they weren't putting weight on.
  16. I dislike most movies focused on romantic love and most holiday films, so odds are it will not be my cup of tea, but the cast makes me think I should give it a try. I haven't gotten around to it in nearly 20 years, though - maybe some day.
  17. Equal rights. Where are you getting the "no" from? I've only ever seen this as won by a nose (one by a knows).
  18. Oh dear, two bow ties! I can't believe no one even guessed the Constitution. No one knowing the meaning of homo sapiens also surprised me. Canny was a bit surprising as a TS, too, but I bet if they'd had more time - or been on their couch instead of on the stage - at least one contestant would have come up with it. I didn't know any of the duets in DJ, and just kept on stinking up the joint - I probably missed half. Just a horrible round for me, which wiped out the fact I'd only missed a few in the first round. And then I didn't get FJ, either.
  19. Probably Johnny Moore, since he co-wrote it.
  20. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    My absolute favorite of McKay's many quotable moments. I'm also quite fond of Jim Mora saying "diddly poo". (Yes, even more than "Playoffs?!") That whole tirade was fantastic, but "diddly poo" makes it art.
  21. I feel the same way - I think that commercial is funny, but having a pet as one of the things someone forgets is on top of their car ruins the whole thing.
  22. A beard is one thing. I hate facial hair, and think he, like everyone, looked a lot better without it altogether, but the beard he used to have is a look that just happens to not be my cup of tea. Whatever feral thing is growing out of his face these days is something else and there's nothing about the pandemic that - unlike people being unable to get their hair professionally cut - prohibits him from taming it. It does accurately reflect his getting stoned in the driveway of his girlfriend's father's house he lives in, no future in sight, attitude. But he looks so awful I'm almost distracted from his funny lines. Only almost, though - they're perfectly delivered, so I stay present.
  23. Other than his Niagara Falls answer, I never heard Fred as any louder than the others. He just had a deliberate way of speaking. And a bow tie, and I have a completely irrational aversion to anyone wearing a bow tie with anything other than a tuxedo. But good for him. Class was a truly stunning TS for me; Marx & Mao (so, in the most general terms, communism) = ___ struggle and not one of three J! contestants knows it's class? Biplane, Pullman, and notwithstanding were also clues I was not expecting to stump them all, but that one was on an extra level. I wouldn't have accepted Alaskan since the clue specified "this state". I think reading comprehension/paying attention is part of the game's challenge. I had only a so-so game, missing about half a dozen in each round, but I knew FJ instantly.
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