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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. I don't know the Super Troopers guys either, and I've only had KFC once - it's fried chicken, so how bad can it be, but I didn't get overly excited by the secret recipe of eleven herbs and spices. And I wouldn't eat those sides (I hate potatoes, and only like a little bit of corn when on or fresh off the cob, not drowned in all that butter). Hating potatoes, I wasn't as into the remix round as I usually am, but I still appreciated the technical skill. I'd have tried Justin's and eaten Jeremy's but just skipped the gnocchi. Kristen's I'd have nibbled at, but I'm glad she won. Again. She's fantastic.
  2. Ron Funches was another celebrity guest I wasn't familiar with, I've never eaten at Wendy's, and that chicken sandwich he called upon is pretty much everything why I would never order one; it's fine, but nothing to get excited about, so I'm not spending the money/calories I allot to eating out on something so basic. LOL at the one who made the worst chicken sandwich - the dryness, the flatness - winning the first round, because it was the closest to the fast food version. I am always in favor of that in the first round; if it's going to be about replicating a mass-produced comfort food, then the closest approximation, not the best dish, needs to win - especially when it requires the chefs to cook in a way they would normally not do. I hate beans, so I wouldn't eat Kristen's remix dish, but, as always, I am impressed by that round. Like with Justin winning with something that sounds great, yet also somehow evokes the flavors of the fast food dish when I would just throw up my hands and say it's impossible. "It seems like you're a crazy person, who doesn't know what you're doing, and then I bite it, and you do!"
  3. Unless there's something wrong with the drawer, all you need to do is level the dresser with shims. The old-fashioned wood ones are simple and cheap.
  4. I cannot hear it without thinking of Beaches, when C.C. performs "Otto Titsling" ("he had invented the world's first over the shoulder boulder holder"). The result of this swindle is pointedly clear Do you buy a Titsling or do you buy a Brassiere?
  5. They can be social workers, but aren't exclusively; they deal with at-risk students (it's a common role in special education programs, but is not limited to that), advising them and their parents, connecting them with available resources, monitoring the services provided to them, etc.
  6. Sure, but one of the things I like about the show is that we're supposed to hate Cagney when she acts that way. She was written and acted as an incredibly flawed and in fact problematic person, someone who would die for Mary Beth without a second thought but who is on a day-to-day basis not as good a partner to Mary Beth as Mary Beth is to her, and often not much of a friend. The job is her entire identity (and that's all tied up in her idolization of her equally-problematic father), while Mary Beth likes the job and takes pride in it, but takes a more pragmatic view of it (especially for the benefits it provides, a necessity given Harvey's sporadic/self employment) and could be equally happy doing something else. So Christine is highly unlikable at times, in a way female characters were rarely allowed to be then, but she's written and performed with the dimension and nuance necessary for us to understand her; to be angry with her at one turn and cheering her on the next. And Mary Beth is written and performed with the dimension and nuance to rise far above the "straight man" role; she's not a long-suffering saint or a fool, but someone who makes a practical evaluation of what she will and will not accept. Their partnership is never held up as perfect, nor is it supposed to be good that a cop employing Cagney's style - which is, again, largely owing to Charlie's example, more in line with the typical way of doing things (which, of course, being a male-dominated paramilitary organization, is not the best way, just the accepted way) - gets more attention, kudos, and acceptance than a cop employing Mary Beth's style. We see the problems with that reality, when most cops shows just celebrated it.
  7. I cannot believe Lisa thought Forest Whitaker played LBJ! By which I mean I literally cannot believe anyone would think that, so she must not have paid attention to the clue, and just registered the film, ignoring the role. The Moscow TS was a bit surprising; it's the $200 clue, go ahead and guess Moscow. I almost ran the first round, but I missed a dinosaur (the TS) and a number (the Passover one). In DJ, I did better than I typically do in Opera, which is to say I only missed three. I only ran the add a letter category, but I only missed one each in the others. FJ was an instaget, so it was a very good game for me despite the dreaded opera category.
  8. I didn't read every single one of her books (I wasn't into the First Love series), but I'm sure I came close. Definitely every Ramona and Ralph S. Mouse book. Probably most of the Henry Huggins books. Ellen, Socks, Ribsy ... Beverly Cleary brought me many hours of enjoyment as a kid.
  9. In addition to his work, I will always remember Larry McMurtry for speaking this truth decades ago: "Powerful, rich, talented, intelligent women always make men angry."
  10. Becky has gone through a lot of shit since her 13-year-old self thought flunking lab and bringing her Biology grade down from an A to a C was the stuff of terrible nightmares. And since an already-dead frog being "hacked up" would be one of the worst things she'd seen. Even if she's still opposed, she doesn't have the same luxury of protest she had back then; the academic performance stakes are much higher now.
  11. I don't think she understands Spanish in general, though, so I don't think she knows what he asked his son; administración and burócrata are not hard to figure out, but she didn't react at all to bruja. And Winnie Davis does not strike me as someone who'll let "Who is this witch?" pass by (and good for her). (Eduardo starts off by asking "¿Quines esta bruja?" and Dr. Morales answers, "Administración. Burócrata.") When Eduardo looks at her afterward, her face plays to me like continued confusion and annoyance that the two Moraleses are still hanging around Electronics, with bureaucrat not being the type of thing that bugs her. If she knew about witch, though, I think we'd have seen something in her face at the time, and I especially think she'd have had a great parting shot as she left. That's what I do when people talk about me in a language they think I don't understand; I let it hang for a bit, and then I nail them. I've always wished that had happened in the scene. Sure, she's the adversary, but Sharon - who Andy once drew as the Wicked Witch - would have enjoyed her having the last word over that particular thing. Yep, Stephanie Courtney. She's been in a lot of things other than the commercials, and I think she's pretty good.
  12. I feel bad for the newbies; they're inevitably going to get compared to the ones we miss at first. So I won't pile on, other than to say seeing Titus with someone other than Dan just feels wrong. I was so sure we hadn't seen Dan in previews because they were holding him back as a surprise (since he's such a fan favorite). But then a friend told me about a week ago he finally said on Twitter that he won't be appearing "short of any cameo". Love seeing Holly as a boss (I knew she'd been promoted, but it's really cool to actually see her doing the job). Her compassion is the same as it's ever been; she's so understanding of people doing the best they can in shitty situations (e.g. mental illness), and here the way she applauded the woman who recognized she just couldn't win over her addiction, so she was going to give her kids a better life, was more of the same. The drugged-up patient's mama thumping on his head when he wouldn't act right was cracking me up, but I also really feel for her helplessness and frustration. Shaq was really good with that woman in such intense abdominal pain, and with the little girl who'd had a seizure (and her mom). I liked all the new peeps, and look forward to more of the Lindsay and Janette pairing, but I think Shaq might become a new favorite the fastest.
  13. I'm going to be watching something else at 7:00, so I just "played" via the archive. The bias TS was surprising. Colorado River and Newport Jazz Festival a bit, too. I ran the first round other than technology, and I'm pretty sure I'd have ran that category, too, if I was watching and could see the pictures (just like I'm giving myself credit for finch, because I'm sure if I'd seen the photo, I'd have known it). In DJ, though, I bombed gods and goddesses (the only one I knew was the TS Pele) and missed three in TV locales. I also missed one each in Civil War and chemical romance. The only categories I ran were public transportation and vocabulary. I correctly guessed FJ.
  14. He was so great as J.D. As I said in the Celebrity Deaths thread, while I feel sorry for Jean and their son and all who loved him, my heart aches a little extra for their daughter; she's just 13, and that's a particularly rough age to lose a parent. Annie Potts posted on Instagram with a picture from the DW set and said:
  15. 1. No eyebrows. Hey, it works for Whoopi Goldberg. You said we couldn't groom the unibrow if we picked one, but didn't say we couldn't draw on fake eyebrows if we picked none, so - no eyebrows. Then if it bothers me not to have them, I can fake it. (Which I doubt I would bother doing; my mom has no eyebrows due to her chemo drug, and I never even notice it anymore.) 2. Free flights. I don't eat out very often, and, while I don't fly terribly frequently, either, I fly first class, so flying for free would save me a lot more money than eating for free. Of course, all of this assumes the day comes when I feel safe doing either one again. 3. Always say what I'm thinking. Sure, that means some things would come out at inappropriate times, and, unfortunately, means some insults are going to come out that I would prefer to keep as an internal scream, but it's not like I go around thinking offensive things and would be outed as a bigot by this option. It's not great, but never being able to speak my mind sounds like my own personal hell, so I'd rather deal with the consequences of saying everything I think.
  16. That's sad. I only "know" him from Designing Women and a couple of TV movies, but I've only ever heard great things about Jean Smart, so I figure if she married him he's a nice guy. Their son is grown, but their daughter is just barely a teenager. I feel sorry for all of them, and everyone else who loved him, but that's a particularly rough age to lose a parent.
  17. Rebel went into production some time ago, and has been a go for a lesser but still substantial time; all along, the producers of this show have said they'll work around her primary shooting schedule rather than writing Louise out. So - Louise will be fine, and we'll still see her occasionally on this show (which is all I care to see; she's fine, but I don't miss her when she's not there). I forgot there was a new episode tonight, so I missed almost the entire first half. Maybe I missed stuff that makes me less annoyed, but: Dan is an idiot trying to take care of a COVID patient who is doing just fine on her own when he'll come back home to breathe on umpteen people, but it's typical of his personality. Piss on Dan raking Darlene over the coals; this whole fucking family has repeatedly been irresponsible in terms of COVID exposure, so "you and I are never talking again" if she happened to be the one among the idiots who got Louise sick had me damn near throwing my drink at the TV (but, of course, I wouldn't waste a drink). Seriously: "My girlfriend has COVID, and my daughter may have given it to her"? Yeah, as could any one of you, because you are all idiots; it's lucky you're not all sick. I know losing Roseanne affects Dan's mindset, but this was some crap. Neville cannot go away soon enough for me; I have not forgotten/will not forget he's one of those guys who won't accept a woman's clearly stated lack of interest. But he's the victim, afraid of what she'll say or do? This is more crap. Again, I'll watch the whole thing online tomorrow to fill in the big gap, but I rather hate everyone tonight.
  18. As others have said, the poetry TS was quite surprising. Effectively: What literary form would a poet write in defense of? Um, is this a trick question? They can't have all three been unaware Shelley was a poet, so maybe they thought it was too obvious an answer, but in the $400 slot that's not a clue that should have gone unanswered. (Maybe it seemed higher-valued because they got to it late in the game? I don't know; I am seriously puzzled by this one.) That oddity aside, a good game. I sat here in complete silence for the entire Nebula Awards (which I've never heard of) category; sci-fi is not my thing. I missed one or two each in most other first-round categories, too - the only ones I ran were problems and ME. I almost ran songs, and should have; when the Cuban missile crisis answer was revealed, I told my cat, "Oh, duh." Oh, well; I'm in good company on that one as it was a TS. I rebounded in DJ, when I ran everything but essays and bodies of water (almost, but I could not pull Beaufort out of my brain in time), and only missed three total. FJ was nearly (I wasn't sure it was that old) an instaget, so after a rough start I had a decent game.
  19. Here's the source material for the Sherri Shepherd interview People summarized, with the video of her comments in full. It's worth the 2-1/2 minute watch.
  20. Oh, good, then we're in the right forum to discuss it. I hadn't seen it when it was first posted about here, but that Kohl's commercial where the girl draws a hopscotch course on the sidewalk and sits on her front steps to see who uses it has been airing during a lot of things I watch the past few days, and it cheers me up every time. The guy delivering packages is my favorite, but I like everyone's reactions, and the girl's reactions to them. Quite a few people in my and nearby neighborhoods have been creating sidewalk chalk art during the pandemic, and I saw a hopscotch course during one walk. I wonder if there will be an increase in those following the commercial.
  21. She's nowhere near young enough for it to be pedophilia (that refers to sexual attraction to children, not teenagers [basically, pre-pubescent]), but I thought they were teenagers until Flo started talking to him about renter's insurance and realized they're supposed to be young adults. On closer look, I see that with the guy and the friend, but the woman with a crush still looks like a teenage girl to me. She only put them back on when Flo interrupted him and she figured it wasn't going to happen; I'm sure she wouldn't have if he'd finished coming up to her. And I have the same negative reaction to that as @Browncoat It plays like OMG, the hot guy is coming towards me, I gotta take these glasses off. Oh, never mind, my shot is ruined, glasses back on. Miss me with that, Progressive.
  22. Yes. The first two seasons and most of season three are some of the best television ever made. And the ending of season three leaves Maddie and David's relationship in a good place without forcing them into something they're not; I love to imagine them continuing to make and break pacts. Season four is a hateful, petty, punitive mess spawned by Glenn Gordon Caron's resentments, and season five is what happens when everyone - including the audience - is fucking over it all; the writer's strike meant an extended wait between seasons four and five, GGC got shown the door but other backstage problems remained and they still couldn't get episodes out on time, and season four had done so much damage there just wasn't any saving it - 13 episodes later, the show limped off the air. But, oh, those glorious first few years. That was some fantastically sharp, witty, and sexy television.
  23. Yeah, I'm not sure which recording it is, since there have been several, but it's definitely an existing version, not a slowed-down version for the commercial, as I've heard it many times before.
  24. Right, but, first of all, the fact she has breasts under that uniform is enough for some to think her body is theirs to ogle, and she doesn't walk around dressed in that uniform in real life, so way too many guys salivating over pictures of her as Milanya felt free to make numerous, detailed, objectifying, disgusting comments about her and to her.
  25. I grew up eating fresh-caught catfish from the California Delta when visiting family who had a cabin and boat there, and it was delicious. But the few times I ordered it anywhere, I didn't like it.
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