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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. That's why many U.S. tourist attractions and other public locations with lots of international visitors put those signs above the toilets now.
  2. Holy crap, that fantastic! I still haven't watched the other few reunions I downloaded, but methinks I will make time for this one much sooner. Poor Marika; she lost her entire family at a far younger age than that should happen. First her dad, then her sister, then her mom, all in less than ten years. I hope she's doing well, and I hope she enjoys reminiscing with some of the people who loved her dad. I'm glad Maureen Garrett is doing this. I mean, I figured, but back in the day she didn't like talking in depth about losing him as it hurt so much and she's very private. And, of course, Sherry Stringfield - what respect it shows for this to be the reason she revisits GL. This is causing me feelings just by existing. It has been so long, I don't remember where I came across this, but I love this picture of Maureen and Zas way back when:
  3. I don't eat corned beef and cabbage, either. I like cabbage, but not corned beef. I went a little crazy at the seafood market yesterday (which matches the fact I went, well, nuts at the nut bins a couple of weeks ago, bringing home almonds, walnuts, peanuts, and pistachios, but at least nuts last a long time), so I'll be eating a lot of seafood. Last night I made fish tacos with Alaskan halibut, today's lunch was a mixed greens salad with shrimp, avocado, feta, walnuts, and balsamic dressing, and tonight I'm going to do something with scallops. Maybe au gratin. Tomorrow night I'm going to take a seafood break and roast tri-tip I've been marinating. After that, I'll have jumbo shrimp, Dungeness crab, and jumbo squid to use. Yum. Right now, I'm thinking shrimp scampi, crab cakes, and some sort of stuffed squid, but we'll see as the week goes on.
  4. I love Parker because she gives him a gallon jug as a side of ranch. I also like the line delivery on "You're the man, man".
  5. I've tried a couple of new things that tempted me in the Costco deal book lately, and liked both of them. Amylu chicken breakfast sausage. Very flavorful, and not dry (like chicken sausage can be). And a wonderfully simple ingredient list: organic chicken, sea salt, organic spices, vinegar, organic parsley, water, organic extract of rosemary. Pretty healthy other than the sodium content (but still on the low end for sausage). Beyond what's at Costco, the brand has a bunch of others that sound good, so the next time I can motivate myself to go to Whole Foods (the only listed retailer I have near me) I'll have to see which ones they carry. I mostly get raw sausage that's made in-house at a local butcher shop or Sprouts, but it's nice to have a good pre-cooked option sometimes, and I liked Amylu even better than Papa Cantella's. Thumb's up! Sonoma Gourmet kale pesto with white cheddar pasta sauce. It's jarred pasta sauce, and a jarred creamy pasta sauce at that, so it's only going to be so good. But, while most aren't even edible to me, this was. It has a tang to it that's a bit odd in that I can't figure out what ingredient it's coming from, but I liked it well enough. Not as good as Rao's - the only other jarred pasta sauce I've liked - but I'm glad I tried it.
  6. Right. They have offensive content that parents may not want their kids to see or, most likely, want to discuss the context and meaning of rather than just having kids blindly click on. So there's an alert to that fact. The horror?
  7. I would normally say the owner of a 20-pound cat who eats anything and everything it can get its paws on needs to have poor kitty's blood sugar checked, but it sounds like this is a longstanding thing and he's just a big 'ol Maine Coon who likes food. The Captain Morgan TS surprised me a bit because of the rum hint (the only reason I got it). Stomping ground beef initially surprised me, but I think those Before & After clues are probably pretty hard under game conditions. Wasn't John Wayne known as The Duke, rather than Duke? I am not a fan, but even I know that. Maybe he was also known as Duke, but I've never heard that. I missed two each in abbreviations and pop culture and was as stumped as the contestants by rankle, but got everything else in the first round. In DJ, I only missed two each in lit and Grant Wood plus one lab. But I hate war history, so I'm pretty bad at it, and joined the contestants in being stumped by FJ.
  8. The A&E promo confirms it's a mixture of old and new as far as who's featured. Holly, Keeley, and Titus are shown in clips. I hope Dan and Nick are included, too.
  9. Once I heard Mary McDonnell has a recurring role in this, I planned to watch (at least her episodes). Now that I've seen the trailer, I'm in just on general principle - looks promising! I watch at least part of Erin Brockovich every time I come across it on TV. I'm a civil rights lawyer, and I love the rare times projects focus on the legal work, advocacy, and client interaction performed by non-lawyers. They're warriors, too!
  10. I don't think so. We see Sophia tell Rose (right after she and Blanche had agreed never to tell anyone), but when Dorothy comes home the conversation is all about Glen. Cut to that night, when Dorothy can't sleep thinking about his proposal, and that's when Sophia references Dorothy's response to Sophia's confession. The conversation itself was not shown.
  11. Thankfully, both diapers and tampons/pads/sponges/cups are exempt from sales tax here in CA. Because, yeah, they are necessities. And a hell of a lot more so than, say, Pop Tarts and marshmallows. Or magazines. And those are just some grocery store examples of what is exempt from sales tax in some states. Then there are things like BINGO supplies. (An attorney advocating for adding menstrual supplies to necessities lists nationwide studied the tax codes of all 50 states, uncovering all manner of things states have deemed necessities for sales tax purposes that aren't remotely as necessary as menstrual products.) It's not just groceries and medicine on the exemption list to begin with, and even in states that don't tax medical and health supplies, most of them exclude menstrual supplies from that category. How are they different from other medical and health supplies? Gee, let me ponder that. Right now the CA exemption only last for two years (it's part of the budget bill), but hopefully it will be made part of sales tax law. Along with toilet paper. That's a necessity, too! (Gee, I guess states are swimming in all that extra income generated by TP hoarding last year.)
  12. I was rooting for Emily not just because she's @UYI's friend and UYI is good peeps, but because her last name - even though pronounced with a long O rather than like a pig - made me think of Charlene's "My mother was a Hogg" story at the disastrous dinner with Bill's family on Designing Women. Good game, even though Dave ran away with it in the second half. But several TS surprised me to some degree tonight, with the biggest one being underpass. Others I didn't expect to go unanswered: stratosphere, 10 days, bulb, and Maui (I'd have figured at least one of the three had heard of a Maui onion, and seeing Hawaii in the clue would make them think of it; no one getting it just based on good for onion rings and coming into season in spring, that I wouldn't think twice about). The overwrought DD did seem to go on longer than normal. I thought perhaps it just seemed to because I'd already answered it before Katie stopped reading, but I see others have commented as well, so it's not just me who perceived it that way. I ran the first round. In DJ, I ran over/under, veto, and films, and only missed one each in the other categories (yes, including religious observances!), so I had a great game. I know very little about opera, but a fair bit about journalism, so I approached FJ by thinking of longstanding European (because I figured that's the part of the world J! would go to without specifying anything beyond "foreign") newspapers and as I rattled them off in my head checked to see if any sounded like something related to opera. I ran out of ones I like, switched to ones I don't, and, boom - Le Figaro. Knowing there's a "Figaro, Figaro, Figaro" opera song, I figured that had to be right. Kind of a Bugs Bunny way of getting there, but get there I did. Good for me.
  13. Jennifer Garner and Jennifer Aniston both seem so very ordinary to me (which I don't mean as a criticism, but that they come off as just sort of there like anyone else, living a harmless life) I barely even notice their commercials, never mind find anything annoying about them.
  14. In another thread, @WinnieWinkle asked about non-tiramisu recipes that use mascarpone. Food and Wine has an article called "23 Mascarpone Recipes That Have Nothing to Do With Tiramisu" (as one who likes mascarpone but not tiramisu, this amuses me). Lots of sweets, of course, but some entrees, too. The shrimp fettucine sounds good. And the pasta with mushrooms and mascarpone sounds wonderfully indulgent.
  15. @WinnieWinkle, I'm going to answer in the I Need a Recipe thread, because my answers aren't for lazy cooks.
  16. Why would that not have counted? That's what they're called -- buffalo nickels or Indian head nickels (because one side had the head of a Native American and the other an American bison). From the Buffalo Nickel page on Wikipedia:
  17. 1. Shoes. I love clothes, but I love shoes even more. 2. Cartwheels. Both would be dumb, but at least the latter would be fun (especially because in this magical universe I can do a cartwheel, which I can't do in the real one). Plus, exercise. 3. Bathroom floor. I mean, I don't shit on it, and I clean it regularly (whereas I only clean my trash can if something goes wrong, and you specified a dirty trash can), so what's the big deal? I don't go around licking my floors, but if for some reason I had to take a one-time lick off a floor only my cat and I walk around on? Fine.
  18. My parents' bedroom (in a house built in the early '60s) has an attached bathroom, and there's first an open area with two vanities (across from each other, so these "we need two!" HHs would drool at all the cabinet and counter space each person has to themselves) and then an area behind a door that has the toilet and shower. We are not at all germ focused in my family, so no one has ever cared that there's a door between the toilet and sink.
  19. I found it odd the first round DD ("this 1913 coin with a Native American design") was just nickel rather than buffalo nickel. I was a bit surprised by the Gwyneth Paltrow TS (I had no idea she'd won an Emmy, but Shakespeare in Love was all I needed, since her Oscar win is kind of notorious - and was in the news again semi-recently due to Glenn Close commenting on it in an interview - so I'm surprised no one even guessed her). Psychosomatic going unanswered also surprised me. Lori's reaction to winning was great. I got all the leaders, coins, Briticisms, and nicknames, and all but one Oscar & Emmy winner in the first round, but only two children's lit characters. In DJ, I actually knew one mythology clue (Cassandra - thank you, Scream 2 🙂) and figured out two more; impressive, given my ignorance of most things religion/mythology. I ran the rivers, medicine, -atic, and first-third categories, and got all but one song (the one that stumped them stumped me too, but at least one of us really ought to have correctly guessed even without knowing the song). I have zero interest in James Bond books/films, but I've picked up a lot of the titles via cultural osmosis. I don't think I'd have figured out FJ under game conditions, but here at home I did just in time. And now I'm off to listen to Carly Simon sing the theme song. In fact, I think her boxed set will be the soundtrack to the rest of my night; I love her voice.
  20. Interesting. I've somehow missed the ads, and had only seen Vrbo written, never heard it said. I assumed it was pronounced like it's written - "verbo". But just a few days ago, I heard someone mention it in an interview, and she pronounced it as an initialism rather than an acronym. So I thought I'd been assuming wrong all this time.
  21. I've been sitting here contemplating what to make with pork chops tonight, and I think I'm going to go with a butternut squash "pancake" (it just looks like one) with mozzarella and sage. And a bitter greens salad with some sort of vinaigrette.
  22. I liked it from the beginning, but I find season one quite different than what it became, so I'd suggest at least starting on season two before deciding whether or not to continue.
  23. It's pretty common for a litter to have more than one father, as most females mate with more than one male during each heat cycle. As your bit of trivia for the day, I'll share what I remember from looking this up as a curious kid, wondering why litter mates often bore no resemblance to each other (and this was pre-internet, so that curiosity required commitment): It's called superfecundation - two or more eggs from the same heat cycle being fertilized by sperm from different males. In fact, it's possible - but rare - for every kitten in a litter to come from a different father. It happens with dog litters, too, but is more common in cats.
  24. Gopher snake was a bit surprising as a TS. Same with shortsightedness. The Andy Reid TS and Katie's "Not football fans?" took me back to that notorious incident where an entire football category went unanswered. Katie's shirt came through as purple to me, as I was admiring the color. (Definitely a purple on the grey end of its spectrum, but purple, not silver.) I love wearing a deep purple blouse or shoes with light grey slacks, so was imagining that shirt and my favorite dark purple peep-toe pumps with dark grey or black slacks I ran ferris wheels, cartels, and snakes & ladders in the first round. I should have run the B category, but couldn't get coxcomb out in time. The other categories, I missed two each. In DJ, I got all the cities, losers, and 16-letter words, but I was terrible with the constellation clues, missing three. I also missed two "of" clues and Bruno Mars. I had no idea on FJ, and would have bet zero based on the category, but when the correct response was revealed, I had an oh, of course reaction. I don't know how long it would have taken me to scroll through my mental rolodex of insects to get to butterfly and have the "Oh, butterfly effect - that must be it" light bulb moment, though -- far longer than the show gives, that's for sure.
  25. I got it from a Deborah Madison cookbook; the cilantro and chard soup recipe is hers, and she credits Diana Kennedy with coming up with the noodle nests. I'll post the recipe for the nests that go with 4-6 servings of the cilantro and chard soup so you see the concept, and then of course you could use a different cheese and/or herb with other soups (it's a neat way to, as I said, add texture and substance when you want to beef up a light, thin soup): 2 eggs, separated 3 ounces (1-3/4 cups) uncooked fine egg noodles (e.g. fideos or capellini) 1/3 cup grated Monterey Jack cheese 2 T chopped cilantro sea salt peanut oil for frying Beat the egg whites until they hold firm peaks, then stir in the yolks, noodles, cheese, and cilantro. Season to taste with salt, then work the mixture with your hands (or a spoon, but I think it needs hands) well until it's pretty much homogenous. It will look rather dry and quite stiff. Heat enough oil in a skillet over medium-high heat to float the noodles (about 1/3-inch thick). Divide up (just eyeball it) the noodle mixture into 4 or 6 portions (depending on how many portions of soup you'll be dishing up). When the oil is hot, drop the nests in and fry about a minute, flip, and fry about another minute, until golden on each side. Drain on paper towels. (You can make them ahead of time.) When your soup is in its final simmer stage, add the nests to the pot for the final 10 minutes. When ladling the soup, serve with one nest per bowl. If you're not going to serve all the soup at once, you can still make and store everything together, but I find it better (in retaining the appropriate texture of the nests) to only add in however many nests you'll be serving; store the remaining nests separately from the remaining soup in the refrigerator. When you reheat soup, do it on the stove with the appropriate number of nests. (Or you can do it in the microwave; again, this is just what I think comes out best, not what's necessary.) If anyone wants the chard and cilantro soup recipe, it was posted verbatim from the book with Madison's permission here. (The nest recipe is there, too.)
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