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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. This man was told he came off as unapproachable based on specific isolating behaviors - taking over a faculty lounge as his office because the office good enough for all previous holders of his position wasn't big enough for him and closing its door to anyone who didn't have an appointment for even the quickest question. That's quite different than the woman being told she came off unapproachable because of the natural shape of her face.
  2. That has to be what happened; there's no way none of the three recognized that as a space shuttle, so they must have been trying to come up with which specific shuttle was first (Columbia). I thought the hunter-gatherer clue was too easy for a DD in DJ. In the first round, I missed Cards Against Humanity (never heard of it), but got everything else. In DJ, I joined the contestants in being stumped by Roughing It and cargo cults, and I also didn't know Flavian or Book of the Dead, but was otherwise still on fire (thanks in part to several lucky guesses). And FJ was an instaget. So, while the perfect game still eludes me, I'm off to a great start this week.
  3. Sounds right up my alley; what did you put in it? I killed off the last of my miến gà soup for lunch, and I think I'll go Vietnamese for dinner, too. Initially, I was leaning towards bún thịt nướng (a cold vermicelli noodle dish), but that's a lot of noodles in one day. @biakbiak mentioning bánh xèo put that in my head, but that's kind of a pain for one. So bún thịt nướng it is. I think.
  4. I'm all caught up now. I'm the one person in L.A. who doesn't think In-N-Out is anything to get excited about (the burgers are good but not great and I can't even stomach the fries) and I find James Van Der Beek a bit creepy, but I still loved the remix round. It is truly astounding the things they can make that readily evoke the taste of one thing while being something completely different. I enjoy watching the celebrity guests' minds being blown in that round, and am envious of them being able to eat the food - I'm mighty impressed just looking at it.
  5. I don't like her, either. "No, that is not my boy." Fool, please. The father was wrong in what he did, and he was as worried about Eric's inevitable future attack "ruining" them as he was about whoever the victim of that attack was going to be, but he was right when he said, "Your little boy was a monster". I felt sorry for Kim, the daughter/sister caught in the middle of a mess she didn't have a hand in creating, but the rest of the Riley family can get stuffed. And Kim needs to move far away; her mom was in such denial when Eric was alive, now that he's dead, she's probably going to build a shrine to him in his old room and babble on every day about how unfairly persecuted her baby boy was.
  6. I find myself dismayed Tom Skerritt never made a guest appearance on ER; we needed Viper in the mix, too.
  7. Yeah, what is with women today, thinking they can walk around in public without first removing all their body hair and arranging their faces into pleasant expressions? And they're all just so damn sensitive. My stars, next they'll be complaining they should be paid fairly.
  8. He's dumping Gatorade on himself, like players do to their coach after a big win. Vitale is a sports commentator, so he spends his whole audition saying things he'd say in that context, but which make no sense in talking about insurance. The final, most absurd, act is doing the Gatorade shower. I love the female casting agent's reaction to it.
  9. I hadn't seen that one, so I just searched for it (and cracked up at "Oh, thunderation!"), and he says, "To the northern lot, where there be parking spaces as big as whales".
  10. It's been so long I can't remember when I learned it was a slur, but maybe 15 years ago or so is when there was general awareness - that's around the time Little People, Big World premiered and got some press attention.
  11. That is not a suggestion she should be subjected to, especially at work, nor should her voicing her experience be dismissed as whining. Or he could just say dwarf or little person; there's no need to make something up, simply avoid using a slur. It's not hard.
  12. I'm glad to hear that in-person reaction to the episode was more positive than all the pearl-clutching online. Unrelated to HH, this from Brian about Lori and Geli's TV preferences cracked me up: “These two like to watch murder shows, and it makes me really nervous.”
  13. Anything to get people to learn the difference between vagina and vulva, because way too many say vagina when they're referring to the vulva. I swear, we need a nationwide reprinting and distribution of Our Bodies, Ourselves. Like how the phone book used to just appear on our doorsteps. Back to commercials, I finally saw the new Haribo commercial where kid voices come out of adult mouths. I cannot believe they made a sequel. The first one is still the worst, but this one is terrible, too.
  14. Oh, you are so lucky that you have successfully avoided exposure to him. No, that's how he pronounces it (which is why that's how others are referring to him).
  15. Great news; I'd have been going out of my mind in Lady Gaga's situation, and being so far away would make it harder somehow. What a relief for her, and I bet the third dog is happy to have her buddies back. Now I hope investigators can trace back from who turned them in to figure out who shot someone to steal them. From the way he fought to protect them just as he did himself, how he let those calling 911 know two dogs had been stolen in addition to him being shot, and how he had the third dog - who ran over to him where he fell after being shot - cradled to him until she could be safely removed, I have no doubt of this.
  16. Interesting bit of trivia, thank you. I hate any neck that feels like it is strangling me, so it's easy to tell front from back in my shirts (v-neck is my favorite; I also like scoop, square, and surplice, but get crew and turtle away from me!), but I'm sometimes open to boatneck, so if I ever have one where I can't tell front from back, I'll know to check the side tag (which is where I prefer tags to be, although I usually remove them all unless I figure I won't remember how an item should be washed).
  17. I'm surprised (and a little disturbed) 51 was a TS. Slave and blackball I also would not have predicted to stump them all. But another good game, although I was rooting for Syed to continue his comeback and win the whole thing. I could have sat here until I died and not come up with Magic: The Gathering or Shiva, but with more time I'd have come up with Oxford. Those were my three misses in the first round -- if I don't count the baseball nicknames category, all of which I knew, but half of which I couldn't get out of my mouth before Syed answered so quickly; he dominated the hell out of that category. In DJ, I was terrible in opera, missing three, and even worse in Large & in Charge, not knowing any and only correctly guessing one (Jabba the Hutt). But I ran the other categories. FJ took some thinking, but I got it in time. I'll have to go back and look, but I feel like that happened several times this week.
  18. Douche is not a useful product. In fact, it can be a harmful product. The vagina is self cleaning, and needs its natural flora to maintain proper acidity; spraying douche into it messes with that, increasing the risk for infection and worse. Wash the vulva (with warm water [and a mild soap if desired]), but leave the vagina alone.
  19. Good point - there are ice cream pizzas. And there's the "pizookie" which is a giant chocolate chip cookie made like a deep dish pizza, and topped with ice cream. So those of us who picked pizza could still get an ice cream fix.
  20. I went ahead and watched a couple more, and even without drinks I liked the next episodes better. (Even though I'd happily eat those hot dogs in the first episode, but would say no thanks to an egg McMuffin or Domino's pizza.) The remix round in the egg McMuffin episode made me wish I didn't hate egg yolks so much, because those dishes all looked and sounded so interesting, but I wouldn't be able to eat any of them. I don't like Bobby Lee, but I loved how excited he was by the food. Kristen blinding GaTa with science in the Hawaiian pizza episode was funny. I wasn't familiar with him before this, but he's attractive. Funny, too. I can surely understand not wanting to make something that tastes like Domino's, but that's what the copycat round is about, so I was on Justin's side in that one and thus loved the "Are you sure you don't work for Domino's?" reaction. Like the previous two, the remix round in the pizza episode was great - it is just so interesting what they do with the flavors. It's that round that makes the show watchable despite the cheesy stuff.
  21. The infamous football category, when all three just stood there like bumps on logs while crickets chirped in the background. And a civil war literature category, but I don't remember that one.
  22. I wish this was airing on MTV, rather than a streaming service I don't have (and, no, am not signing up for; I can't with all this shit - there are too many), as I'd like to see the OGs together again. I love this: "This is going to sound racist, but-" "Then don't say it."
  23. I wasn't sure about this, as I almost never eat fast food, so I wouldn't have any connection to the things being made, but I love Kristen (don't remember Jeremy and only vaguely recognize Justin), so figured I'd give it a try. About one minute in to the first episode, when she goes to head for the kitchen after explaining the concept, and says, "I'm stuck. And I'm drunk," and someone else says "Great start," I figured I'd like it. It was rather obnoxious, though - too much bro energy and humor. It was like a frat house. There's relaxed and then whatever the hell this was. But I liked the remix round; they seemed to settle down a bit. And then the disadvantage came along, and that was just stupid. Seeing what they all did with hot dog flavors/elements in completely different dishes was interesting. I would have liked to eat all of them. And then came the consequence, and we were back to stupid. I think I'll try the next episode tonight after I've had a few drinks; I may be more open to the gimmicky shit. And at least the next episode will, presumably, not mostly consist of wiener jokes.
  24. Master Painter. I could decorate my entire house, give paintings to my friends, sell my art, etc. Dancing would do nothing for me. In the sky. I'm assuming that means I can fly. And I'm going to give myself excellent vision, so I can actually see everything I'm looking down on. Pizza. Ice cream would get really boring, really quickly, as there are only so many flavors I like and I can only stand so much sweet stuff at a time. Pizza I could go weeks before repeating an ingredient, so I wouldn't get sick of it.
  25. I think an already flustered and rushing Darlene got really ruffled once the fish started singing and moving when she tried to pull it off the wall, and when Becky pointed out it's motion activated, she just wanted to get the hell away from it. (I mean, of course the real answer is so that the fish could go off during the meeting, but I actually can see her putting the books up there, grabbing the fish, and then all logical thinking flying out the window in her state of mind.)
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