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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. I don't think Buzz was really contemplating whether Bill Jones deserved to be punished now for something he did long ago when he was a very different person, more ruminating on what he hadn't ever thought about in this long quest of his -- the effect Bill Jones finally getting that punishment has on the innocent people around him. I find it a nice popping of the closure myth, that Buzz finally accomplished what he had first taken this job to do, but not only did it not make anything better for his family, it blew another family apart. That doesn't mean he was wrong to pursue it, just that the unintended consequence is something he has to deal with. Unfortunately, it turned into that seriously creepy relationship Buzz was developing with the Jones family, and it's still Buzz, so I was never going to get into it, but I liked that his primary emotion after the arrest was not the celebration Rusty and Gus were expecting - or that Buzz himself had been expecting - but a "what have I done?" introspection about a family now put into a situation similar to the one he, his sister, and his mom were thrust into at the same age. Two very different reasons for that catastrophic change (and, of course, Bill Jones is alive; unlike Jay Watson, he can at least see his family sometimes), but it makes sense for him to focus on the parallel. And I like the touch that it took him by surprise, and after that he became aware of it (how the killer's family would be affected) in some of the cases they worked.
  2. I doubt they'd have freaked anyone out, especially Mark, by telling them. And, yeah, I figure at some point Mary came out of her room to listen for whether the videoconference was over, and came down to reclaim her books (and put the stuff they'd taken down back where it belonged).
  3. I guess I'm whiny, then, as I love both songs. LOL. I've never stopped to think about whether it made sense, but, yeah, while I say "drum", I've heard many others say "drummer" instead.
  4. For that brief period he shaved his face, yes (I hate facial hair). But even though I don't find the bearded character physically attractive, overall I do find him appealing. I could not stand him his first season, but I came around. I found that opening segment with the sisters well done, too, particularly how Becky recognized that something serious was happening and asked if Darlene was okay, but without interrupting the virtual meeting.
  5. Bastet

    Titanic (1997)

    Yikes. I wouldn't have thought this shittastic movie could be worse, but, oh look, it could've been. The acting. The backlighting. The dialogue. Oh, dear.
  6. I've had more cats who enjoyed belly rubs than those who didn't, but, yeah, you need to find that out carefully! When I see something like that, my urge shoots right past "want to rub" to "want to shove my face in there and smooch". Since that is quite likely to result in 18 claws embedded in my scalp, I quell that urge.
  7. It doesn't end in T, which the category specified. It's not an adjective (it's a noun), which the clue specified. So it doesn't fit the category or the clue, and should thus be an incorrect response. The distemper TS surprised me a little tonight, as did ice cores, but this was another good game. For them, and for me -- I only missed round table (and smacked my head when that was revealed), votive (the candle shown is known to me as a prayer candle, with votive being something shorter), and Round Top in the first round. I was surprised to get Zoey, as I didn't think I'd heard of either actor (and couldn't pick either out of a line-up or tell you a single project), yet the name shot out of my mouth. In DJ, I missed three in poets and two in history, but got everything else. And I got FJ after some thought, so I was very pleased with myself tonight.
  8. This may have been the last season, anyway; the show had only been given a two-year renewal and both Faris and Janney's contracts would have been up then, too, so depending on what season nine would have cost and how ratings for season eight with the core cast intact would have gone, it's possible the network still could have decided the ratings didn't justify the expense. But I do think, unless there's something she hasn't shared (which is absolutely her right) about why she wanted to leave a year early, Faris should have stuck it out. She and Janney both took a long time negotiating those two-year contracts, so to turn around and decide she only wanted to do one left the show in the lurch. Better if she'd said, "I am definitely not coming back once my contract is up," and then everyone would have had plenty of time to wrap up Christy's story, or even wrap up the whole show if it was still decided season 8 would be everyone's last. They didn't sue her for breach of contract, so they obviously reached an agreement (which was probably just a standard non-compete clause; I think anything else would have leaked), and hopefully her decision didn't cause any hard feelings among the cast, since it seems they'd all developed a nice relationship over the years. And if there is something going on in her life that forced this decision, I hope things work out okay. I'll miss the show, but it's had a really good run, so I just hope we get a good finale to go out on.
  9. I'm glad the dog walker is recovering; that security camera footage of him fighting and screaming for help was chilling (as was hearing the poor dog yelping). I teared up when the dog left behind ran over to where he was lying on the ground. I hope first and foremost the dogs are returned safely (she's offering a shit ton more money than they'd get anywhere else, which is the only thing that would lead people who'd do this in the first place to do the "right thing" now), and also that the assholes are caught.
  10. I'm off today and tomorrow to do a whole lot of nothing, so I kicked that off by lounging in bed watching a couple of episodes this morning. One was where they got X-Box, the dog dumped over the neighbor's fence by an owner who didn't want him anymore because he peed on his X-Box (hence the name). I so thoroughly enjoy the seething hatred Lizzy has for that asshole. And her last comment, after she has talked to Tia and calmed down a little, as she drives away with the dog: "I hope his X-Box is broken now." I also saw Tara, the dog who went to live in a family that not only consisted of a whopping six children, but revolved around a gymnastics studio. I'd rather sit naked on an ice floe than spend five minutes in that environment, but Tara was in heaven. I like when Tania and Perry took her to a local gymnastics studio to see how she reacted to the chaos, and Tara was initially anxious, but Tania realized it was because she could see all these kids but wasn't being allowed to play with any of them. "It's like we'd taken her to Disneyland and didn't let her go on any rides". They had kids come over and love on her, and then she settled right in to watch them run and tumble.
  11. I can't say it any better than the folks at CU: Are these Sirius dudebros living in such a warped reality their minds can't even properly process the pure greatness that is Dolly Parton or something? First "Jolene" and now this. I love that, as we enter the top 300, the commentary on the sheer lunacy of some of these rankings is seeping into what had been the straightforward so wrong/about right/too high/too low formula -- now we get things like "too fucking high" and "can't further comment (because I blew a gasket)". I'll calm down for just a moment to say I love "Dust on the Bottle" and am off to listen to it to cheer myself up.
  12. I think of participation awards as a '90s thing, something that came along after my time, but maybe I just went to schools in the '70s and '80s that didn't do them - the only trophies/ribbons I got were for first-place wins. Maybe some certificates for second place. We didn't get anything for just participating (other than, you know, having fun, challenging ourselves, and learning how to be a good sport, win or lose).
  13. By their description, the OP must be referring to this one (and the gesture they're reading as the jerk-off signal is presumably when Pat Maroon gestures at Ryan O'Reilly while O'Reilly tries to give his pitch [and then O'Reilly says "I can see you moving"]; I don't perceive it that way, I think it just looks funny because of his glove):
  14. I've never seen it, but others have posted about it, so unless it's a mass delusion, you didn't dream up the original ending.
  15. Turbulence would have been wrong, because it didn't fit the category ("starts and ends with a T") or the clue, which called for an adjective. Turbulent is the answer. I, too, thought the contestant said turbulence, but my hearing is bad, so when they didn't go back and deduct points, and then no one had mentioned it here by the time I posted last night, I figured I had just heard it wrong. But now I'm back to thinking he got away with one.
  16. I didn't, either. Yeah, this is the asshole who had the temerity to say his career might never recover from it. If only that had been true (I mean, it took a big hit, but the fact remains he's still getting work, even if on smaller stuff, and with all the directors out there, why would you ever pick him, given not just what he did that night, but how he conducted himself afterward?).
  17. Insert weekly usual improper mask use grumbling here. I have anxiety attacks, and even knowing that's "all" it is, the big ones are frightening. So I felt for Darlene, both how she felt when she was afraid she was having a heart attack, and when Becky said it was "just" a panic attack - of course that's a relief, but she still spent time worrying she was dying, which was scary. Darlene confronting how her superiority complex informs her fears, that after so many years of confidence she no longer believes in herself, was touching. As was Dan being a liability on the job site, so he can't even get the work that was always the thing he could fall back on. "I always thought when I stopped, it would be on my own terms." There's an independent hardware store in my neighborhood that has been here for decades and has held on against Home Depot and Lowe's because the staff is so knowledgeable; I'm quite handy, and I love being able to brainstorm with them. I wanted to beat the shit out of Ben when he was such an insecure prick to Dan, so I cheered at "your lucky ass got handed a business you know nothing about". Ben should have apologized to Dan in turn, but I liked their reconciliation in the kitchen. But they are really doing a number on continuity this season with the discrepancy between production and air order.
  18. That would be fun, especially if Maureen Garrett joined them; I know she and Dennehy bonded in that short time and remained in contact after Dennehy left and she enjoyed working with the other two as well. Plus it would lend itself to reminiscing about Michael Zaslow. Yeah, she walked away from ER. I mean, she came back, but if you're going to ask to be let out of your contract with America's number one show, you're marching to the beat of your own drum. I remember some publication (looking it up, it was Entertainment Weekly) ran an article about her titled "The Goodbye Girl" because in her young career she'd made a habit of up and leaving shows if the roles weren't fulfilling.
  19. Another good game. "I'd like to do a different category" about coming upon a DD in the horse and writer category cracked me up. I was on track to run the first round, but then I didn't know Tardis or Jack Johnson. I completely blew DJ, though; I missed three or four each in the horses, soldiers, and paintings categories. I also didn't know The Goonies or Skywalker in the movies category or transept in TNT - the only category I ran was grafting. FJ did come to me after some thought, so at least I ended on a high note.
  20. Oh gods, the way a crew member jumps back in horror when he gets to Vic Morrow and one of the kids and sees the condition of their bodies has stayed with me ever since I first saw the footage of the crash and its immediate aftermath.
  21. I cannot stand Charlene in the first season! It's just the same thing over and over again: She falls for some man's lies, won't listen to anyone when they try to open her eyes, then finally realizes she's been duped and declares she's never going to trust anyone again, so everyone rallies around and says, no, no, that's what's so great about you. The absolute worst is when they are getting DEATH THREATS for testifying against her boyfriend who's fencing stolen goods, and she keeps insisting he's a great guy, wouldn't steal, and the death threats are just joking around. Ugh. She's such a better character as season two gets going, but then they saddle her with the boring blob that is Bill. I thought so, too, but it's actually the episode before that (when Suzanne thinks she burnt down Design House) when he first appears. I think the Thanksgiving episode was filmed first, though. And that Thanksgiving episode is Bernice's first appearance.
  22. By hooking pretty much everyone (other than Monk) up with a romantic partner, as I recall. Bleh. I don't remember details beyond saddling Sharona with Randy's dumb ass and making some sort of mess of the Trudy storyline via a kid. I'd lost interest as the series drew to a close, but made sure to watch the final few episodes, and was mighty disappointed. But, while I usually scroll on past if I come across the show while channel surfing, if I come across one of the episodes I love, I must stop and watch, because the good ones are that good. Like the first Ambrose episode, with the pies -- that is a fantastic piece of writing and acting. I've seen it several times, and tear up every viewing.
  23. Oh, my - Not only do I know that song, it plays in the opening scene of one of my favorite Christmas episodes of Major Crimes, an episode I just re-watched in syndication in the HOUR before tonight's game, yet I had never registered that word as part of the lyrics (I really just know "we need a little Christmas, right this very minute", "haul out the holly" and "climb down the chimney" other than the "we need a little Christmas now" ending).
  24. The Delta TS surprised me a bit, as did work, but that was a good game. For them. Just so-so for me. I don't watch any of the TV shows quoted in the first round, but managed to only miss two of them. I also missed two in Roman times and four in swords, though, so I got worse as the round went on. In DJ, I only ran guitar goddesses and African countries; I missed one each in S words (spinet - never heard of it), physics (I knew coulomb, but could not pull it from the recesses of my brain), and museums (Guernica), and three in Duncan. FJ was pretty much an instaget, so that was a nice way to end after a somewhat frustrating game; I hadn't actually been missing all that many, but quite a few of my gets were lucky guesses, so I was feeling a little off for much of the game.
  25. In other celebrity accident news, Ashley Judd posted an update on her recovery process (for the leg broken in four places with major tissue and nerve damage, following a fall in the Congo): After ten days in a South African hospital, she was transported via air ambulance to a U.S. hospital. Once the swelling from the tissue damage went down enough, she underwent an 8-hour operation to repair bone and nerve. She's been able to take her first steps with the aid of a walker. More information about her update, in which she gave lovely thanks to the South African hospital staff who saved her leg, and to her dad, who - because he's received the COVID vaccination - was able to fly out to be with her, can be found in this article.
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