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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. I agree; they all clearly missed the point, because electricity usage is measured in watt hours. Electricity itself is measured in several ways, including watts; the unit of power, not of usage. The amount of electricity used by a device or household, though, is measured in watt hours. For some devices, it's a little, for some it's far more. Based on the average, when talking about per household use, the measure is kilowatt hours, as it is when talking about a country's overall use like in the clue.
  2. I'm the same, and I think many posters are too - I don't recall any Natalie vs. Sharona battles here, but there has been plenty of "I like this one better, but like the other too" and "I like both of them equally" sentiment. I really liked Sharona (and was on Bitty Schram's side in the contract renegotiation battle), so I was surprised at how seamless I found the transition to Natalie. I don't often watch this show when I come across it, and the times I do I'm more prone to stop on a Sharona episode than one with Natalie, but that's just about earlier vs. later episode, not Sharona vs. Natalie
  3. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    And, whichever network was airing the Thursday games, you could also see them on NFL Network (which is where I watched). Now they'll only be streaming, not also shown on NFLN? I have access to Prime Video via a friend's account (I'd just have to temporarily move my Roku stick to my game room TV each week since it's attached to my bedroom TV), and NFLN is one of the reasons I have the programming package I have on Dish. I'll have to go look at what else I get that I wouldn't get with the next package down and the cost difference between the two to decide if I still want it. For the third time - and apparently six more are coming.
  4. Squid stuffed with a mixture of cooked chard, onion that has been sautéed with parsley, thyme, rosemary, garlic & a little cayenne pepper, bread crumbs, and lemon zest. They're prepped, and will cook in white wine and be served over arugula. I had a big salad for lunch, so I'm going to skip the side salad since there's already arugula. I'll make roasted asparagus, plus couscous with scallions and pine nuts.
  5. I don't have the streaming service, so I was only able to see the first episode, but I wondered about that then -- when Becky and then Kevin arrived, they both left their heavy coats on. If they keep it cold like a set, that would make sense, but I wouldn't think they'd be using typical stage lighting (which are frakkin' hot to be under, so the overall temperature is lowered) here. Who knows, but it did stand out. I watched an interview the other day where Heather said she was the last to sign on to this reunion, because she was afraid they'd mess it up - the original experience was a captured moment in time that should be left to stand on its own as it has all this time - but the opportunity for all of them to be together again, instead of just seeing someone here and someone else there, was ultimately too important for her to pass up. Andre said he was all in from the moment producers asked him. He was happy to be included - back in the day, MTV had convened some reunions of one, two, or three participants each of various seasons, and he was never who they wanted from season one, so to learn this was just season one and they wanted all of them, he was all for it.
  6. The old-fashioned TS was surprising; not that no one remembered it (I didn't, either), but that no one looked at "the _____-_____ way" and figured it out. Maybe it's just that no one wanted to risk $1000 on a guess. Sultan going unanswered surprised me a bit, too; title starting with S for the leader of a Muslim country seemed like something one of three contestants would reason their way to. Maybe they thought it was a name rather than a title - some specific S-dude's armed forces. It's ridiculous they included a picture of Margaret Thatcher with that Sting clue; British prime minister + the year + anti-labor policies = plenty for a J! clue. I knew the double eagle coins are gold thanks to an amusing episode of The Closer. Not all births are happy events, especially in one of the world's most impoverished nations where the birth rate is so high because of sexist laws and customs, and the correlation between population growth and poverty has created such dire conditions its Health Dept. recently partnered with an international family planning organization to combat all that, so I did not appreciate the wording of the Niger clue. Just say "these events". I ran the first round, but it became immediately clear that was not going to happen in DJ, as I promptly missed three authors. I also missed three mountains and two each in Latin and boys. I got FJ, though - Phantom was my immediate guess, and it just felt right so I stuck with it.
  7. Out of curiosity, is this by choice or by rule? Here, at the beginning of the pandemic, bringing in our own bags was prohibited for a short time, then for a longer time it was allowed but we had to bag our own groceries, and for a while now it has been back to usual (given what scientists had learned about person to surface to person transmission with respect to this virus). Obviously I can't travel, and this isn't something covered in most regional pandemic news, so I don't know if we're the norm or the anomaly on this point. Anyway, I share the annoyance at seeing masks discarded on the ground, but here it's been far less prevalent now than it was at the beginning. I still mutter curses every time I come across it, though; littering makes me angry. Like people tossing cigarette butts on the ground, especially out a car window - there's a damn ashtray right there in the car! I just can't with people who don't consider cumulative effect - okay, your lone self tossing one piece of trash on the ground because of reasons is no big deal, but what if even just a relatively small percentage of the local population shares the same dismissive attitude and does so? It doesn't take long to add up.
  8. I said scuba, too, but I knew it was wrong - I knew it was too general and there was a specific kind of diving I was unaware of that they were looking for. The clue read: So, scuba diving is the general term for diving using that equipment (self-contained underwater breathing apparatus), and wreck diving is the term for scuba diving specifically to shipwrecks. I wouldn't have accepted scuba, either.
  9. LOL at them putting "Schitt's Creek" up on the screen when Brendon incorrectly answered the Catherine O'Hara clue, so we'd know he hadn't just said "shit" on network TV. Morgan reminded me a bit of the actor playing Harris on The Conners (her face and hair, not her voice). Not a great first round for me; I ran potent potables (always a very strong category), history, and facts, but missed all but one (the indeed terrific When They See Us) in TV shows, three in novels, and two in alliteration. In DJ, I ran Losing U, '90s non-fiction, and scary movies - all categories right up my alley. I also ran shell game, and only missed two in low and one in Europe. Much better! I got FJ - I knew Bull Moose right away, and got Socialist in plenty of time.
  10. That wasn't a confessional, that was the production room, which they invaded on their last day.
  11. Several years ago, ATK aired its shrimp scampi recipe and I thought it sounded great and should try it some time, last year it was voted in as top recipe for an anniversary special and I thought I really needed to get around to trying it, and tonight I finally did. YUM. Definitely my favorite shrimp scampi recipe, because it draws incredible flavor from multiple sources rather than just butter. At long last, I join the chorus saying if you like shrimp scampi, you'll love this version.
  12. Continuing my seafood extravaganza, tonight I made shrimp scampi following the much-praised America's Test Kitchen recipe. It was indeed delicious - quite flavorful, but not via swimming in butter (oh, there's butter, and a lot of it, but it's not relied on predominantly like many disappointing versions; there are herbs and shrimp stock galore added to the garlic and butter, and no salt). The salad was arugula with lemon vinaigrette, and I also made some garlic bread to sop up the extra sauce with a thick slice of some sourdough made by a neighbor.
  13. Same here, and I just double-checked -- When Becky and Kevin, being the first to arrive, came across it while touring the loft as it is now, Becky said, "Look, here's the confessional; we didn't have one," and Kevin asked, "You can actually come in by yourself?" She replied, "You can come in by yourself, just sit down, and talk." That was in line with my memories -- I only remember the one-on-one interviews where they answered producers' (unheard [or at least mostly unheard; I don't recall]) questions, shot up on the roof, in a park, etc; I don't remember them having a confessional to go in and vent unprompted whenever (and, as @gesundheit noted, at some point, it became a requirement for each roommate to record a confessional at least [#] per [time period]).
  14. The gopher TS was really unexpected; even if none of them knew they're the ones who just love to dine on roots and bulbs - or watched Caddyshack - with those other two critters who dig tunnels and laugh at your attempts to outwit them (moles and voles) ruled out, I thought for sure the last contestant would get it. Hardening of the arteries and Muay Thai also surprised me. So did Acapulco a bit; I thought that was more well known (as did Katie, it seems). I liked Katie doing the Addams family finger snap when revealing the Morticia Addams TS. I also laughed at her reading of the Billy Joel clue. And I got a good laugh at Paintbrushia. They really didn't need pictures for the Ted Turner and Tyler Perry clues (or at least I hope they didn't). I didn't specifically know most of the roles in common, but successfully guessed all but Han Solo (two nights in a row, I miss a $200 clue because of my large gaps in pop culture knowledge). I did manage to run the app category, despite not having a smartphone. I also ran dives and Atlanta, but missed two mammals and one word -- truncheon, which really bugged me, as I hardly ever miss vocabulary clues. I turned right around and did it again in DJ, not knowing ermine. I also missed one "_of the_" clue (the DD about the queen), the bat clue in Thailand, two poems, and two Henrys. The only category I ran was songs. FJ was an eye-opener; all this time, I have thought it was Carrera marble. Figuring the clue referred to marble, that's what I said, but then I remembered the category, and I realized it's Carrara.
  15. From today's Variety: Where to Watch Every 2021 Oscar-Nominated Film
  16. They walk out of Bud's leap year birthday party at the end of the season two finale, after doing their “We’re making things for people like us, because we are sick and tired of being dismissed by people like you" mic drop. I don't remember what song played under that, but maybe something by Thug Life. Is that what you're referencing?
  17. Very few TS, and no surprises among them - well, maybe Grambling a little, or at least that no one even picked a southern HBU to guess - and only one or two wrong answers from each contestant, so that was a great game. I did just okay in the first round; I ran financial terms, airlines, and 8-letter words, but missed two each in lit and squads, and one in cartoons (the $200 clue, no less, because I called Finding Dory "Finding Nemo Part 2" [I never saw either one]). In FJ, I was about the same - I ran TOC, colleges, and space, but missed three TV finales, two artists, and one historic place (I joined the contestants in being stumped by Peterhof). I could have sat here until I died and not come up with FJ; I know nothing about The Hunger Games other than there's someone named Katniss - not that I knew that was the book at issue to begin with. I had no guess at all, and just sat here sipping my drink as the music played.
  18. Sadly, she wrote and sang a twist on the working woman's anthem to use as the soundtrack to a gig economy propaganda commercial. She's still my queen, mind you. But yuck. Thankfully, I haven't come across it since the Super Bowl premiere.
  19. I thought this show was new when it turned up last week in place of more Beat Bobby Flay reruns (which irritated me), so apparently I completely missed coming across/hearing about its entire first season. I saw bits and pieces of that episode, and watched tonight's. I like Tiffani (and the more people hate her, the more I like her), but laughed at her tri-tip aversion; I have one roasting right now. If she lived here in CA, she'd have plenty of ideas for it (especially when tasked with making a hot lunch with it). It was an "Oh, yeah - East round" moment. I was glad she and Elizabeth won their first rounds, as I did not like the guy Elizabeth was up against and Cliff is always going to be the guy who assaulted Marcel on Top Chef. (And I couldn't stand Marcel, either, and Cliff wasn't alone [I'm with Tom Colicchio in wanting to boot them all], but - damn. To get physical like that?) It was good to see Tiffani get the win again in round two; I'd have happily devoured both sandwiches, but her combination of ingredients sounded just a bit better. (And that meat didn't look any under-cooked to me.) I love watching the chefs' reactions to watching the judges critique their food - some really funny, honest stuff that so far I like almost as much as the food. I also love that judging is blind - they don't even know who's competing, let alone whose dish is which. I looked up the full bracket, and I "know" most of the chefs and, of those, like more than I dislike, so I'm in. Guy's son seems as pointless as his dad so far, but if I can ignore the father to enjoy the cooking (I can't watch DD&D unless it's a place I've been, but he's not as prominent here so far), I can ignore the son who appears far less. (But, seriously, someone at FN gave him a job? Based on what?!)
  20. No, the first thing he says is that he didn't order any pizza. I just figure he's a customer she's delivered to before, he handled setting up her insurance policy, she thinks he gave her a special deal, and to thank him she brought him a whole bunch of the stuff he usually orders.
  21. It's only me; I have to pace myself. I just got some more water, and counted out of curiosity - 13 different cheeses. That's probably excessive for one person, but ... cheese! That, of course, made me hungry, so now I'm munching on some black truffle manchego. Anyway, I got sidetracked by cheese, but, yes -- count me in on being annoyed by reducing the quantity instead of just increasing the price.
  22. Same here. I don't even like NYPD Blue, but I have it on my home page since I nonetheless watched it for several years because the people I was living with at the time liked it, and I did like several of the characters. So I glance at discussion in that thread when it occurs, even though I usually don't have anything to add. Yeah, I'd have to go count the wedges, but I'm sure there are at least 10 different kinds of cheese in my refrigerator right now.
  23. I don't enjoy mornings the first week of DST while I adjust (I am not a morning person), but it's well worth it for getting another hour of daylight in the evenings.
  24. Has anyone else watched Moxie? It's a feel-good coming of age film that is ultimately frustrating because it not only centers the white character (seriously, imagine this film told from Lucy's or Claudia's perspective instead of Vivian's), but explicitly acknowledges the fact RiotGrrrl feminism largely failed to address intersectionality issues and includes BIPOC, LGBT, and disabled girls in this Gen Z tale ... while never once having Vivian examine the privileges her white, able-bodied, straight, cisgender self has when compared to those peers. Their experiences are woefully underdeveloped; they serve only to wake Vivian up to the fact the sexism her mom has been talking about her whole life is no less pervasive now, never to expose her to the way racism, ableism, heteronormativity, and transphobia make life even harder for many of the other Moxie girls. Even when Claudia straight-up explains - to the girl who's been her best friend since elementary school - that her rebellion options (as a first-generation Asian girl raised by a mom who has sacrificed and struggled to provide her with an education) are different than Vivian's (a financially comfortable white girl whose mom encourages protest) because of race. Vivian always shares the stage in Moxie meetings and at the big reveal in the end, and she doesn't talk over the other girls, but the film focusing on her (Claudia is the only other character we ever see at home; everyone else we see when Vivian is watching them) and how she finds her voice (she wasn't an outcast, but not really on anyone's radar, either; she'd been voted "most obedient" and was of the "just put your head down and carry on" persuasion) leads to myopic storytelling. It's telling that for the time Vivian opted to stay anonymous (she publishes and distributes a 'zine around her high school's campus, spotlighting various sexist activities that are shrugged off or condoned by teachers and administrators and calling for various solidarity actions to let girls know they're not alone), it was Lucy (Afro-Dominican) who was accused and Claudia (Chinese) who stepped up to take the fall on behalf of Moxie as a whole. But Vivian never reckons with that, nor does any other character point it out. That's a problem in general, but especially with a film aimed at young teens. I know nothing about the book on which this was based and had never heard of the film, so I went into it with zero expectations when my sleepless self clicked on a Netflix recommendation in the middle of the night. It's nice to see girls working together, especially for this worthy a goal, and not one of them ever even thinks of fighting over a guy. (There is a budding romance for Vivian, but it's not remotely the primary focus in her life, and one of the main reasons she's attracted to him - and her friends are happy about her dating him - is that he's a feminist ally.) But I came out of it thinking more about the stories it chose not to tell than the one it did.
  25. Blake is so cute! (So is Cosmo, but I'm a cat person, and those white markings are just perfectly placed - good job, Mother Nature.) @Scarlett45 I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your godmother. Knowing Cosmo will be well loved and cared for by you must have brought her a great relief as she faced the end, and I love that you and Cosmo will continue the dancing tradition as a way of furthering your bond and honoring both of your bonds with her at the same time.
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