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Everything posted by Irritable

  1. I’m actually not mad at all that Jenni’s job as Jeff’s assistant has been presented as though it was same as usual, but behind the scenes she’s paid by Bravo to just be there as part of the show. Of course she doesn’t need that job anymore, but she’s a huge, original part of the series, so to keep her around for filming she was made an offer to play her previous role. It’s a pretty sweet gig, it puts more money in her bank account, and it keeps the foundation of the cast together. Of course they wouldn’t mention on the show that situation because it breaks the 4th wall too much, and would alter the viewers’ enjoyment. Also, Jenni has more personality on camera than the rest of the staff, who we mostly see silently sitting or standing near Jeff looking awkward and uncomfortable. i wonder if this has anything to do with the complaint she filed against Jeff. It’s possible that because he’s not the one paying her anymore that she became unwilling to put up with his meltdowns toward her. If she threatened to leave because he’s not actually her boss, that would only make his temper flare more, and I can see that leading to disaster between them. I so enjoy seeing Jeff, Gage and Monroe just hanging out at home, doing their regular things. I would love a lot more of that. Monroe is absolutely precious, and I’m even more taken with her now that she isn’t screaming like a banshee. I don’t understand how Jeff is saying the company has had a good year if they are still working on the same houses from last season. He’s got a large staff and an enormous amount of overhead to pay ... where does all that money come from? Surely not from the handful of client work we were shown. Maybe the paint line is killing it?
  2. Baby Dragon is a nickname for Amanda that I saw here and thought was brilliant! It’s to do with the shape of her face and the way her nostrils flare...it’s easy to picture her with scales, hatching out of a dragon egg, making a little squeaky attempt at a roar, and shooting little puffs of smoke out of her nostrils.
  3. Amanda “Baby Dragon” Staunton was arrested over the weekend for domestic violence charges after allegedly assaulting her volleyball player boyfriend during a bachelorette party in a hotel room. This tiny woman is a huge mess.
  4. When I heard Aldi in that context, I thought Aldi must be something very different there than it is here. Why would the HWs want to drink bargain wine? They don’t have to, they can afford the good stuff. They sell wine at Dollar General, too...maybe the season finale party to celebrate whatever the next dumb excuse for an achievement is they can do a DG namedrop!
  5. I have such a soft spot for Jeff. I know he has some major flaws, but I don’t require people to be perfect for me to like them. To me, his great characteristics largely outweigh the bad, and I’m very sad to hear that his long, close friendship with Jenny has ended, because underneath all the bitching, he’s very sensitive and loving, and greatly values the people in his inner circle. I hope they can repair this eventually, although if the show gets canceled because of the complaint Jenny filed, then I’m not sure he would ever get over that because people who fuck with his livelihood are dead to him. And if something so terrible happened that Jenny was pushed to that point then maybe it’s best that they have parted ways, but it hurts my heart. On the other hand, they have been airing last season’s episodes today, and I was reminded of how much I never could stand Zoila, never understood what Jeff ever liked about her, and I’m SO GLAD they parted ways and she (hopefully) won’t ever be shown again. Edited to add: Oh now I just saw the part where Zoila quit because she was busted for being a nasty hag to the nannies, and by the end of that ordeal she had Jeff feeling guilty for “holding her hostage” instead of letting her “retire” earlier when she wanted to, because she was so “tired” and only stayed because she loved the baby. I’m infuriated by this bullshit all over again. He has done SO MUCH for that ungrateful, unspecial woman, and she leaves him feeling like he did something wrong, and like maybe the other people he loves are only still there because he won’t let them leave. Screw Zoila!!!!
  6. Yes! I loved the witch flying in front of the moon, too. I need those little moments of levity now that everything has gotten so life or death serious at the end. Shushanna seems to me that her entire life all she had to do was be pretty and eeverything just magically went her way. It’s hard for her to grasp that now, as an adult, men will require more from her than just sitting there to be gazed upon ... she’s going to have to make actual conversation, with substance. She will need to develop a personality, and more specifically, a likeable one. I’ll cross my fingers for her, but I’m not completely convinced she has much inside to build from. She’s like a little 9 year old girl who points at a boy and says, “He’s going to be my boyfriend!”, and stands still (except for occasionally digging in her ears or nostrils) while she waits for the boy to walk over in a trance state, with heart eyes. i found the perfect example of the Jessica Lange comparison to Jenna! I hope I can get this to work, because it’s even more spot on that I had thought based on memory: https://goo.gl/images/YR1U1r
  7. I didn’t expect to care about Jenna and Jordan as a couple, but she brings out such a kindness and compassion in him when they are alone together that I couldn’t help myself. I finally figured out who Jenna has reminded me of this entire season: Jessica Lange’s character in King Kong. Dresses the same, hair flips and smiles and giggles the same, runs/walks on the beach with the same gait, not very bright but certainly sweet, and off-the-charts sexy. i did not enjoy watching Joe get hurt. That sucked bad. Also did not like seeing Kevin and Astrid split. I I agree with the person above who said Astrid should have known it was a huge red flag that Kevin sees a therapist twice a week, but if she’s not familiar with such things she may not have realized that’s not the usual amount. I’m in favor of therapy, I kind of think everyone could benefit from it, but twice a week is A LOT. Once a week means a person is struggling hard as hell, twice means they are hanging on by a thread. He probably shouldn’t have gone to paradise based on that alone, but at the same time I know it took a lot for him to go out and try, so good for him in that regard. I know the urge and tendency is to withdraw and stay in our comfort zones, but getting out and taking a risk is actually the healthier thing, even though in this case it proved he still has quite a way to go. I think he was pursued pretty hard by the BiP producers to do this season because of the potential Ashley I. engagement drama, and I think he’s a bit of a people pleaser who might have caved to that pressure when others in a stronger mental place wouldn’t have. He ended up being broken down by all of it, and lost perspective that there was more than the two options of either get engaged or break up. I hope they reconnected afterward and decided to try to continue things at a slower pace. I hate to see genuine love get cast aside over obstacles that are mostly if not all in his head.
  8. I can’t fall asleep, and I’m pretty sure it’s because I’ve been traumatized by the idea/mental image of Vicki and Steve having sex. Thanks, Tamra. One more reason to dislike you! I find Steve so physically unattractive, something about his face reminds me of some creepy uncle who shows up at Thanksgiving and makes everyone uncomfortable. I’m definitely not seeing his charm, or (dry heave) sex appeal. Theoughout the party I found myself wishing I could wipe the smeared makeup out from under shannon’s eyes, and brush her hair, because I didn’t want David to see her looking a bit disheveled and make fun of her. I feel oddly protective toward her. Tamra is exactly the kind of dumb to be confused as to how anything bad can happen in her life now because she found Jesus, got saved, and prays for only good stuff to come her way. It’s like she thought doing those things were legally binding, and now God isn’t holding up His end of the deal, so she’s pissed. Surely at some point the “Pasture” she worked with so closely explained to her the part about no guarantees, but she only heard what she wanted and dismissed the yucky parts.
  9. There’s no way I could rank in order all the gross things that took place in this episode; choosing one as more gross than another would be impossible. I had the exact same reaction that Kelly did the first time I tried bobo tea. Drinks with chunks of anything in them is a huge no. I liked the way Shannon handled the talk with Tamra about not reciprocating enough in their friendship. And her talking head about it was good, too. She didn’t realize she was being so self-absorbed, she gets it, she’s glad it was brought to her attention, she wants to work to be better. That’s all anyone can ask in these types of situations. In the past, Kelly’s behavior at the party would make me roll my eyes and continue to dislike her for being so unhinged, crude and vicious...but because I don’t like Steve or Shane and those were her targets, right or wrong, I was strangely okay with all of it. I laughed out loud when they cut back to the moment that Emily introduced Kelly to Shane, but she had no memory of it whatsoever. I thought the decorations for the party were tacky. Did I miss Tamra saying the theme of the night was “garish and cheap”? As much as I loathe Vicki, her party planners always do great things with her back yard. Tamra’s looked like everything came from Party City.
  10. I have the strong sense of smell curse, too. After seeing that Angela segment I’m going to be more aware now of how often I comment out loud about whether something smells good or bad. I’m afraid it might be A LOT. :/ After Tyler heard Angela’s life/gymnastics/pole vaulting story, he said she’s such an amazing person. All I really got out of it was that she’s an amazing athlete, which has very little to do with the kind of person she is.
  11. I agree that his red, swollen eyes were suspicious looking, as though he did something to irritate them and show on camera how much he has been suffering through everything. He’s the kind of “good looking” that appeals to young girls, but past a certain age, like probably around 22, they would see him for the scuzzy, slick-talking sleazeball that he is. That poor, poor girl. I’m so happy she has made such incredible progress, and I hope it continues. The footage of her saying “he’s hurting me” under hypnosis chilled me through to the bone. i hope the cost of the DNA face sketches can be greatly reduced over time so law enforcement everywhere can regularly use that stunningly accurate technology. Sorry to all the police sketch artists who would no longer be needed, but holy Moses, his DNA composite sketch was spot on! Watching him cry about not being around to guide his children through life because of prison made me positively ill.
  12. I didn’t think Sam could be any more disturbing than when she talked about making people swallow their own teeth, and stomping a mud hole into someone’s chest, but I was wrong. It was chilling to hear her describe the HULKSMASH VENGEANCE she will unleash on the entire house if she gets voted out/looks like a dumbass, but at the same time I sort of want to see what that looks like.
  13. Every time the troll said “you hear me?”, I lost a minute off my life, it bothered me that much. Please, do not let that become the new “know what I’m sayin’?” Also, they should not have called him Starpower. Whatever his given name is, that’s the only way they should address him, or just don’t call him anything at all. Addressing him by his self-created egocentric street name only makes him more high on his own supply. He was vile, she was lovely, and nothing was achieved by any of this. The only good parts of this show were when Charlemagne said his rapping was shit.
  14. This episode has been agonizing for me to watch. They just HAD to find a way to bring Paul back?!?!?!? Why can’t I just live my life without ever seeing him again? And Josh, too???? Why not bring in Frankie while they’re at it! UGH.
  15. I’m glad there is a new chef, I hope his creations are more interesting than BDM Adam’s. I’m very relieved Nico is not on the new season! Wooooo!!!!!
  16. I am absolutely loving LeeAnn and Cary this season. L O V I N G them. And I’m good with the others too, except Kameron, who is a nightmare person. It honestly feels like Kameron is this terrible, vile obstacle that I am forced to push past in order to enjoy everything else. Remove her from the show and I would consider this one of my very favorite current shows, which I would not have seen coming during season one.
  17. My favorite part of the episode was when Kevin was using the time he should have been looking for the VETO cards to put his suits back in the closet and his socks back in the drawer. Why was Josh so scandalized and horrified to find condoms in a drawer? It's not like they had been used.
  18. I loved the straightfaced gag sound D'Andra's stepson made when she said she paid $18,000 for that gown. I would love to run her eBay auctions for her, as long as she paid me for my time. If she expects him to do that for free because he "needs something to do", I don't blame him for blowing it off...that's actually a lot of work. I'm glad Brandi and Stephanie made up, it was brutal watching them both hurt so much over what was basically a series of misunderstandings and lack of communication. Their meeting was one of the more real things I've seen on any of these RH franchises, so I'll give them credit for that. The bad romance theme for the party was weird to me. You don't need a theme for a Halloween costume party, because Halloween IS the theme. The Dallas HW are more entertaining to me now than the OC HW. Is this the world we're living in?
  19. Dang, I hate to see Devin go. I find him very entertaining. I'm hoping he makes it back in. If Ashley gets to come back I will be so mad. She throws a fit every season about something, and if she's ready to leave before anything has actually even happened yet, PLEASE just let her stay gone. Weird that CT's passport wasn't approved, since he's used it to get in and out of several countries in the past. I've never traveled internationally, so I don't understand why there was no way to verify its validity without sending him all the way back to the states. I have no idea who Maria is, I feel like I've never seen her before. The newbie with the tattoos who is "dirty" because he exposed a roommate for being racist seems like he will be annoying. He tries too hard to be different. I realize this is more of a young person's game, but I miss some of the old school players of yesteryear who must have gone on to have normal lives and responsibilities.
  20. I'll never be able to unsee that closeup of Ashley obliviously vomiting all over herself while laying on someone else's sofa. That's the opposite of Southern Charm, as is this entire Savannah season. I had high hopes, I love Savannah, but these people are somehow both awful AND boring.
  21. I had decided we were not going to watch one minute of this new season, and took it off the DVR. My husband convinced me to watch tonight, give it one more chance, for him. So I did, and then found out near the end that he had slept through most of it. I watched it for no reason!!! :((((((( He woke up when I asked what was wrong with Madison, she looked weird, and then I realized that she was trying to have an emotion about Travis dying. Luckily, that moment passed super fast! When the woman gave Strand the compass, I said, "And now she is going to jump off the balcony to her death". Ta da! No more of this. I can't.
  22. The stunt casting of Rhianna really took me out of the story, I'm so sad to say. She really tried, I know she did her best, but, no. This series has been nearly perfection for me until that one casting decision. It's so unnecessary on a show of this caliber, at the end of its run. I like her work as a musical artist, and hoped she would be convincing enough here not to be a distraction, but alas. My heart cracks a little more every week, and it's going to break all the way through when this is finally over. Well done, everyone ... except for well-meaning and Rhianna and whoever hired her. In the movie, Marion buys a new car so she can have a better chance at a getaway. I can't remember if she traded in her own car for it, or used some of the stolen cash. It was actually a very tense scene, she was a nervous wreck at the car dealership. Not sure if that is what happened here, though, and they decided not to show the purchase, assuming we all knew from the movie how she got it. Was the officer that pulled Marion over an actor that was from the movie? He looked familiar to me, and I wondered if he was the man who had played the original Sam, or Arbogast.
  23. I don't have a problem with Lareene going through a dark period, considering all that she has been through. I don't expect everyone to stay happy and sunshiney all the time just because it makes other people more comfortable. If she's sad and miserable, then she's sad and miserable, and the only thing worse than being sad and miserable is being made to feel like you're a piece of shit if you dare to show it around other people. I believe she will come around eventually, but I don't begrudge her an iota of bitterness. I'd be bitter, too. Aaaaaand, now I hate Hannah all over again.
  24. Adam is always, always, always the best part of this show for me. Good lord, he is FOINE. I can't believe how disgusting I thought he was in the beginning, but maybe it was just because his relationship with Hannah was so gross. Now that he's rehashing it with feelings and stuff, I might come around to them as a couple more, but Hannah hasn't grown enough for me to root for her with anyone, pregnant or not. Not that Adam really has things completely together... I'm not sure if this movie thing is going to turn out to be a disaster or a huge success. Hannah and Elijah being life companions would be fine with me. Hannah's mother will likely spring back to life once she has a grandchild, and will help out a lot with the baby while Hannah is running around doing whatever it is that Hannah does. Is there some kind of forward motion happening with Desi in this episode that I'm not seeing? Knocking his motorcycle over was a metaphor for what? The only people who have a genuine shot at good lives are Shoshanna and Ray, especially if they get back together. Everyone else? I give them 50/50 odds at staying alive past 30.
  25. I wasn't moved at all by Zach's tribute or whatever to Knight. I guess that's because I never thought much of Knight whether he was on RW or a challenge, I never saw the appeal of him, never understood where his big ego came from, never understood why people talked about him after he died of an overdose like he was so incredibly special. Especially compared to Diem, who wanted nothing but just to live. She fought so hard, she did everything possible to survive, and to me she is much more of a person to miss and admire than Knight, who accidentally partied himself to death. I'm not saying he deserved to die, I'm just saying I saw nothing in him that calls for a continued choked-up mention at this point. I'm glad Zach is gone early so Jenna can have some time to shake him off. He's no good for you, girl! And him saying he's trying to prove he's really not the douchebag so many people think he is, and then missing the entire point entirely by telling us that to prove it he is constantly reminding himself DON'T BE A DOUCHEBAG, DON'T BE A DOUCHEBAG. Actual non-douchebags do not need to repeat that to themselves as a mantra in order to act right. But if he actually does want to be better and stop treating his girlfriends as badly as he has in the past, that's great. I hope he's genuine. I hope they don't ever bring back that rolling wheel challenge, because it's clearly unfair to the women who are almost always going to be generally shorter than the men. It was completely doable, as long as you are at least as tall as Laurel. If you're not, you're pretty much going to plummet after the first rotation no matter what you do. I'm glad we are down to one Ashley now, but I wish it wasn't this Ashley that stayed. She's a nightmare.
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