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Everything posted by Irritable

  1. I'm glad Vicki finally put her boobs away for once, but she went so far in the opposite direction of how she normally dresses, even for work, that it came off as a costume to help support her role of the grieving victim. I think she even showed up without fake eyelashes, to prove how sad and lonely she is. And again with the I MISS MY MOMMY. At what point will she decide that she has wrung every last possible drop of sympathy out of her poor dead mother and stop bringing it up out of nowhere? I was already watching this with a big side eye, but when she said she had to get out of the hospital because seeing people who were receiving treatment for cancer was too hard for her to deal with, I wanted to pummel her face in. What a self-centered piece of human garbage she is. I can absolutely picture her shaking her head wildly, and saying loud enough for everyone in the room to hear, "I can't deal with this, Brooks! I can't! I've gotta get out of here, I can't stand being around all these sick people!" She probably added in a few of her loud gagging noises on the way out, too. I was very sorry to hear that she will be spending Thanksgiving with Donn. What could he possibly be thinking? If she gets the reconciliation she is clearly gunning for, I will be so disappointed in him, because he made a clean getaway. I've never known a narcissist who could stand being alone. I find it interesting that people who are so deluded about their own greatness can't bear to be stuck with only themselves as company. I hope Donn sees through her blatant desperation to have A Man in her life and just keeps rolling along. If he wasn't enough to fill her love tank before, he's not going to be enough now.
  2. Me, either. Women are shown shopping often on all the RW franchises, and sometimes the editors include their totals, sometimes they don't, but there is nothing strange about asking for your total at a register, no matter what the store is or how much you are spending. I think Vicki clings to the "I WORK! I PAY FOR ALL MY THINGS!" like a badge of honor because it's kind of all she has to be proud of, but also because she is envious of the other women who don't have to hustle for every dime in their household. My sister in law was a stay at home mom, and I'd been working for the same company for over 10 years making decent money- at holiday gatherings she would basically greet me at the door with, "Are you still working? You can't possibly be working as hard as I do trying to keep up with a baby. Being a mother is the hardest job in the world." and then I would say something like, "Merry Christmas!" or "Happy Easter!" I could practically smell the insecurity wafting off of her, and it was wasted because I didn't care at all whether she worked outside of the home. Vicki tries to appear so confident, but I think it's all an act. If she could have landed herself a sugar daddy, I've no doubt she would have been perfectly happy letting him be the big earner, but it just didn't work out for her. She must rage inside seeing Heather spend such large amounts of money without having to spend her vacations tapping away on a laptop in the airport shuttle.
  3. A friend of mine, who also happens to be married to a surgeon...hmmmm..., bought a bathroom faucet which cost about that much, and I had never really given any thought to faucets before until I saw that one. It was spectacular. Every time I was at her house I made it a point to go marvel at it, slowly wash my hands under it, dream of seeing one like it in my home. When she decided to move, I was greatly alarmed and said, "BUT WHAT ABOUT THE FAUCET?????". She said he replaced it with a regular one for the listing and would be taking it with her to the new home. I breathed a sigh of relief so big that it was ridiculous. All this to say, I can now understand why some people who have the money to do so are willing to spend a lot on fixtures. I dislike the door handles that Heather chose, but I'm still envious because I only have builder's grade doorknobs, and when I came to understand all the lovely doorknob options out there, I started hating mine pretty hard and fast. With Heather and Terry's money, I would really enjoy custom design-building a home, but it would be the polar opposite of whatever theirs ends up being. I could never really feel at home in a building that large. Now that I've seen Megan cry for real, it sure gives away how fake her crying was over Leanne at the reunion. I don't doubt that she cared for Leanne, and was sad that she died, but I do think she used it as her story and played it up big for the show, and in a way, I find that to be almost on the same level of gross as Brooks lying about having cancer. Which, by the way, now that the hospital has disclosed that he was never a patient there, I now 100% believe he was lying, but until then I was still willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and just let karma sort him out. Even now that I know for sure, I still think the women were out of line, especially Megan, with their demands and accusations. For me, it became less about whether or not he was lying and more about how hideous it is to question someone who claims to be gravely ill, and demand proof. As far as I'm concerned, that's never okay, and if he HAD been seriously sick, then how absolutely horrible would it have been to know they had put him through so much stress and misery just to serve their own gossipy purposes? It doesn't have to be Brooks, it could have been anyone in his place, and I would feel the same. Have your suspicions, discuss them quietly in private with other doubters if you must, but putting someone on public display and putting such demands on them about their very private health issues is not their job, and it's disgusting. I will always have boatloads of empathy for Brianna in the Brooks situation, because my dad remarried a woman who played an enormous role in ruining my mother's life, and as a by-product my childhood life as well. When you hate a step-parent to your very core, it's honestly like a form of torture. Your choices are to sever all ties with your parent so you don't have to deal with their spouse, or you have no choice but to be around them even if it's only for holidays, which means all of your holidays are guaranteed to suck. I guess in a way Brianna found a loophole, in that Vicki was willing to send Brooks off somewhere in order to see Brianna and her grandsons, but most people won't do that, and it just turns into a giant pile of shit. I adore the way Michael handles Vicki. It's exactly the way Mr. Irritable handles his narcissist mother, and it's truly amazing to watch for someone like me. We've actually had the exact same scenario, sitting with her in a restaurant while she repeats several times that he needs to spend more time with her before she dies, and wants to know if he will move into her house afterward, expressing shock and anger when he says of course we are not going to move into her house which is an hour across town without traffic from his job. This is not totally relevant here, and I apologize, but it's such a fascinating nugget that I just have to share: My MiL talks about her impending death a lot (she's healthy as a horse and will surely outlive us all because she is too mean to die), and one day announced that she went ahead and purchased the cemetery plot beside hers for my husband. There are no other plots available in that section, which I guess means I am to be tossed in a ditch somewhere and covered in lime, because why in the world would he want to be buried next to his wife, the person he has been in love with since 1986, when he can be next to his mother for all eternity? That she didn't even call first and ask him if this was something he wanted before she purchased it really stuck in my craw...still does, actually, and that was probably 15 years ago. I could kind of see Vicki making sure there was a family section for her, Michael, Brianna and their children, and oops, sorry! No room for spouses, please go find your own space! I wonder if watching Tamra ask if the penis flavors come in Oreo, and swiftly purchasing a sex swing, made her daughter suddenly regret her decision to distance herself from her mother? Such a sweet moment, not at all embarrassing for a teenager to witness, as well as her friends to witness and discuss. No matter what Tamra says, her actions on the show have always proved to me that she does not care one iota about how her behavior affects her children. Whether it's all the over the top sexual innuendos or blatantly blurred out nipples while she sits in a bubble bath waiting to bang Eddie, or the way she stirs up shit and is just mean as all hell to the other women she claims are her friends, none of what she shows on TV is behavior that her children can look up to. Even her baptism was turned into a vain display that completely missed the point, and the fact that she uses religion to just consider herself cleansed and Heaven-bound no matter what she does in life is pretty much the opposite of what most people would want their children to glean from religion.
  4. I'm no doctor, and I've never had Botox, but it seemed to me that Megan's "preventative" Botox looked like the exact same process as regular Botox. It's not part of some facial wellness maintenance plan, Megan. Just call it Botox, or if you absolutely MUST add a qualifier, then call it Unnecessary Botox, because getting that done before you even have a wrinkle because you are so terrified of wrinkles sounds like you need therapy a lot more than you need needles. Heather losing the map was gold. Every time Vicki makes her special gagging sound, I think she's faking it, because she always looks like she's smiling as she does it, she never actually vomits, and no one makes that sound when they are genuinelyclose to hurling. I believe she thinks it's cute, somehow. Also, I need for her to stop referring to her vagina as perfect. I don't want to think about her vagina, ever, and considering how much she lies about other things, it makes me wonder if she doth protest too much and actually has some kind of monstrous undercarriage that is not fit for the light of the day. I do not want to wonder about this, and my need for her to just go away forever has reached Level: Desperation. I don't think I caught it during the reunion last year that Shannon and David spent 17 days alone together once he returned from the affair,ready to recommit. 17 straight days with my husband, of 24/7 togetherness, sounds like pure heaven to me, but doesn't sound quite as lovely coming immediately after all the horrible things David had admitted to Shannon. I think I would have needed to see him in much smaller doses for a while, kind of like how you eat an elephant...one bite at a time. But if it really worked for them, then great. No one can say they haven't put in a lot of work to get through this catastrophe, and they are certainly beating the odds so far.
  5. While I was watching, I thought she was absolutely being kind and allowing someone else to win. Maybe she's not so great at math and calculated poorly when it came to figuring out if she was assured the big win no matter what happened on the last puzzle. Or it could have been true what she said at the very end, that she was happy enough winning the trip to Belize. Unless she had a stroke in between puzzles, there is no way she went from being an excellent solver to not even being able to come up with a letter to guess on a nearly blank board. I have decided to believe she is a kind person who is not greedy.
  6. I have such a mad crush on James McAvoy that after seeing him on WWHL, I'm not sure I can ever watch again because no matter who the guests are, it will only be disappointing from this point forward. It's so rare for me to see him doing interviews and be able to hear his natural accent. Good lord. Is it hot in here?
  7. Just because we were shown Eddie's text to Rocky first does not mean that was their first flirtacious/sexually charged interaction. Rocky had made it known to the staff at the beginning of the season she wanted to do Eddie, she said it right out loud without hesitation. There could have been a lot of moments between them that indicated willingness that we never saw. I think Eddie acted like an asshole, and wow, what a cool liar he is - scary, but I will never believe that he started the whole thing with Rocky. It hurt my feelings that so much of the beautiful steak Ben prepared went uneaten. That dinner was pretty basic, but it's the kind of basic I really enjoy. I have always wanted to try Ben's food...well, maybe not breakfast, but everything else he has made on all the seasons has looked divine. I loved that he casually mentioned he was making sorbet, as casually as if Kate had said she was folding napkins, and yet Leon had to use a box mix to make brownies. These chefs are not in the same league. I hope Rocky's parents have taken her to see a psychiatrist after seeing her this season. She has something terribly wrong going on in her brain, and I know that should make me feel sorry for her, but it doesn't. It's unfortunate that she has some kind of mental disorder, but it happens to be one of the disorders that is impossible to deal with or have much pity for because the behavior is so atrocious.
  8. I need to know what a "baby-ccino" is. Sounds adorable. Supposedly there was supposed to be a discussion of a new Queen Bee, but I guess I missed it? Unless Anabelle was supposedly the Queen Bee and Caroline S. was trying to demote her, but I always thought Caroline S. was the Queen Bee, and I didn't really see her being dethroned.
  9. The extravagant party Caroline S. threw to...I'm not sure exactly...thank her friends for being supportive while Gift Library crumbled, I guess, seemed a bit like an insult if all of the employees who lost their incomes as a result of the company closing weren't there, too. I think she said it all when she said she had enjoyed going into the office during the day. It was always just a fancy place for her to go and be the boss in pretty surroundings. Now she just has to be a mom who can't ever get away from her job of sitting around drinking coffee while her children run around the house, and the help does the dishes in the background. Oh, boo hoo. When Caroline was telling Anabelle to shit or get off the pot, it sounded like she was saying either start being nicer to everyone in the group or you won't be on the show next season. Who gives friendship ultimatums? It sounded more like she was threatening to fire her. I've never enjoyed Anabelle, so if she doesn't come back that's more than fine in my book. There's something about her face that unsettles me; I think it's the way it's kind of always shifting and globby and gooey-looking, like a lava lamp. I feel like I don't actually know what her face looks like, because it's this ever-changing and moving pile of mashed potatoes. Maybe she needs to wear makeup differently to help define her features more. I'm sad the season is over, because this and Below Deck have become two of my favorite Bravo shows. Guess I'll have to console myself with RHoBH.
  10. Am I remembering correctly that Teresa referred to the Manzos as “Olive Garden Italian”? Somewhere that is stuck in my head because I found it kind of funny, and I never think Teresa is funny or clever. In fact, if she’s the one who said it on the show, she probably heard it from someone else first. It’s hilarious to me that Caroline would get so bent over being described as a heavily Americanized Italian, considering she admitted on their trip to Italy that neither she nor her husband speak the language. At all. We all have heritage from somewhere besides the United States, but if someone were to tell me I’m like the Volkswagen New Beetle of Germans, I’d have to agree, I wouldn’t feel the need to scorch the earth over it.
  11. There's also the possibility that when Vicki said she wanted to die before her mother to spare herself pain, she didn't mean it, but said it for shock value and to make sure everyone was well aware that when her mom eventually died, the event should be treated as if the worst thing in the world has happened...to Vicki. Pre-planning for pity. Narcissists will do or say anything for attention, it doesn't have to be true. I think it kills Vicki inside that she has to sometimes thinly acknowledge that Billy has been grieving and misses his mom, too. She doesn't want him stealing her thunder, and probably doesn't believe that he is suffering in anywhere near the same way she is. Vicki 100% believes that her feelings are bigger and more important than everyone else's, but has learned over time to try to disguise that belief because it's not well received. Narcissists can adapt in this way.
  12. One thing I like about the Manzos is that when I see their name in the description for any show, in this case WWHL, I know I can skip it and use those minutes of my life to do something more fulfilling, like clip my toenails. I admire Leah Remini for writing a book exposing the inner workings of Scientology, but even though she says she's not worried at all about the safety of herself or her family, I kind of am. They haven't managed to scare people into keeping silent for so many years by bluffing. I hope there's no backlash that causes her any permanent damage.
  13. I have always lived in the suburbs within 25 minutes of Atlanta, and the suburbs here can tend to lean more toward country living – meaning people with Southern twangs who are happy to sit on the front porch and talk for hours, hug a lot, always keep sweet tea in the fridge and enjoy more of a simple life than in the big city. I think every state has its own kind of “country” areas where the communities are a little tighter, neighbors are more than neighbors, and mutual support for people is plentiful. Orange County is definitely not one of those areas. Vicki should have learned to be satisfied with what appeared to me just seeing a small portion of it on television to be quite a lot of sympathy and pity from the other women, but she always has to push for more, more, more. She expected at least 6 months of being untouchable and beyond reproach because her mother died and Brooks was supposedly sick, and is too self-absorbed to understand that’s not how things work when you are old enough to be a grandmother yourself. I really believe she thought her mom dying would keep everyone bowed down in a circle of prayer around her forever, and that no one would dare question anything she said because she hadn’t been ready for her mommy to die yet, and that makes her the most important person in every room, always. The thing about personality disorders is that even when you know someone has one, it doesn’t make it easier to deal with the shit that comes with their disorder. My mother in law is so much like Vicki that it’s truly scary, they are almost the same people except that my MiL has actually done much worse things (yes, you all should worry about me, because she would absolutely have me killed if she thought she could get her hands on my death benefit money). Once I understood that she was born this way and can’t be cured, I tried so hard to have empathy and be more understanding of the terrible behavior and shit that came out of her mouth, but I just wasn’t able to. She’s too awful, and no amount of my attempts at kindness and understanding can surmount that. I’ve even tried to pity her, because like Vicki, she is alone, and clings desperately, awkwardly and uncomfortably to my husband as the only person left she cares about (or is it “cares” about?). She bribes him to spend time with her (he keeps a healthy distance because he is very sane, and has been telling me since we married in 1997 that when she upsets me I have to do what he does - pretend she's a character on TV and let it all roll off my back), she calls to tell him she has been crying for days because she misses her mom (who died 15 years ago at the age of 79) and then tries to goad him into telling her he would be destroyed if she ever died. She comes up with crazy illnesses to drop on us like bombs in an attempt to get us to feel sorry for her, and I used to fall for it before I knew they were all lies. She told me privately one Easter at my house that she had Adult Leukemia, and asked me to let her break the news to my husband, and then she forgot to tell him. When he finally asked about it, she had no idea what he was talking about. She told me that she had been diagnosed with Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (like SIDS that happens to babies, only this happens to adults). I asked her how that was possible, since she was, you know, alive, and she said that it could happen any minute, especially if she falls out of a boat into cold water and her body goes into shock. I said that would be a danger to anyone, and is not the same as SIDS, or SADS and she got really mad at me and refused to discuss it further because I was being mean and impossible. She also shrieked, "YOU'RE NOT A DOCTOR!!!" at my face, Vicki-style. Just two examples of many medical disaster lies that she had to attach to herself because she doesn’t have a Brooks in her life. She IS the Brooks, and is referred to by some as the Black Widow, due to 4 dead husbands. I’m glad Shannon and Vicki’s friendship is over, and I hope for Shannon’s sake it stays that way. Being friends with Vicki may get you a trip to Cabo, but the strings attached aren’t worth it. Shannon and David can pay for their own vacations and need to steer very clear of Vicki from now on. I don’t really care if Tamra still wants to be friends with Vicki, because I think she’s awful, too, so they deserve each other. I don’t think Heather takes any of these friendships very seriously, and just plays along because she understands what the show she’s on is about. Her real friends are the ones not on camera. If someone puts their name on a dish at a potluck or reception so that they themselves can find it afterward to take home, that’s totally cool. I only think it’s not great when you are giving the food as a gift, and then something is expected from the recipient afterward. I have actually picked up a lot of baking dishes at yard sales and Goodwill crazy cheap, that I store on a shelf in the garage until I need to wash one and fill it with food for someone. Oh and one more tip re: food gifts during hard times – Poppy seed chicken over rice is almost always a huge hit, as well as strawberry pretzel salad. I know this is going to sound super weird, but when my mom died, a dear friend brought both of those to me, and we really enjoyed the hell out of that meal. That was many years ago, and to this day when I think of my mom’s death, I remember that meal, and how delicious and comforting it truly was. This casserole stuff really works!
  14. Where I live, giving homemade casseroles during hard times is pretty standard. Major deaths in my family always = fridge and freezer full of homemade dishes, and my house full of more plants than a greenhouse. One person paid for all the catering after my aunt's funeral, just told me not to worry about it because I had enough to deal with taking care of all the details after her shocking and unexpected demise, and sure enough a barbeque restaurant came and delivered a truckload of amazing food. That was a huge help, and I will never forget their generous act of kindness. Even right now, I have been down with a severe back problem, and while it's not a death and I don't have cancer (I hope), I've actually received numerous casseroles/meals from girlfriends because I can't stand up in the kitchen and cook. I've made plenty of casseroles over the years for others who could just use a little help during a rough patch, because sometimes when you care about someone and they have problems you can't help them solve, you can at least feed them and their family for a couple of days. Food is love here among us regular old people, and maybe that's how it is where Vicki grew up, too, but that's not really the way things go down among the wealthy, fancy and hoity-toity. Also, I don't go to church, but if I did then my house wouldn't have been able to hold all the homemade goodies, because churches typically have a whole committee of sweet older ladies who are assigned nights to bring a full meal to a member/family going through a loss or crisis. Vicki talks like she's so involved with her church (she's the female Jesus, after all. She should probably give herself the Best Christian of 2015 Award!), but either her church is so enormous that they don't have a committee for that, or she's not the beloved, valuable and active member she would have everyone believe. Or maybe there is a meal committee, but they don't consider the circumstances of Vicki's particular loss to be one that gets the giant casserole machine cranked up. I wonder if when she went to her mom's funeral there were people shoving dishes at her family from all directions, and when she got back home she was appalled by the blaring lack of casseroles at her door. She wants to be Fabulous Vicki who lives a Very Successful Life in Orange County, C A L I F O R N I A most of the time, but when she feels needy, she misses the downhome comforts outside of the shiny "perfection" of her precious gated communities. The thing about Vicki, though, is that I feel that she is a person who only wants things from people to help her keep score, and to show off like medals. When she says "I expected casseroles and sympathy", what she really meant was she wanted physical proof from people that her suffering is known, and people are worried about her. A phone call is not enough, an empty-handed visit is not enough. She probably wouldn't eat a homemade casserole, but she would damn sure Instagram a picture of it as evidence that her extreme difficulties and crosses to bear were acknowledged by someone. It's beyond Vicki that when your mom dies in her 80's and you are in your 50's, no one is going to treat you like a little lost child who has just been orphaned and is about to become a ward of the state. Everyone expected her to be sad but to also find a way to deal with her loss like an adult, whether that means therapy, grief counseling or whatever. It did amuse me when she mistakenly referred to her grieving as "grievance", which is ironically accurate since her perceived lack of attention over her mother's death did become a grievance for her. Didn't Brianna say Vicki would call to tell her she had been laying on the floor screaming and crying about her mom dying? Enough, Vicki. Just stop. I found it interesting that it's always the women I despise most in the Real Housewives franchise that loudly describe themselves as smart, successful and a great catch, once they no longer have men in their lives, such as Shiree and Kenya in Atlanta, Ramona in NY and now Vicki. Keep drinking your own Kool-Aid, ladies, because no one else is. I don't even feel bad for Vicki that she is so lonely and can't stand to be alone with herself at all. While I do think it must be terrible to be unable to just enjoy her own company, there's a reason she's alone, or with a piece of garbage like Brooks, and the reason is that she's AWFUL. If she was less awful, she would have more romantic prospects and more genuine friendships than TV friendships that are gutted and shredded every season. Her sadness and loneliness are directly proportionate to her awfulness. PS: For anyone who was heretofore unfamiliar with the casserole-giving process and are thinking of starting to bring food to someone going through a bad time, one word of advice: Please purchase or use a dish that you don't want back. The recipient can either keep it for themselves, or use it the next time they take someone a casserole, or throw it out. But it really peeved me to see "Return this dish to Mary Brown" taped to the bottom of something, because then the nice gesture becomes the burden of being sure to clean it perfectly and return it swiftly. Tin foil containers are fine. Plastic for non-heatables is fine. Handing over a nice dish with a demand of return isn't the coolest. It only seemed to be the older ladies, so maybe it's generational, but no matter the reason, no.
  15. The palace porn in this episode was so incredibly satisfying. Thank you for the detailed tour, Bravo! I never felt that I had a real feel for what Mapperton looks like except for the exterior grounds and the lackluster kitchen, so to see such fabulousness in shots longer than half-seconds was very enjoyable. I continue to think Caroline F. is so lovely, nothing about her bothers me. She's not perfect, but I don't need for her or anyone to be perfect, just pleasant and worth getting to know. I had no problem with her being upset by the latecomers for breakfast...they weren't in a hotel or someone's regular house where the person cooking the food can just say tough crap, you're late, the food is gone...they were in a mansion that belongs to royalty and if they are told that they need to arrive for meals on time - which they certainly were told - then they need to arrive on time. I appreciate that Caroline F. was insulted on behalf of the staff who put together such a nice spread for her guests. Caroline S. wouldn't have given a shit that someone had worked hard to make sure all the food was ready on time and hot, because she seems to think the people who do all the things that make her life easy are not worth caring about. She can blather all she wants about how hard it was on her to see Gift Library fail, but I will never believe that she had one drop of emotion for the staff that lost jobs they counted on due to her frivolities and piss-poor business management.. I thought everyone looked so nice in their gowns for dinner, except for Marissa, who I normally find so well put together. Her dress was clunky and ill-fitting, and I think her bra showed through the back, which seems a bit tacky for the location and occasion. Speaking of attire, once again, Juliet the so-called stylist looked a total mess with her giant cable-knit sweater wrapped around her waist in a way that was terribly unflattering and made me think she must have been trying to cover up an awkwardly located stain on the back of her pants. I recall wearing my coat in a similar way when I got my period in math class. I'm so tired of hearing about Alexander McQueen. I suppose if I were British I might care more about his whole story, but I had never heard of him until he died, and 5 years later I certainly don't care more than I did then. I understand that Anabelle loved him dearly, but honestly I think she is almost a little weird and obsessive about him to still be as affected by things that scuzzy tabloids try to dig up on him after so many years. That's the kind of story that people read and immediately forget about. I thought she must have gotten a call that a close relative had died, not that there was an unflattering article about her former best friend.
  16. To me, Tim looked normal and attractive in photos, but then after he had been in prison a while, he looked completely crazy in the interview. His eyes were so dilated, even with the bright studio lights shining at him, so I guess he was on something, and he had these red areas on his face and head that look like someone who has done meth and started picking at their skin. None of that has anything to do with being a murderer, of course, but I felt that he looked much more on the outside like who he really is on the inside once he was locked away.
  17. I agree. I think she went to his house to cool off after storming out from the argument with her boyfriend, he tried to put a move on her, she said no, and he snapped. His ego was probably bruised because she didn't want him that way anymore even when things were bad in her current relationship, maybe he was tired of being her shoulder to cry on because he was only staying close with her in hopes they would get back together. Or, maybe he's just psychotic. But I definitely don't buy the motive that he murdered her because she wouldn't loan him her car, that's just stupid. Also stupid was dumping her body in the town where he parked at the airport. And looking at the online news for that town 100 times. This guy wasn't going to be building rockets any time soon. Is it wrong of me to find her boyfriend attractive? I'm not down with his whole, "I guess she was mad because maybe I wasn't paying enough attention to her or something" explanation of their fight that was bad enough for her to leave her own house, but um...he looked VERY nice in court. Is this what it means to become desensitized? I felt terrible for the victim, if that counts. As much as I found it interesting that a way to suffocate someone without leaving the usual telltale marks of strangulation is to sit on their chest and cover their mouth and nose, I'm not sure it was a great idea to just put that information out there. Being able to determine cause of death is so important, I would hate for someone to get away with murder because they learned that trick on Dateline.
  18. Anderson Cooper mentioned that the last time he was on WWHL, Waka bit him on his back so hard that his shirt was torn and he lost blood. I remember Waka snapped at Carol Burnett's face, and he also bit someone's hand...I want to say Rick Springfield but I'm not positive. I guess this is why the dog isn't on the show anymore (thank goodness). It's strange to me, because I had a beagle for 13 years and she never even bared her teeth at anyone once, much less tried to bite someone. Beagles are normally such gentle dogs, I wonder why Waka is such a train wreck. Maybe he's a beagle mix...he's pretty large for the breed. I hope Andy has put him through obedience training; he's been lucky so far that none of these people have sued.
  19. Well, that live show was terrible. NASCAR was a poor choice. Having the drivers as guests was a poor choice. Being live was a poor choice. Being an hour long was a poor choice. And weirdly, I don't know if every single joke was really as bad as it seemed, or if this is the one show in the world that is actually better with a laugh track. Painful. Never do it again!
  20. I'm on the fence about Brielle having implants. At her age, my body was shaped almost exactly like hers now, except for the legs. For some girls, boobs are going to pop out and be their most perfect and alluring during this time. I wish I had pictures of mine from back then, they were so nice and I didn't appreciate them - boobs weren't a thing to be shown off, pushed out, purchased and discussed in mixed company like they are these days, so I kept mine covered under oversized jackets and sweaters. She wears revealing clothes because it's a different era, plus Kim is her mom. True, Brielle's breasts don't move around much, but then, neither does she, so it's hard to tell by the jiggle, or lack thereof. I would love to believe that Kim didn't get implants for her teenaged daughter, because that's beyond disgusting even from Kim, who I find supremely disgusting. Brielle already whitens her teeth to within an inch of their lives, I'm not convinced all of her hair is real, her nails are acrylic and a lot of her tan is probably fake. That's a whole lotta false for someone so young, even without implants. I remember the good ole days, when my friends and I had to just work with what we had. I felt like a fraud because I had perms in the '80s...it was embarrassing that I didn't have my own naturally mile high and wide hair, and it bothered me that some people knew that my curls were all a giant lie. How are all these Bravo women, young and old, not embarrassed that everyone knows their boobs are fake? I would be mortified!
  21. I think it was a fluke. The best thing to ever happen to Kim was RHoA. Before that she was just a cheap-wig-wearing trashy single mom who was banging a rich married man in exchange for money and goods. Her friendship with Nene started her gravy train rolling, and ever since then she has believed all her own hype and really believes she is the bg star she always knew she would be. Either she doesn't know the difference between being famous and infamous, or she doesn't care, as long as there is money for her to spend on herself. The fact that Kim and Kroy don't really consider Tracey a true friend of theirs was evident at the tattoo parlor when they didn't say, "Okay, this joke has gone too far. Tracey, you don't have to get this awful tattoo, especially not so big and where people can see it. We love you even if you don't permanently modify your body just to amuse us." And at the end of the episode when they were laughing so hard because Tracey regretted it afterward, that was really nice. I admire Tracey's confidence to go up and talk to women she finds attractive. It's weird to me how 2 weeks ago she was so in love and now suddenly they are broken up for good and she doesn't even seem upset.
  22. Kim is a rare (but not rare enough) example of someone getting everything they ever wanted in spite of not deserving any of it. She thinks because she worked for a few years earlier in her life that means she is some kind of role model who can snark on the fact that Brielle never does any work of any kind now, when really she is a role model for just trying to be sexy until what you want is put in your lap. It's a miracle that Arianna is so good about doing well in school, considering she has watched Kim's "climb" to "success" alongside Brielle. But the fact is, Brielle is just not smart, at all, and no matter how vapid some of the entertainment reporters may seem sometimes, they had to have some intelligence to get where they are. I don't think Brielle is bright enough to be a production assistant or in charge of craft services, much less anything in a higher pay grade. Kim isn't doing her any favors by insisting that everyone always assures Brielle that all of her dreams will come true if she just wishes hard enough and wears clothes that are low-cut enough. Anyway, how far can Kim really get Brielle in any door when she herself is not an actual, credible, respected celebrity with talent - she is a joke who has her own show based on how over the top ridiculous she is. It's not hard for people in the industry to say, "Sure, Kim, we would be happy to give Brielle an interview for an internship!", they don't lose anything by doing that, but since Brielle doesn't have any actual talent or industry knowledge, her road to success would likely end there. Which is for the best, really, because if she did manage to get a coveted internship and take the spot from someone who intends to work hard and learn, she would end up quitting anyway because they would expect too much from her, like reliability, and the fact that she won't be paid for it will not be okay with her after one week. I hope Slade's parents do put their collective foot down and stop him from moving to L.A. to "get food" for Brielle. Jesus. It's painful to watch this unfold.
  23. Those don't fit her lifestyle because she's a self-proclaimed germaphobe who says she uses the throwaway Solos because they are always clean and can be thrown away after every use. Does anyone else remember back in the early days when she was wearing those synthetic wigs that looked like bad Barbie hair, and she bought them by the dozens because she threw them away at the end of every day? I was agog when she said that, I had never heard of anything so irrationally wasteful. Big Poppa's money was buying them at the time, and then later she moved on to higher quality wigs that weren't disposable, but I wonder how she deals with the "germs" that stay in her wigs now. Does she have a special disinfecting booth in the house where everything she can't just throw away gets a Silkwood shower?
  24. I don't trust them, either. The last time I went to get my hair cut and the stylist had clearly over-practiced on herself, I came out with the back of my head a half an inch long. She cut of 14 inches off my hair, when I came in and asked for a trim in a long bob style. She asked if I wanted assymetrical, shorter in the back, I said absolutely not because the back of my head isn't shaped nicely for that style. She did it anyway, starting in the back so that once it was done there was nothing I could do to save it, because she "knew it would look good on me" (it really, really did NOT look good on me, and I'm not just saying that out of bitterness). That was 3 years ago, my hair is only now finally getting near the length that it was, and I will no longer sit in a chair for someone who advertises on her own head that she wants to do trendy cuts. The truth is, if I were to spend the money on a full time home chef, I wouldn't necessarily want one who is super thin, but I would want someone who was at a workable weight that I knew had the self-control to keep the ingredients in the food they cook to a certain healthy, whole level, and not, say, blue rice krispies treats with chocolate chips in them. Desserts don't have to be made from a pile of garbage. Also, they showed KJ handling that white knife, and just because it's not made of metal doesn't mean it's not dangerous. I have one of those knives, and it cuts fruit and vegetables beautifully because it is so deceptively sharp, and stays that way. I made a pretty big slice in my own thumb using it, that thing is not a toy, and it made me very nervous to see KJ using it without anyone even paying close attention. His interest in cooking and baking is pretty darn cute, I think. Not sure I love that he's allowed to just open up a hot oven, because my arms have plenty of burn scars from taking things out without using proper care as an adult (I get excited! Sometimes I rush!).
  25. Typically, the depression that follows mania prevents people from doing much of anything besides collapsing into a pile of inability to cope or function, especially quelling the ability to follow up effectively on the big plans that were made while manic. I wonder if he was medicated, and that kept him "stable" enough to do more than would be typical. I think he must have some kind of psychosis that could have been exacerbated by bipolar disorder. Most people with bipolar disorder alone only hurt themselves, and the people who love them (emotionally). I didn't watch the Cosby women portion of the show, because I figured it would just be an hour full of the same thing we've been hearing all along, and I've definitely had more than enough of "but none of you have any actual proof, right?". I guess they all should have Monica Lewinski'd their clothes when it happened, just in case they ever worked up the nerve to come forward years later. Pfffffft,
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