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Everything posted by JayDub1987

  1. Exactly what my wife said. Although it proves what many have suspected. Ky didn't give a shit out about "the mission." He cared about himself, and hid behind the stated mission in order to maintain his usual holier-than-thou attitude. Not remotely shocked that it happened. Just shocked that he didn't show his dumb ass sooner.
  2. Finally some tension! Although in news that everyone already knew, Kyland really is an asshole.
  3. I've bashed on The Oaf most of the season, but I'll concede that I was stunned with how well he did in the competition last night. First of all, I was stunned that he could stay awake that long. Secondly, I didn't think he had a chance at outperforming the other 3 in a comp that required math, balance, and some agility. Ky obviously was trying way too hard to go fast which led to knocking his own balls out of the card. It also begs the question, how horrible is Azah at everything (except for the one comp she won)?!
  4. Well, thank God Jeff won't be saying "guys" anymore. I would assume that it means that all of the world's issues have been resolved. Hell, I bet even Covid has been cured. Thanks for saving us from ourselves, Ricard. I do like it when the virtue-signalers who label anyone who disagrees with them a "troll" makes it obvious early. Helps me decide who to have as my least favorite person from the onset. As far as the votes, ditching Abraham was stupid. You're gonna need some muscle more than you need someone who is "nice" to everyone. As far as Sara, OK. Not really sure that there were any wrong choices on that tribe.
  5. When arrogance meets stupidity, the potential is endless.
  6. Yea, The Oaf has literally slept his way through this game, not even in the way that most other people have slept their way through this game. Him taking any kind of credit for anything is total bullshit. However, Azah has done the exact same amount, she's just been awake for more of it.
  7. Haha, I'm sure I've romanticized the original story in my mind, but I used to watch Days every day with my grandparents when we weren't in school. So yea, I'm all on this nostalgia thing. *BRO HUG!
  8. Yep, I'm a 33-year-old guy who still checks out Days from time to time, primarily for the nostalgia. The fact that we're revisiting the possession storyline has me entirely more excited than I'd like to admit.
  9. Deleted: As I posted a spoiler. Shoulda read the rules first.
  10. Sarcasm? Because if not, we can roll through the list of the women in there with him to uncover why it's not exactly a bachelor's utopia in there.
  11. I'm still enjoying it. We're finally to the part of the season where people have to start cutting throats. That's why I watch this stuff. Additionally, it's setting up for X to win, which I've been hoping for since the onset.
  12. So I'm seeing on some other platforms that the guys having a Final 3 is sexism from the same people who said the Cookout having a final 6 wasn't racism. Sorry, that's not how it works. I'm really starting to think that some people only watch this show to see how angry they can get. As always, Go X!
  13. Unless Hannah was Azah's target, Azah is dumber than I thought. Hypothetical (on what she should've done IMO): Put up X and Ky. Let's assume that Ky wins veto (since he did). He obviously has to pull himself down. Replace Ky with The Oaf (I refuse to even call the other guy by his name at this point) Ky votes out Oaf Boy. Hannah (who would've been Azah's proxy vote) votes out X Azah casts a tiebreaker vote and gets X out of the house Hannah would have a reasonable chance at winning the next HoH, and could conceivably keep Azah safe. Now, Azah has virtually no chance unless she manages to somehow pull off another victory in the next PoV. It seems to me that Azah outplayed Azah. She certainly did outdo anyone else. If she thinks any of those guys are going to pack her to the Final 2, she's a moron. I think that Azah got so caught up in the idea of having a pawn (which was necessary early in the season when there were many moving parts) that she freaked out when she finally had the power. Oh well, she has no business winning anyway. As always, go X!
  14. Exactly. As the show went on, she continued to not know her numbers. IMO, that's completely unacceptable. Especially when Marcus has told her he's going to come back and ask her about her numbers.
  15. I think it has more to do with the fact that she knew he was coming and that he would ask about her numbers. I've watched every episode multiple times, and he always asks the owner about their numbers. The fact that we're in season 8 and owners still act like they didn't expect it gets on my nerves. I would imagine it annoys him too.
  16. Have her parents really earned any respect? I'm sorry, but when she was a child, she sought their permission for everything like she should've done. But she's an adult now, and respect between adults is earned, not just given because you pushed a human out of you. I don't see any way that Kim and Barry have earned the respect of their grown children.
  17. Maybe I don't get it because I didn't consider Derek X to be all that loveable. Dude was stupid enough to announce his backdoor and then act shocked when he received pushback on it. I kinda almost liked him up to that point, but when you're biggest stroke of genius is, "I'm gonna tell Alyssa who is getting all the way down with Christian that I'm backdooring him," I refuse to root for you anymore. Wrote him off that night and eagerly awaited his eviction.
  18. My mom just told me that apparently in one of the live feeds, Tiffany made a statement that America should let Ky know "what they think about him targeting two black women." Ok, so Tiffany wanted to get to the final 6 with all African American contestants because she says it's about making a change. But now she thinks that her and the females should be exempt from the block. Tell ya what, Tiffany. How bout since you're A)Black, B)Middle Aged, and C) Female, we go ahead and give this season to you. That way nobody would have to be upset about anything. God, I wish viewers could volunteer to transport the houseguests to the jury house. I'd sign up to be the one to haul Tiffany off.
  19. Julie isn't doing anything that other people don't do (as far as sharing her personal convictions). Religion just triggers people, especially if they don't agree with the religion in question. I'll go ahead and put up my shield for the incoming bashing that I'm going to receive for saying that. :)
  20. I'm with you on never wanting to be on this show. However, my reasoning is different. I know I'd never stand a chance because I wouldn't be able to tolerate all the nonstop whining and crying. For instance, if I was in the house with Britini, I'd have lost it on her third (or so) meltdown. I just can't deal with people who cry and whine incessantly. Azah would be throwing a fit about not getting handed an HoH, and I'd go off the deep end.
  21. I guess I'm taking him at his word where he talks about throwing comps. He obviously has the physical skills, and he's a smart guy. DereF possesses neither of those things. Unless there's a nap-off, he was never going to win anything (which is what I said in episode 1). I guess Azah could be throwing comps, but if that was true, why would she whine so much about people not throwing them to her?
  22. My God, that mother was so annoying. Her non-stop giggling was almost more than I could handle.
  23. I'll jump in and say I don't get the SB hatred, unless the "woke" crowd just thought it was cool to hate her because Tiffany did. She was about as bland and boring as she could possibly be. People have huge balls when they're hiding behind a screen.
  24. And DereF is asleep somewhere, tipping the boat towards whatever side he's snoring in.
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