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Everything posted by JayDub1987

  1. Did anyone catch Kim saying that they asked Lydia and the "young man" not to text and that "THEY" said they wouldn't, but "THEY" lied to us? Is Kim seriously so delusional that she thinks she can tell other people's kids what to do? Wait....of course she is. Kim: "Micah and Moriah have made us question our parenting, so it's nice to have a child who you can correct and welcomes the correction." TRANSLATION "It's nice to have a child who thinks that I'm always right and wouldn't dare question me. For if she does, she knows that I won't let her be in charge of the computer password and the other powers that I have bestowed upon her for letting me go balls deep in her life." Lydia's entire conversation/song with God in the field was weird. Absolutely bizarre. It's worrisome that Kim and Barry have convinced her that texting a boy without their permission somehow separates her from God. Curious about the preview for next week in which Micah is "gone." Hopefully he doesn't give in and run home to Nazi Kim and Grinnin' Barry.
  2. I just caught onto this show recently, and then all of this news comes out. I find it humorous that there are multiple accounts of Rose being unbearable to work with, but there's still people on various platforms who say that her accusations are true. And she asked for a "no yelling policy?" I'm sorry, but these celebrities would never make it in the real world. *Sets up flameproof shield for the hate I'll probably get
  3. Eh, she'd probably annoy them so quickly they'd return her in under half an hour.
  4. She'll be off the "hot seat" within a matter of seconds. She will tell Kim and Barry that God told her that they were right, she'll go do the dishes, mop the floors, and the rest of her parental duties (not sure how she inherited them all while Kim sits back and does nothing), and all will be right again. I don't feel sorry for her though. Lydia's undying loyalty to the teachings of the Holy Mother and Grinnin' Barry have earned her the position she obviously craves so much.
  5. Well in season one, she informed Moriah that Moriah shouldn't be resentful towards her because she gave her a home. Yep, Super Bitch Kim actually said that her children owe her something because she let them live in a house. I'm sorry, Kim. Letting your children live in your home isn't something to brag about. That's called PARENTING.
  6. Yep. Kim could teach a master class in gaslighting.
  7. Exactly. Kim and Barry (more so Kim) truly believe that they're beyond reproach. You can't treat people anyway you want to and expect them to simply conform to your Nazi-like approach to them. The fact that Olivia just doesn't interact with them shows how strong she truly is. If I were in a similar situation, I'd be far more confrontational.
  8. Glad I read through all the comments before I responded, because THIS RIGHT HERE! Lydia is only a victim in the sense that she has allowed herself to become brainwashed by Nazi Kim and Grinning Barry. In that sense, sure, I feel bad for her. But you're right. She positioned herself to be the "top disciple" of the cult (thinking about John the Beloved leaning his head on Jesus' chest in the Last Supper painting here). I hope one day Lydia realizes that Kim doesn't give a shit about her and gets away from her. But in the mean time, I do think that Lydia has figured out that if she feeds into Kim's egomania, that it bodes well for her. I don't know if she always buys into Kim's bullshit the way she says she does, but she makes sure to always say she does. "God told me my parents were right." "Just because we were hiding didn't mean he had to look for us." Her blatant subservient attitude is either Stockholm Syndrome or she's as good at manipulation as Kim.
  9. A vocal coach could help in theory. I'm sure I'm being too critical because I've recorded stuff for people (usually late teens/early 20s) who have worked with vocal coaches and teachers so they really believe they can sing. There comes a point where Auto Tune technology can only do so much.
  10. Ok, the music video just tripped me out. Hosanna looks so much like one of my exes that I did a legitimate doubletake
  11. Yea, I get that. I do have kids, but my wife and I have chosen to be pretty honest with them, which is how my parents raised me. I've never been a great singer, but I'm a good musician. I've played with some relatively popular bands over the years as a fill-in or studio musician. My parents told me when I was a teenager that I should probably focus on music and not vocals. It wasn't mean, it was just honest. My son is really good at baseball, but God Almighty, he can't do anything on a basketball court. We let him do both when he was really young, but now that he's growing up a bit, I told him I think he'd be better served by just playing baseball. I'm all for Moriah being happy, but there's no way that she can listen to a recording of that performance and think she did well. If so, she's truly tone-deaf.
  12. OK, just getting to watch this morning. Here's my list of people who I can't stand. 1. Fuck You, Kim: Your daughter asked you to do something but you can't handle the idea of not being in total control. Listen, I'm sorry that you backed over your kid with a car. I'm sure that it fucks you up. However, that doesn't mean that you can literally take control away from the people around you to hold onto for yourself. 2. Fuck You, Lydia: Yep, this one is just as nuts as her mom. I had some hope for her once upon a time, but holy hell. Kim is balls deep in this kid's life but I think she likes it. "They didn't have to come and find us just because we were hiding." No....you and your Two-Tons-of-No-Fun mom should've kept your asses at home. 3. Fuck Your Musical Career, Moriah: Sorry, but she's fucking terrible. I'm a musician and have a pretty decent amount of experience as a recording/sound engineer. I'm not a vocalist, but I know what good vocals sound like, and that was terrible. If you wanna sing in your car, have at it. But there's no need to make other people suffer through it.
  13. We already know how this one plays out, right? Kim nails herself to her own cross, plays the martyr, and convinces some of her idiotic children (looking at you, Lydia) that she's an innocent victim. Moriah will probably forgive her to her face and hide her own feelings, because Kim still has her trained enough to know that if she dares decry the Holy Mother of Plathhood that she will never see her siblings.
  14. Yea, there's really no hope for Kim at this point. Narcists don't really stop being stop being narcists. Kim adores herself entirely too much to ever accept the fact that she may be to blame for her children not wanting anything to do with her.
  15. I appreciate that! If my viewership had anything to do with ratings, I don't even think I would watch this show because I'm sure Kim believes that people are supporting and endorsing her. She's a horrible human who (under the guise of "raising her children") is doing nothing but damaging them. Hell, cult leaders all throughout history claimed that they were doing what was best for "their people" when they were actually manipulating them and ultimately destroying their lives. Kim is a nasty, despicable person who I hope visits these forums just so she can know that there are people other than Olivia who see her for what she is.
  16. Exactly. I've discussed (maybe in this episode discussion) that my parents are very anti-alcohol. With that in mind, I don't drink around them. However, they know that I do have an occasional drink or two, and don't try to shame me for it. Those are adult boundaries.
  17. It is a discussion board. Disagreeing with your posts supporting Kim is no more a case of "beating you up" than you disagreeing with others. I personally have a wonderful relationship with my parents, even though they are far more conservative than I am (which is saying a lot, as I'm a very conservative person). Kim isn't conservative. She is an insufferable, manipulative person who thinks she should be able to control her adult children. Going to an event that your adult child told you not to come to isn't "caring." It's wrong. I also had no idea. Part of me would like to read it, but I also don't want to reward the Super Bitch with more traffic on a platform that she uses to increase her own self-worth.
  18. Respect is earned, not given, especially with adult children. Kim can demand that the younger children respect her, but that doesn't fly with adults. For instance, my wife's biological mother is a waste of oxygen, total piece of shit. My wife doesn't respect her and makes sure that she knows that. Kim is his mother, but he's an adult. "I'm your mom, so respect me" doesn't work with grown ups. That's why there's a good chance that every one of these kids are going to grow up to hate her, and I hope we get to see it happen.
  19. This. Olivia told Moriah on more than one occasion that she would opt out of playing so Kim could come. Moriah refused that offer and told Kim not to attend. That's not "being put in the middle." That's taking a look at your options and choosing one.
  20. I'd kick it up a notch. Maybe have an Alka Selzer in her pocket with a bottle of water in hand. She could pop it in and start foaming at the mouth if the opportunity presented itself. Really drive that whole "evil spirit" thing home. The audacity of Nazi Kim saying anyone has an evil spirit when she's actually the most evil, vile "human" on this show is laughable.
  21. Yep. Still team Gary after all this time. Did he break the law? Sure did. Would I have done the same thing if someone sexually assaulted my God daughter? You bet your ass I would.
  22. Micah was in on the search until he had to take the stage, and also referred to Kim's behavior as "bullshit." Ultimately, Moriah told Kim that she couldn't come to the concert. Kim, being the all-knowing, all-seeing, sugar-hating, control-freak Nazi that she is decided that what Moriah said didn't matter because she was going to do what she wanted. In order for there to be reconciliation, both parties need to admit wrongdoing. Kim doesn't believe she's ever been wrong.
  23. I'm sure it's some kind of requirement for the Cult of Plath. Lydia has her head so far up her own mother's ass, I'm surprised she doesn't refer to as "The Holy Mother" or something along those lines. I guess we should be happy with the phrase "my mother."
  24. She discussed the toxicity of her father in the most recent episode. She also said that she was raised in a very similar situation as Ethan, which would explain the friend "issue" that you've created. She may not want to associate with people who she knew in her youth. As far as new friends, she just went on a trip with Moriah and the girl who Micah is/isn't dating (can never remember that girl's name). Also, just because you don't see her surrounded by friends on a 42 minute TV show doesn't mean she doesn't have any. That's quite a stretch, even for the staunchest Kim defender. Kim and Barry can raise their kids anyway they want, and people can point out the blatant glaring hypocrisy that they exhibit and the fact that the children have pointed to their lack of education as a hindrance in their lives. Also, according to this article (https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/3504683/why-is-hosanna-not-on-welcome-to-plathville/), I'm not sure where you get this "loving relationship" with Hosanna. A direct quote from Moriah: "“Sometimes we keep in touch to some extent, but it’s also, like, she’s across the country and, you know, it would just be a hassle and she doesn’t want to be on the show.” Georgia to Ohio isn't "across the country." Also, it should be fun to see how "great" their relationship with Micah and Moriah is after Kim's most recent self-absorbed stunt. Micah calling out Kim's "bullshit" and her blatant refusal to adhere to something Moriah asked her to do certainly doesn't bode well for this mended bridge. Finally, how is Ethan "stuck" with Olivia? Divorce is pretty simple, especially if there are no children involved.
  25. I'm sorry that you had to endure that, especially for that long. It's sad to say, but in some cases, there can be no peace until someone dies.
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