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Everything posted by JayDub1987

  1. Eh, I disagree there. It's a game and everyone inside that house is a person standing between you and a lot of money. I don't think that not experiencing guilt about lying to someone who you didn't know before and don't have to have a relationship with after makes you a "soulless monster." But that's all a guess since none of us are on there.
  2. Add me to the list of people who don't buy into the tears. Everybody in that house is just another person standing between you and $750,000. Don't give me the whole sobbing, weeping, "I loved him/her soooooo much" crap. Nope. You wanted to beat them or you wouldn't have come on this show. I cracked up when Tiffany said X would deal with it too. I don't think he will. I believe he's managed to take out any of this fake personal sentiment and realizes he's playing a game.
  3. I would love to see Claire win it because I think it would provide the best chance to get DereF outta the house. I'd call him obnoxious, but I don't think it's a strong enough word.
  4. Derek F isn't gonna win anything. Not smart enough to win a mental comp and about as physical as a tree stump.
  5. Watched for a while last night (after swearing I wouldn't). It seems like I find myself supporting different HGs at different points. The only consistently likeable person I've found is X.
  6. Legend has it, if you put those overalls on, you turn into a neurotic, obsessive whack-job who screams uncontrollably in the DR.
  7. She comes across as entitled. Obnoxious is actually the nicest thing I could say about her. I tried to like her at the beginning based on her resembling my wife, but gah, her personality makes it impossible. Yep. You summed up my feelings perfectly. If I never had to listen to DereF speak again, it'd be too soon. I think he's trying to be the stereotypical fun gay friend, but he comes across as the public nuisance who should be locked in a room somewhere and forgotten.
  8. I dislike DereF as much as I've disliked any houseguest. Everything about him makes me angry/annoyed. Azah is just obnoxious. I'd actually rank them behind all the guests you listed there.
  9. I will say that this season has more people I'd be OK with winning than some past seasons, but there's still some people I'd definitely hate to see win. Primarily DereF and Azah. Fortunately, I can't see a scenario where either of them gets remotely close to victory.
  10. Ok, I'm calling bullshit. There is no way that enough people like DereF that he got $100 BB Bucks. He's annoying as hell. I assumed this "vote" would be a way for production to protect people they liked, and now I'm even more sure of it. I don't know 10 people who watch this show that like DereF.
  11. I'm hoping it's because he's trying to maintain some sort of game intelligence and not get tied into a showmance. If they wanna get together, they have a lifetime once this game ends.
  12. In a single episode, DereX went from being my new favorite (because he was willing to actually play the friggin' game) to being someone else I can't stand because he's an idiot who lets his emotions get in the way. "Please, please don't do this Derek." "Aww, OK. You look sad, I'll do what you want." "Oh, Alyssa, I'm gonna blindside that guy you're sleeping with, but don't tell him. K? Thanks!" Never mind me liking him. I'll just go back to rooting for X who is also starting to annoy the hell out of me.
  13. I expected fractures in the CO, but I wasn't anticipating them this early. However, with someone with the personality of Tiffany, it was probably destined to happen sooner than later.
  14. And you're certainly allowed to do that. I'm not sure how you get that forming an all POC group where anyone who isn't a POC isn't allowed in isn't racist, but apparently that's the road you've decided to take.
  15. Oh, and where are the people who came at me for saying there's no way DereF was going to be of any use in an endurance comp? "But he does Crossfit!" He lasted nine minutes. Nine. But yes, I was horrible for taking one look at him and figuring out he wasn't going to be fast or able to stand on a tiny, moving, wet platform. As far as the Cookout, it's racially motivated and exclusive to anyone who doesn't look like them. Their basis for creating the alliance was "we're going to stick together because of our skin color." It's not a debatable point. I'll defer to my African American wife on whether or not it's acceptable behavior. Her take? "If your only answer to racism is more racism, you're not actually concerned about racism."
  16. My wife is always spot on. At least that's what she tells me HAHAHA
  17. Kudos to DereX for at least making an attempt to make a move. It's the first signs of life in this house ever since Frenchie's Fun House of Chaos. I hope it works as I can't stand Christian. However, I'm expecting him to get drawn to play in the veto that he will inevitably win, giving himself safety. Best case? Christian is out. Worst case? Britini finally goes away. It's not really a bad week.
  18. My wife is a POC and absolutely hates the way the CO is operating. She believes (and I fully agree) that making a decision to create a group based solely on skin color is racist. Whether they're doing in response to racism that they've experienced or not, it doesn't make the group itself any less racist in its nature.
  19. I forgot the "good morning fiasco." If you want me to say "good morning," you should probably wait until I'm well caffeinated and it's after 11 AM. Just another example of me not being able to stand the hamsters. I'd share my thoughts that my wife and I have about the Cookout, but I'm pretty sure I'd be crucified.
  20. I've thrown my full support to X. He's the only one who seems to have enough of a personality that I can stand. Most of them bore me or annoy me to no end. Go X!
  21. Not necessarily that I think they want her to suffer. I just think she's made herself an easy target and I'd take advantage of that.
  22. I'd go ahead and throw Britini up there instead of Azah just to try to break her. She's obviously not mentally/emotionally strong enough to be here, and I could toss her out without much residual damage. I mean, she's been vowing her revenge for weeks and is still a non-factor in everything she does. If the house wants to get rid of DereF instead, that's cool too, as he's nothing more than dead weight.
  23. I get that. My wife and I decided to cancel the feeds this year, primarily because this season is so boring. Sorry, but if the only real excitement is found in the racial makeup of an alliance as someone mentioned earlier, this season just isn't very exciting. I understand what you're saying though. I just really don't care about their personal lives in general.
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