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Everything posted by JayDub1987

  1. Kim: "I've never told you that you can't be friends with Olivia and hang out with her." Bullshit. This woman is such a conniving cuntmuffin that she can't even keep track of her own dictatorship. (Sorry, I should've condensed all my thoughts to one post, but I'm kinda rehashing the episode in my head lol)
  2. That truly intrigues me, as it's simply not the case in my hometown. Most of the Plath-like families that I know have a completely subservient nature to the male. In fact, it goes so far as when/if the father/husband has died, the oldest son becomes the head of the family.
  3. Just watched this episode this morning. At this point, Kim's level of twat-waffleness isn't even shocking. Although, I am a bit shocked about the Plath's supposed commitment to fundamentalism. In fundamental homes, the husband/father is the head of the family, and what he says is the last word. It's pretty obvious that Kim packs Barry's balls around in her purse and makes all the decisions. Edit: Forgot to point out how on brand it was for Olivia to talk about what is best for "her parents" when talking to Moriah. She's bought into Kim's bullshit so much that she can't even feign support for someone who doesn't let Kim go balls deep in everything they do.
  4. "Kim is forced to make a choice that is best for her, Moriah and Olivia." No, no, no. Kim only makes choices that are good for Kim. It's cute that people want to paint this out like she's doing something because she gives a shit about someone else, but anyone who has seen more than 90 seconds of this show, knows that it's not the case.
  5. If this really is the end of The Profit, I'm pretty sad. I enjoyed Marcus and believe that his "People, Product, Process" strategy is actually a sound one that I've applied to my own real estate practice. I guess he's moving on to other projects, but I'll miss this one.
  6. That is possible, and depending on Georgia laws (that I have ZERO knowledge of) he may then be able to sell it without her signing. However, there are states that would still require both parties to sign.
  7. I'm a realtor. I don't know of a single state where one spouse can sell a house that they purchased with the other spouse. That scene was completely set up.
  8. I still think Ethan and Olivia just need to cut their losses and move on. If two people truly want completely opposite things from life (especially at 22), it may be best for everyone if they just decide to pursue their dreams without any obligation to one another. I'm not saying anyone is at fault, but now it seems like Ethan is just doing whatever he has to do to convince Olivia to stay with him. Again, I'm not anti-either one of them, but I didn't like Olivia's handling of the conversation in this one. She said she was "so nervous" about Ethan wanting to talk to her and she immediately started by offering him her drink, and showing concern for him. Then, when he says he wants to work things out, she says, "Let's just be friends, and I'm not moving home." It came across like she wanted to be in control of the situation. She also said she wants a partner who stands up for themselves and tells her no, but when Ethan does it, she moves out. Divorces can be amicable, and I still believe it's the best route for them. Micah, CHECK YOUR DAMN EMAILS! Moriah-You can tell her therapy is helping her, but once again, Kim is displaying her typical, manipulative behavior. She has no real interest in changing, and never will. Moriah starting to trust Kim is like believing a snake that says it won't bite you. I was really glad to not have to deal with Lydia this episode. I believe in God, but I'm so tired of her "God told me the same exact thing that Mom and Dad said! They must be right!" garbage.
  9. At this point, keeping Tiffany is the tribe's way of saying that winning doesn't matter as much as feeling all warm and fuzzy. I hope they get picked off one by one based on the fact that they're too stupid to cut the dead weight.
  10. I'd rather share a tent with any of them than ever have to see DerF on my TV again.
  11. Didn't you hear? His lies were OK and were "just game." But when he got blindsided, it left X's nephew with no one to look up to. Lying to Kyland is unacceptable, but Kyland lying is flawless, just like everything else the whiny little bitch ever did.
  12. Thanks. Now I can't get the image of Kim modeling out of my head.
  13. Pros of the Finale: X won. Thank God. Tiffany (while far from my favorite player) was at least someone who played a good game. I can handle her being AFP because she didn't just get it for being "sweet" or some other stupid trait that doesn't matter in games like this. She was a gamer who got gamed. Kyland is obviously still bitter, and Kyland being upset makes me happy. "There's more important things than money." Actually, when you're playing a game where the prize is money, there isn't. Alyssa looked GREAT! Whew. I'll (ideally) never have to hear Britini screech in glee/anger/fear/any other emotion ever again. Cons of the Finale: I had to go to sleep last night knowing that The Oaf got a load of money when all he did all summer was make word salad and snore. I've never felt such a genuine dislike for a HG like I did DerF this year.
  14. DereF's answers were the word vomit I expected them to be. Gah, I don't know how anyone can even remotely like the guy. Narcissistic dimwit who lives in his own alternate reality. I know Claire didn't get a question. Who else got left out? I took a bathroom break.
  15. I think I wanna research this, but I'm really not sure. Quite the quandary I'm in.
  16. If he's a traveling copier repair guy, he probably spends much of his work day alone in a vehicle. Once he gets to where he's working, it's probably more of a deal where he goes in, fixes their copier, and leaves. A friend of mine is in the same line of work, and he talks all the time about how he has little to no human interaction on a daily basis. However, he loves that fact LOL.
  17. For the record, I didn't learn until today that Luchasaurus (his wrestling name) had ever been on Big Brother. You taught me something as well! He doesn't speak. He plays the role of a silent big man, which has been part of pro wrestling for years. I don't know much about his wrestling career before his current run in AEW, so maybe he's developed since you saw him in a smaller promotion. I'm not sure if his hat toss is why he doesn't speak, or if he just doesn't cut a good promo. But he and Jack Perry are one of the most popular tag teams in the world right now. It's rare that my wrestling fandom gets to come up in "normal" conversation, so I was happy to throw some information in there.
  18. I think Ethan and Olivia were good for each other when they got together at 18 (I think?). She's discussed how similar their families were, and she was obviously looking to get away from hers. And all of Kim and Barry's kids need to get away from them. However, I just don't think that they still work as a couple, and that's OK. Maybe they were just supposed to get each other out of the hellish lives that they were born into. I don't think Ethan still accepts her, and she deserves someone who does. Similarly, he deserves someone who is fine with small-town living. He said he travels into Tallahassee for his job as a copier repair guy.
  19. Huge wrestling nerd here, so I'm gonna disagree on the take that he's "bad and slow." He's billed as a powerhouse type guy. He's not there to run around the ring and do a bunch of flipping and stuff. He's a big dude (who does wear a dinosaur mask), but he's widely regarded as one of the better new "big men" in the industry.
  20. I think it's safe to assume that all these kids are going to need therapy. It cannot be overstated how much Kim and Grinning Barry have effed their kids up. Humans are (mostly) naturally inclined to be social beings who learn about ourselves and others by interacting with people who aren't just like us. The fact that these kids were only allowed to befriend people who were raised just like them is saddening and sickening. I'm not sure that they'll all end up getting professional help, but they will sure as hell all need it. Kim and Barry are so terrified that their children may fall into the deep, dark hole of soft drinks and TV shows (which they have no problem profiting from) that they've created their own little family cult where anyone who doesn't look, act, and think like them are the enemy. Additionally, Kim's hypocritical stance on sugar continues to crack me up, as she looks more and more like a bowling ball the more episodes I watch.
  21. I believe he did, and when you're raised in an uber-conservative, religious household, that's not that surprising. My parents were/are very adherent to their Christian beliefs. While not to the level that Kim and Barry are (not anywhere close, really), they raised me very similarly to how they were brought up. Lived in a small town (that I still live in and love). My wife was raised by her grandparents, and again, very conservative, Christian home. My parents don't approve of the fact that I have a drink every now and then. As a form of respect, I don't drink around them, but they know that I have no issues with it. My wife's grandfather thinks it's absolutely crazy that my wife wears blue jeans to church. Sorry for the long post, but it's easy for me to believe that Ethan assumed he would marry a small-town girl and they would have their own version of a small-town life. I'm not saying that Olivia is wrong for wanting more. I'm not even saying that Ethan is wrong for wanting life to stay the same. I do believe that a divorce would be better for both parties, especially at such a young age.
  22. Gotcha. Those are some very understanding tenants HAHA
  23. I'm just watching last night's episode as early morning TV is much easier for me. Quick question. Micah took his dating app date to their farm to ride his horses. He then took her on a tour of the house, which was still furnished and had unmade beds. Who is living in the house on the farm now and why did Micah just walk through a home that someone else is obviously living in with a girl and a camera crew?
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