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Everything posted by JayDub1987

  1. Great point, and I should have made it clear in my first post. If my wife ever told me that my options were seeing her or seeing my children, I would pick my children. Even if they are occasionally assholes in their own right HAHA.
  2. It's time for my Monday morning thoughts that I'm sure all of you have been waiting for wait bated breath (OK, not really, but I rarely get to watch on Sundays). I love seeing Janelle get some level of backbone with Kodumbass. I'm even happier to see his sons calling him out for being a raging dumbass. I think my favorite line was "get him over here, and I'll yell at him" from Gabe. Right there with, "How about the fact that he's been at Robyn's for nine months?" Gabe (while not perfect by any means) is quickly becoming one of my favorite people on this show. Kody is truly amazed that these women love their children more than they love him. It shouldn't be that hard to get. First of all, most of these women probably prefer strangers to Kody. Secondly, (maybe my family is weird in this case), but I think my wife would pick our kids over me. I'm not ever going to put her in a position where she needs to make that choice, but if I did, I would expect her to pick the kids. Kody saying that he doesn't want anyone in the family to die because he's afraid that it will end one of his marriages is pathetic. He doesn't actually give a damn about any of these people. He's trying to pad his own stats so he gets into whatever version of heaven this dipshit believes in. Ultimately, Kody is exactly what I've always thought he was. A scared little man who is so insecure about himself that he hides behind the guise of religion to control and manipulate people. I know people like him, and when they begin to get called out or discovered, they're knee jerk reaction is always, always, always anger. When a wannabe cult leader begins to lose control of the people around him because his manipulation and guilt aren't working, he reverts to fear and intimidation. I love to see it when they start losing control.
  3. 99 bucks?! If any of you are tempted, contact me on here. I'll film a video saying something and act like an absolute douche nozzle in it for $50. I got you covered.
  4. HAHA. My wife feels the same way. She informed me Sunday night that she wishes she could "reach through the TV, rip his weird hair out of his head, and beat him senseless."
  5. Anybody else think that when Kody references "his doctor telling him" to do X, Y, and Z, it's really just him summarizing a Fauci press conference?
  6. No. Kody only wants to interact with people who worship him (Robyn). Exactly! I figure my wife could open a GoFundMe to get me out, and the fine folks of Primetimer's SW forums would have me out within half an hour. Totally worth it!
  7. Let's be honest, after dealing with the man-child that Kody is, she probably has no interest in taking on another man.
  8. Alright, my morning after impressions. Kudos to Christine for sticking to her guns and calling Kody out for his hypocrisy and bullshit. Everyone knows he saw the pandemic as an opportunity to spend all his time with Big Neck Robyn and her caterpillar eyebrows, and Christine called him out on it. Speaking of Kody, the man really just needs his ass whipped. I don't care if he "works out" in the garage while listening to Beethoven or whatever, I'm pretty sure I could handle him, as could most men. Somebody just needs to take one for the team, and go knock that smug, egotistical smirk off of his face. Kody: "I'm sitting here wearing a mask outside, not because I think I need to, but because I want to remind everyone to socially distance." He didn't even have a mask on in every shot of him sitting with the Queen and her royal family. So no, Kody, you didn't have a mask on to remind anyone. You had on a mask to do your best to virtue signal. Kody: "I don't have a head wife in this family." Maybe he wasn't lying here. He's probably never sat down and said that Robyn is the "head wife." But he's made it damn sure known to everyone that Meri, Christine, and Janelle aren't the ones who matter. Same difference, dipshit. Robyn: "I know everyone is suspicious of me. Can everyone just stop? Don't be suspicious of me." Aww, does getting called out hurt the Queen's feelings? When everyone fails to bow down to her every whimper and whim, she truly has no idea how to react. Things like "cleaning the mail with alcohol wipes" had long been forgotten by the time that this episode was filmed (If someone has already pointed that out, I'm sorry). Kody adding that shit to his list was just a further attempt to make sure that he only had to interact with Robyn. Kody on his holy commandments: "You have to take this list, and lay it over your life like a transparency and see how it lines up." Robyn on his holy commandments: "I've been following them for 7 months." And we can't figure out why everyone is suspicious of you? Kody acting like Janelle's sons aren't "men" because Janelle is choosing them over Kody is laughable. Outside of taking a piss standing up (assuming Robyn allows that), do we have any reason to believe that Kody is a man at all? He seems more like a spineless, nutless, sniveling shell of a human who happens to produce sperm than a "man." A man is there for all of his children, not only the ones who come from a woman who he happens to still like. Loved when Robyn accidentally ratted herself out in her "crying" convo with Meri. When Meri said, "Why are we just now having this conversation?" Robyn said, "Because I was afraid everyone would get mad." So now she admits that she delayed this entire thing. I for one am shocked....only not really.
  9. I'm sorry that you have to deal with that. My wife's biological mother is a total piece of shit (she was adopted by her bio-mom's parents as a baby). However, she always kind of "dealt with" her mother because she felt like she had to. She says that I emboldened her to cut her mother out of her life, as well. I never gave an ultimatum, but I also made it clear that I wasn't going to be around the woman and that she was nothing to me. From what I've heard, I've been labeled as a "manipulator" and someone who "destroys families" too.
  10. I'm not sure how anyone can call Olivia a manipulative DIL. I don't think she's manipulating anyone. She's standing up for herself, and people really don't like that. But I'm not sure how she's manipulating Giant Kim and Grinnin' Barry. She doesn't even interact with them.
  11. I'm hoping that next week's preview wasn't heavily edited, because I'd love to see somebody call Robyn out for her bullshit.
  12. It's also worth noting that Adult Georgie seems to convince people to get new tires instead of patching old ones. When Leonard and Sheldon went to invite him to Sheldon's wedding, he said something along the lines of, "never patch your tires."
  13. I don't think the height difference is much of an issue at all. My god-children are twins, and the girl has been several inches taller than the boy for most of their lives. They're now 19, and she still has him by about an inch.
  14. I have absolutely no problem believing that. I've been a licensed broker in Kentucky for around 5 years now and was an agent for several years before that. I kind of assumed that you were in the industry when you were naming the things that should be negotiated into the deal, but if you weren't, I was certainly going to encourage you to look into it. You seem like the kind of broker that I love working with in a deal with. As a Realtor, I've laughed every time Kody talks about what a great deal he got on the property, when it seems pretty obvious that he didn't get any concessions from the sellers.
  15. If you're not a real estate agent, you should be! I'd love to work with someone like you who knows the things that you can negotiate into a deal! I've helped several clients buy vacant land, and I always push for them to make the seller pay for a survey, property research, and other necessities. I have found it harder to make sellers pay for utility installation, but that may be because that's just not common in my area. All of the other things you named should absolutely be negotiated into the deal. To recap my thoughts from this episode: Janelle went from "I'm gonna stand up for what I want" to a shaky-voiced, weak-kneed doormat as soon as Meri confronted her about the things she had said. Shockingly, someone else in this screwed up "family" is as fake as a $3 bill. "You might say that nobody can use my part of the pond." Why the hell are these people still obsessed with that ditch? It's literally an overgrown mud puddle. Meri's crack at the end about how "it's lonely" and "she lives alone" cracked me up. Sorry, Meri. If you weren't going at it with a banana and writing a fake name on your body, maybe you wouldn't be in this situation. And of course, Kody's still a piece of shit.
  16. So much truth right here. It became the only disease in the world that anyone gave a shit about. I'm of the mindset that people treating it like that only furthered the divide. Glad that you didn't give in to those thoughts.
  17. I also got so amused when all the moms were talking about how much they cared about all the children. Robyn pretending that she cares as much about other peoples' kids as she does her own was laughable. In the world of Kody and Robyn, there are only certain things that matter: Robyn's vagina and the people it produces. That's it. Full stop.
  18. Haven't read all the other comments yet, so my apologies if this has been covered. Two things really stood out to me, both of them concerning Kodouchebag 1-His feeble attempt to work up some tears at the end because he's so damn sad did make me laugh. This guy is such a narcissist that he wants to be the victim, but he truly can't do it. 2-When he said that he wished he had a better relationship with Ysabell instead of dealing with her through her mother, that was code for, "If I was closer to her, I could have bullied and manipulated her into doing what I want." Kody doesn't give a shit about any of these women or any of their children. Kody cares about Kody. I had a close family member who had to have emergency surgery during the height of the pandemic. Our family made it work within guidelines set forth by the hospital because dammit, that's what families do. If Kody had some extenuating health issues, it'd be one thing, but outside of a case of Stage 4 Douchebaggery (of which there is no cure), he seems healthy.
  19. If you had grown up in the same town I grew up in, you'd see that there are ways around that. SSI can most definitely be received by people who don't wanna work.
  20. What are the odds that any of those people hold a job that provides insurance. Janelle would have to roll off her couch and do something. Meri would have to quit nailing herself to her own cross while she plays the victim. Robyn would have to climb down off her throne for 40 hours a week. And Christine, well maybe there's hope for her to have a job that requires Monday-Friday work.
  21. I didn't take it as judgmental at all! That really is interesting. I wish that it worked like that here XD
  22. As a longtime fan of The Walton's, I enjoyed the reboot for what it was: a reboot. When you have those, some things change. I'm hoping that the ratings and reviews were strong enough that they will bring it back as a rebooted show that may be a bit closer to the original show. The Homecoming in 1971 and the TV show weren't exactly the same either, so having some changes shouldn't be too hard to explain away.
  23. Scattered thoughts after watching this morning. Janelle in snakeskin leggings...I'm going to try to bleach my mind's eye to rid myself of that horrible image. Meri still whining about being catfished, yet saying she stays because God told her to. No, Meri. You stay because Sam was a chick who was looking to scam you. Shut up, we've all seen the episode. Gabe proved what we all suspected: he's infinitely smarter than his mother. He figured out Cody's schtick in no time while big goofy Janelle continues to stand there with her big goofy grin while praising the holy name of Kody. I loved how uncomfortable Janelle was when he called out the Kody/Robyn duo. And in the preview for next week, we learn what we've all known for a while. If you're not Robyn or the product of her vagina, you don't matter to Kody.
  24. Thanks for that mental image that I'll never be able to get out of my head.
  25. I may be totally off base here, and this is certainly an assumption. I assumed that Christine felt that way more because of Truly than because of herself. If the homes were close together, Truly could bounce around and visit her siblings without having to walk miles (I know someone threw out 10,000 steps in a conversation about Farmer Janelle). If they're all in the same house, there's no real autonomy. If they're in a cul de sac, Truly could run from one home to another relatively easy.
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