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Everything posted by NYGirl

  1. Last night's Dallas HHs. I loved them. No complaints..very nice about everything and didn't mention their dogs or the yard being fenced for them once. I was shocked that they even had dogs! What was weird was that they were looking for an old style house but the realtor showed them houses that were old style but new built in historic areas. I've never heard of that! I liked the tudor the best. They ended up buying the 100 year old fixer upper with the pool..(which had to be imploded) and the wife checked to find out that nobody died in the house. The husband was deadpan but I liked him a lot. Also, do you notice that every single HH in the US has a dog? What amazes me is the realtor saying: Rover will LOVE this yard. Really? do you always tell your realtor your dog's names? And if so, do they actually remember said name. Not so with the kids though as the HHs sometimes refer to them to their spouse as "our son and/or daughter".
  2. Last night's episode. Northern California? I think. Anyway Joelle...the most freaking annoying HH yet. She screamed at everything. The demolition, putting in a new window...my God I wanted to mute her so bad. First of all..how could they afford an expensive house when he was a children's party entertainer...whaaaa? She said she's a playwright. I wish I knew their last names. Edited to add: http://www.doollee.com/PlaywrightsA/arqueros-joelle.html And then...wanting a light blue ceiling? The designer was confounded but did it anyway. His kitchen didn't look at all like the usual open shelf, stripe on the accent wall, white cabinet. However I saw a completely different color top and bottom cabinet in there..I was like wtf... I don't like different color cabinets in the kitchen YMMV. And Joelle honey? a stupid brick fireplace does not look like "New York".
  3. Halloween is over....let the Christmas ads begin! As far as I know there's like 3 or 4 Thanksgiving commercials tops.
  4. I just watched the Bonneville car case and all I have to say is why the hell did Judge Marilyn allow that defendant guy to talk over her for so long? I really have a headache now and I have no idea what either of them said.
  5. That Loftus House was very very creepy. I actually saw the mist behind Zak...usually I don't see it. And that door closing? Yeesh... Good episode tonight. I Tivoed my other stuff so my daughter and I could be scared on Halloween
  6. If it's producer driven there's no explanation other than somebody on staff thought it would be a good comment. I swear the more I watch this show the more I'm convinced that not one HH has a thought in their head as to what they really want. The producers are running out of arguments for the husband and wife to have.
  7. Wow that was creepy. The last thing I would have suspected was the kid. I like this new woman with Tony. I hope she stays.
  8. Ha ha. You know at first I wondered if it was a guy or a gal.
  9. Another good episode. I suspected the guy at first and then as time went on I didn't. Nice swerve there NCIS. I am still wondering how the people shooting at Sam and Callan have terrible aim. Machine guns and all!!! Yet our heroes have great aim..even with a 6 gun. Surprise this is the first time they've ever actually ran out of ammunition! I am really glad that the bad guys ended up to be imposters and the real elite team showed up with Granger. Too little Hetty tonight.
  10. Here's the video. It's really funny:
  11. I didn't think there was a wrong way to pronounce pecan. I agree on it being regional.
  12. And while we are at it there's a commercial where a guy is learning several languages as he seems to travel a lot for work. Japanese, etc. So he is able to say a few words in the other languages. He comes home and orders a pecan pie and the nasty little piece of work waitress corrects the way he says "pecan". Are you kidding me? Since when does a waitress do that.
  13. I just discovered the show and put it on DVR and was able to watch the last 2 episodes this morning. First of all I agree with someone who posted on last week's episodes that they didn't think they came in the competition as teams and were just individuals put together for the drama. The host made a remark about them coming together which I think confirmed that. Also I agree with Rammchick about the team not being that nice. Especially that sugar girl! Last episode she was yelling at one of the guys for going near her sugar. Yikes. The team that lost was definitely more respectful but I think the team that won deserved it. That clown was scary! And the background..fabulous!
  14. I watched the latest HHR last night. First of all I was horrified at the red but when I saw they were just accents it looked just ok. As far as the red stripe wall, the jury is out in my brain. I am also aghast that the decorator put a newel in that space next to the brick wall. Surely there was some other solution. Maybe one of those skinny cabinets that hold herbs and spices? It seems like the right size. When they said they were living in his childhood house I thought the third option was going to be them buying that one. Color me surprised when they didn't. I am definitely enjoying this show now that they moved from California. I like seeing the Boston area. I'm not feeling the designers though. The kitchens all look the same and it aint pretty.
  15. I wish that kangaroo (or bunny?) that lives with the family and has the most annoying voice ever would go away in the DISH network hopper commercial. Please bring back the old guy who sits on the toilet while perusing his tablet and his sons, all of whom like to DVR shows at the same time.
  16. I thought the narrator was a kid...I swear. Then I saw it was the host and I couldn't believe the voice. The boy designed a beautiful gown but I hated his denim look and he annoyed the crap out of me because every time the camera focused on him he was telling his mother she can't sew, she's basically useless. So why did he bring her in the first place? I'd like to know what award show the red dress father saw that blue flowered material on. I liked her dress too. The other girl and her mother bugged. What will stop a stage mother who is picked to help from sabotaging. I hated when they thrust yet another task on the contestants. My goodness..they are kids. I'm sure they can't sew fast like Kini, assistant or not. It's not fair. Ease off on the pressure Producers.
  17. Ugh..I wanted Kini. My favorites never win :(... I like Sean well enough but damn I hate one trick ponies. Too much fringe. Everything looked the same to me. I like Char's but it was ready to wear. Amanda's was good too but I'm not a fan of her. I liked Kini's best. But then that's why I watch on my couch and not in a judge's chair.
  18. This episode was eerily similar to the other gay couple buying in Woodstock NY and wanted a house for prom pictures for their soon to be adopted children. I definitely understand that they didn't want the washer/dryer in the kitchen and that realtor was a little bit nasty saying that they should overlook it.
  19. Wow that was some episode. I don't even know where to start. Who sent the text to Avery? Rayna dear you can't have it both ways. Will is self destructing and so is Layla. More importantly I can't believe the ending with Zoey taking over... wow.
  20. Wow that was interesting. Jeff must have been real real happy the way those teams ended up. I'm not sure why Jon/Jaclyn went along with Missy and Baylor over Kelly and Dale but ::shrug:: who cares at this point. Keith was just so happy it wasn't him going. I'm not a fan of Missy nor of Dale. I'm still searching for somebody to root for. This is the first season of Survivor that I have nobody to root for this far into the game. It bothers me.
  21. I swear this is my favorite show on television right now. I enjoyed tonight's episode so much. I love Hettie heavy episodes and this one didn't disappoint. I couldn't stop laughing when the attorney got shot in the butt. Why are they making Nell such a badass. Great to see Nate.
  22. I see that the Progressive soup pain in the asses are back with their stupid can and string phones. God I hate them.
  23. Just saw a rerun of Sandra and Sharon and they are both such nasty bitches..both to Hilary and David. I wanted them to get nothing they wanted. They don't deserve it.
  24. I got to see this episode this morning and I have to say Bernie Kopell did a great acting job in it. I agree we hardly saw the crew except for Doc and Captain Steubing. NotJulie was in one quick scene with the Captain. I didn't see Isaac until the very end. I am Tivoing all the episodes but it's the same ones over and over again albeit the latter seasons. In the ones with the real Julie her hair is horrendous...blonde and curly yuck.
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