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Everything posted by NYGirl

  1. Boy, tonight's episode started out innocuous enough and then went down the rabbit hole. That being said Brody kicked ass!! I was impressed. However when they were on the roof I noticed she had heels on..how the hell can she do her job in heels? This show has definitely grown on me and even the conspiracy guy in the morgue was toned down and actually human and nice tonight. I hope he stays that way.
  2. I love this show. The hour goes so fast. It's so different and interesting. I love the relationship between Cabe and Walter. And my favorite character is Happy. I didn't like her at first but boy did she grow on me. There's nothing she can't do.
  3. Yes that one was a rerun and I was just as angry watching it the second time. First of all they are mismatched. He must have a lot of money. Second, I can't believe he took the apartment near the City Centre so she could go to cafes and take pictures while he has a long commute to ..you know..actually work. They were ridiculous with those dogs. She looked older than him.
  4. I just realized while watching tonight...why do the realtors think that everybody needs an office? Every room that has no designation.."oh this can be your office". Not everybody works from home and I giggle at the thought of the realtor saying that to my husband the truck driver who does not know or have any desire to go on a computer.
  5. Wha?????? Erin makes something really inedible and Punky (I had to look twice when I heard that name..lol) made something too amateur, even though she followed the rules of the competition. I call bull on that. That man judge can go choke on a clove!! I am rooting for David but I have so much love for the guy who made the Jewish cakes. They freaking teased us with the idea of Erin leaving and then pulled the rug out from under us. I really don't know everybody's names. Sorry
  6. Never mind the outfits!! Did you miss that Judge Marilyn's hair turned blonde in the last case???? No more red.
  7. First time I saw this and I gotta say I'm not impressed. I really was annoyed that she told Felix that his wife made more than him. She overstepped her boundary. Is she a comedienne or something because every funny line she says she laughs at. It kind of reminded me of 2 Broke Girls where every line is a 1 liner. I'll give it another shot but boy did she annoy me. Edited to add: I did like the scenes in her office
  8. Oh good...the kitchen is closed off from the family room. I never entertain anyway....
  9. This show is definitely growing on me and I look forward to watching it now rather than just having it on in the background while I play Candy Crush. However, that conspiracy loving lab tech needs to go...I cannot stand him. I do like the addition of the tech guy in the wheel chair though. Seems like all of the NCIS need someone like him.
  10. Doesn't Mad Men take place in the 50s or 60s? I don't watch the show. If so, the mid century is what he was looking for. He dressed so funny. And her voice? I couldn't take much more if it. Laredhead. I agree about the split level in Seattle.
  11. OCD wife in Puget Sound = really annoying. Honey you don't get 6 bedrooms, a 5 piece master bath AND an upgraded granite, stainless plus a giant pantry and the whole house spotlessly clean to satisfy your OCD (mentioned at least 20 times during the half hour) for $275,000. My goodness...the husband is 30 years old and already has 5 kids. She's like 26. Plus besides that her mother was moving in with them. OCD doesn't drive well and husband is going away in 6 weeks for naval training. Of course OCD won and husband needs to travel 40 miles to work each day. They looked at 2 perfectly good houses 5 minutes from his job but she HAD to have her new build so she won. He kept trying to appease her offering to build her a big master suite with her 5 pieces, etc. while sticking the kids all together in the other rooms. Her mother ended up with the tiniest bedroom too.
  12. Don't get me started on terminology Bearcat. I hate the when they call rooms "space", budget has become "price point". Yard and/or terrace or porch has become "outdoor space". An extra non specified room has become "bonus space" and last but not least... a pool is: "There's a surprise for you in the yard". Don't forget "ticking off all the boxes". Who says things this way.
  13. My goodness today's episode! That red haired lady was so damned stubborn. I felt so bad for her daughter. I was practically in tears along with Judge Marilyn. She didn't even care if she saw her beautiful granddaughters. And then the horse...that put me over the top. I believe the plaintiff about the other horse knowing her friend was gone. I took my daughter horseback riding on a ranch a couple of years ago. There was a horse in the paddock neighing loud and another horse answering in the stable. I asked the rancher about it and she told me the one in the stable is usually out in the paddock with the other horse at that time every day but was in the stable waiting for her owner that specific day. The other horse was calling for her. I have to say I was amazed at the horses actually talking to each other like that.
  14. I watched it on DVR this morning. I'm hungry for cookies now! I'm with you guys as to why did Stephanie go before Tara, especially because I'm sure there will be cakes coming up and I'd like to have seen what she could do. OMG I cannot stand Erin. Her little twirls and faces..who acts like that? She reminded me of what I pictured the Dolly Sisters as when my grandmother mentioned them. I've never seen them and this goes way back to the 60's. Either that or the twins that danced with Tennesee Ernie Williams in I Love Lucy and the jail cell. LOL..I'm giggling. I'm a "fluffy" person too so I'm not discriminating.
  15. Oh..I didn't know because he wasn't as outspoken as the others. I guess it wasn't as noticeable because he didn't do the kitchen. I think they did a pretty good job on those bathrooms and the Bohemian home owner worked throughout.
  16. The single mom was a rerun. I shook my head when she complained that the first one was on the ground floor and she was afraid of her daughter and the pool. The kid is 5 years old!! I dozed off so I don't even remember which one she chose.
  17. I loved tonight's HHR's!! I didn't see the 3 houses they looked at as I put it on just as they were above to renovate. They were so amiable. No designer!! Yay! No kitchen redo...just bathrooms. And boy did they come out beautiful. I loved the way the husband teased the wife when she asked about the mold. Just a very pleasant episode. I'm going to watch the beginning tomorrow.
  18. It was a small town in Mexico, DowntheShore, and I agree with you. You can find those condo/hi rises in every single town. The house on the beach was fabulous and I know he wanted it badly but the wife HAD to have her "ameneties" as she stated over 100 times. I knew he didn't have a chance.
  19. Oh no...those were their kids. It was a puzzling episode..that's for sure.
  20. I absolutely couldn't stand the wife..Colorado to Napa Valley this afternoon. The price point was $1.2 million..which we know is not a lot for California. My God picky picky picky, not a nice thing to say. Why the hell does her father, Poppy, need his own room when he doesn't live with them and only visits once in awhile while she will have to put her sons in the same room? She was annoying with the backyard and wanted a garden and chickens. Don't forget her brother putting a zipline!! The husband was a doll. Not a bad thing to say..liked all the houses, puts up with her. One of the nicest things I've seen in a long time was one house had a mosaic tile bathroom...very nice. They picked the house at the top of their budget because it was on 1.5 acres of land and shockingly was the dreaded "tract" home, however, not move in ready.
  21. Justin's dress was so beautiful! I'm so happy he won. I just wish Michelle would have gone instead of Alexandria. I was afraid for her when I saw her working on that black monstrosity. I don't like Kate..and I want her gone soon. What was with that tiara when they went to get the materials. I like Chris March. He's always been one of my favorites but he's too tempermental. He's also very talented and could have made something better than what he did. I liked Dimitry's better. Did you notice Helen yelling at people during the rush to get materials. BTW I really liked her dress. I'm surprised she wasn't at the top. What does Snooki and JWow have to do with fashion other than making a trash bag dress. Stupid stupid judges. Judges like that could be instrumental in getting out someone who doesn't deserve to go...or WIN (like Kate)
  22. Thanks to Bearcat I finally got to see this episode. I can't believe what they gave that cute little kid. I can't see why they couldn't put the 2 boys together. Or why didn't they take that first house that had 4 bedrooms? I hated the husband and wife. So selfish... too bad their beautiful master suite is in the basement!!! BTW I hated the kitchen..same old same old..but those cabinets looked very cheap. And the babyish tantrum??? Ugh
  23. How the heck did they even notice the trail mix was missing? And more importantly why is that such a big deal?
  24. Still can't find somebody to root for. This is the first season since Season 1 that I am not rooting for anybody by this point in the game. I might end up rooting for Keith for a week or 2..maybe Wes? As soon as trailmixgate started all I could think of Clarence and the cherries and it made me giggle a little as my son who doesn't even watch Survivor will just come out with "Clarence ate the cherries" at random times. As far as Julie I completely forgot about her and when the trailmixgate started I was like..wait..who's that? There's got to be a way to stop people from quitting. Edited to add that I hate Missy and Jeremy.
  25. Volvo has a Christmas commercial this year too. Welcome to the fray Volvo.
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