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Everything posted by NYGirl

  1. I can't believe Chock full of Nuts would like that video better. This is a brand that's been around for so many years! I am just shocked. Leeza's video was hardly about the coffee. Usually the brand names want everything about their brand out there. Kate can go away now. Poor Lorenzo. When they lost I knew he was going to fall on his sword. Wow..only 3 weeks left???
  2. I don't know the laws in California but in New York there's taxes to be paid whenever you sell a property. It's based on the profit over the renovations. Maybe that's it? This is the only show besides House Hunters that I can watch the reruns if nothing else is on. I love the relationship between Christina and Tarek. I also love that she usually wins the argument.
  3. As much as I don't like him as a person I do want to root for him to win as much money as possible for this cause. Usually children like my daughter are overlooked in the "charities chosen" on these shows.
  4. I absolutely loved the friend of the girl looking in Barcelona last night. He was the cutest thing ever..He was very animated and practical and they had to use sub-titles when he got too animated. The girl...eh... she did pick the right apartment though.
  5. Not that this is sour grapes for my favorite, Justin, going but wasn't Jay's the same exact dress he did last week for resort wear? That was black and white too. I liked Sanja's best.
  6. Complain all you want about Geraldo but I am rooting for him to win because of his charity. I am the parent of a developmentally disabled daughter and live in Staten Island. Mr. Rivera just donated $250,000.00 to the disability studies at College of Staten Island, which will undoubtedly help my daughter's program. http://www.capitalnewyork.com/article/city-hall/2015/01/8560030/geraldo-funds-disability-studies-college-staten-island I'm happy he won so much money.
  7. At the beginning I wasn't crazy about this show having been a fan of Hilary and David's and thinking they were taking their place. I'm glad I was wrong. In a sense I love this show even more than the original in that that scenery is fabulous! Every single episode I am yelling at the Homeowners to "love it". It also seems like the HO's are not as bitchy as original recipe. Thank God.
  8. I think I would have rather had her involved..or held hostage somewhere. I just felt so bad when they said she was dead. That baby was hella cute. I absolutely LOVE Borin. She has chemistry with whoever she works with. I always wanted Gibbs to get together with her but she got along well with Pride too. I like the way they show capable women on the NCIS shows. Poor Christopher.
  9. Yay Tony!!!!! I'm so happy. I thought they had good chemistry the first time she was on. I knew the hostage was involved the minute they said an American was one of her captors. Once you've seen enough of these types of shows you could practically write the script yourself.. What I didn't know was why ..so I was in the dark too.
  10. I just saw last night's new episode. First of all I like Eric. I rooted for him in Brother vs. Brothers and he was robbed of the win. I see the reason they have somebody like him because there's no Design Assistant. Fergus and Eddie are too stiff to play off Hilary that way Eric did. That being said it's the first time they really got all of the important stuff done. Once we saw that music room I knew they were going to love it. I liked their house too. They didn't seem to be too objectionable as HHs. In the afternoon I saw an episode with 2 sisters that lived together and boy oh boy what a bunch of bitches. Bitchy to David and Hilary..ugh.
  11. Wow..Ian impressed me so much tonight! He's really a nice guy. I love the way he handled the board room. As soon as they changed teams and we learned it was a fund raiser I knew TO was toast. But he went out with class. I am rooting for IAN all the way now!!
  12. Oooh you're right about the bathroom. The finished product didn't look good at all. But at least it was new and clean for her to bathe the kids. I think the stainless looked nice with the tile except if stainless ever goes out of fashion and they get different appliances they are going to have to change that backsplash.
  13. I just watched last night's episode and omg the vocal fry on that woman! They were a cute couple until she opened her mouth but by the end of the show I wanted to tape her mouth closed. I'm glad they picked the same house I had chosen for them...lol...and the finished product was really nice. But geez..shaker cabinets again? It's like the same designer does every single episode of this show. I am glad that she was able to get her glass doors. I mean really..who says the designers get the last word and not the HH?
  14. I tuned into last night's episode (West Africa I believe?) late because I was watching football. So I see the HHs talking about 5 bedrooms...lots of kids..nanny's room so I'm thinking..wow..they must have a high budget. I'm half watching and I see them complaining about how dare she show us a 3 bedroom. Then I learn their budget , and the fact that they had 2 boys that could definitely share a room and I snorted. Pretentious much?? You know I fell asleep and I don't even know which one they chose. I hated them and I don't care if they lived in a trailer.
  15. Did anybody see Greenland last night? OMG it was so beautiful there. I didn't even pay attention to either the HHs or the properties but the scenery was beautiful. I'm so glad they took the first apartment because the view from that balcony was breathtaking. The producers really played up that budget issue and then they took the most expensive anyway. Go figure
  16. I actually enjoyed tonight's episode. Tim and Patricia really have chemistry. I loved the Home Improvement references. I loved the end with JTT. No Ryan and Boyd!!!
  17. Ohwell. No..they took the more expensive one but it was 10 minutes from work so he could ride a bike. He said they could afford the more expensive one because they didn't need a second car. Yes it was her favorite house too ..because of the gas stove.
  18. The husband in last night's move to Germany couple was a breath of fresh air. I liked him a lot...his wife? not so much. She was way too shrill and forceful for my taste. At least he had common sense in that he said they didn't need a dedicated guest room since people stay a couple of days. I was shocked to hear that and I'm sure the producers missed it or it would have been snipped out of the episode. The guy I saw in the afternoon in Brussels (I think?) was a dick. He just had to be closer to his work than school for the kids. It was like he had a competitive thing going on with the wife and he wanted to exert his power. I'm glad they settled on the house in the middle of both school and work.
  19. I liked Justin's outfit best. I'm glad he won. I absolutely hated Michelle's ...Nigel was right. I like Dimitry's and for once I liked Helen's. I liked Jay's dress too. His bathing suit..not so much.
  20. I cannot look at that blue lipstick..it's so damn bright. Ugh
  21. Im with you Cocoa!! The only person I ever heard of having a "gift wrap room" was Maris (Nils' wife) on Frasier. I don't even understand scrapbooking either. I saw one couple the other night that made beads. That I could understand because I believe they sold them and I realize you do need one room just to store all the beads properly. And I also think they need to shake things up on HH...would it hurt to have couples on the same page with their likes/dislikes? Why does every show need drama?
  22. Omg. Calligraphy? Really? She was so nasty and annoying about a space for that and her damn Christmas tree. I was rooting for his beer making all the way. Besides I felt sorry for him and his non covered parking spot. Good luck with that this winter. They should have taken #2
  23. Tonight's new episode..Belinda and Tiago. I just hated her with the passion of 1000 suns!! She was so snotty and arrogant. Run Tiago run...you're too nice for her. Both their father's not only got involved in the renovation but they took over all of the decisions. I hated this episode and everybody involved. Jonathan whined for the whole episode. I really think he's passive/aggressive. Why not tell them what you're telling us???
  24. I loved last night's couple. The bead makers!! He was so cute and personable. She insisted on a brick house but they ended up with a new build (of course)..however, they were smart enough not to take the model and it put the house right in their budget but wasn't brick. It was nice to see a compromise without the usual complaining and whining. Definitely a top 10 list of likable couple for me.
  25. Welcome to the club. Sometimes we watch in real time but mostly we watch on DVRs ..sometimes weeks later. There's always somebody to discuss episodes with no matter when you post them. We are all crazy enough to remember the ones you will be discussing. Not like we have lives or anything....you know
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