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Everything posted by NYGirl

  1. Yesterday I saw one in Australia where a young couple and their dog were moving to Australia. Well they kept mentioning whether Pella would be happy there so I thought they had a daughter they were flying over. They had to mention her at least 20 times. Well color me surprised that they were talking about the dog and they got a place based on whether the dog would be happy there. I am an animal lover and yet I shook my head.
  2. Caleb was more than annoying tonight. If I didn't read the live feeds I'd have honestly thought he was going to put Frankie up. Every time he said something to that affect (effect?) I yelled at the TV..shut up Caleb you liar. I peed my pants when Cody's bomb went off. Nicole is a non-entity..almost as much as Victoria now. It's like a lightbulb going off over Christine's head now. Let's see what she can do.
  3. This makes me so happy that I didn't get the feeds. Thanks to all of you who keep us un-feededs informed.
  4. OMG...No..No..No!! I hate them!!!!!! And this year there's a new twist. The pair that wins the first leg of the race gets a "save". In other words they can save themselves if they are about to be eliminated. http://www.cbs.com/shows/amazing_race/news/1003033/
  5. At first I thought wow..what a good idea. But as the episode went on I was like..wait..but wait.. LOL Lots of houses on HG shows seem so narrow to me.
  6. Wow I didn't see that coming about the pregnancy. Usually we'd see some kind of lead up to it on the commercials all week. This was a pleasant outside the box surprise! Daisy Dukes falling over in the tractor thingy had me peeing my pants because he thought he was going to die there with nobody to help him. Yeah I'm sure the camera crew would have filmed your death. God knows how many crew people were there. Boy was this episode filler. I hope the brothers win.
  7. I've enjoyed my summer of Love Boat! I love to go on cruises so of course I love watching the show. I'm so disappointed that at the end we had to endure the same episodes we had just seen. I ended up deleting quite a few from my TiVo list. I hope now that we are back to 2 on Sundays they will go over to a different season. Sometimes I get to see some on youtube. The cast was on The Talk the other day and it was fun to watch. They are also the Godparents to Princess Cruiseline's newest ship.
  8. Derrick is going to have to step it up eventually or he's going to find himself out the door. If one of them get a bug up their ass...he'll be gone.
  9. What bull. Kini should have won! Sean's outfit was something you see all the time. You could buy separates like that off the rack. WTF Damn you show for making me feel sorry for Amanda...ugh..I don't like her..But you know I LOVED her dress. It was put together so nice. Both yellows should have gone. It was a horrendous color. What's it going to take for Kini to win? I also liked the burgundy dresses...so sue me show.
  10. I cried for Donny. I held my breath all these weeks when he was on the block. I can finally breathe now. I also felt bad when he said Team America let him down. I wish they'd do away with it as it hinders people's games. I like the way Frankie told "us" he tried to save Donny. Meanwhile Derrick was angling for a vote telling Donny shrewdly in his goodbye message that HE tried to save him. Donny has no idea that's not true and no way to find out! Edited to add: they are both full of it. Frankie you were too late and Derrick you think we can't see you and can pull the wool over our eyes. You are not John Cena...we can see you. Liar.
  11. So Derrick is something else. He said in his goodbye message that he tried to flip the house! Liar.... it was Frankie and Caleb.
  12. Well...let's put it this way...who else is she going to put up? She can't put herself up.
  13. You can read what I had to say about this particular HH up a little bit. She's #1 on my list of hated homeowners. They paid over $130,000.00 over budget because of her!! As far as chandelier guy I thought it was strange but I am not thinking that's producer driven. It's way too ridiculous!! And as far as the ensuite..they had 3 bathrooms!! I mean really?
  14. I came here to express the same thing DownTheShore. What an ass he was! You have 2 young children and your wife is new to the country and you put them in a house in the middle of nowhere? They can't walk to town from there plus it's 110 degrees outside. Cheap bastard wouldn't at least get the first house..which was much cooler, and near town. I hated him. Edited to add that the narrator said his job was "lucrative".
  15. I just checked Big Brother's Facebook page where it says: Vote now to decide whether or not each ‪#‎TeamAmerica‬ member deserves $5,000. Ha ha..I read the comments and haven't seen one that liked it and was voting yes!!! They all want to save Donny!!!!
  16. Oops I voted 20 times NO NO NO NO NO. Hopefully this will help Donny's cause. Fingers crossed. I will vote again tomorrow. Now...about Christine. I hated her with the fire of a thousand suns today. The only time we see her she is throwing competitions to get Donny out. Take a walk Christine. I now hate you more than I hated Andy last year.
  17. OMG I've been watching HH Off the Grid the last 2 nights. I cannot understand how they can live like that and I cringe throughout the episodes...especially the one with the bathrooms in the woods...
  18. My son moved into a house in January. Everything was in good shape and the inspector said all appliances/HVAC were good.and the water heater was good for another 2-3 years. About 2 months ago, his water heater broke. A week later his refrigerator broke and believe it or not right after that the dishwasher. And to top off the trifecta, his stove would not shut off and they had to unplug it. The repairman said it would be very expensive to fix. We could NOT believe that every appliance broke in the matter of 2 weeks! He did have to buy a new stove, but the other appliances were fixed. You could tell that the previous owners did take care of the place as it was in spotless condition. Just some bad luck...but the inspector didn't see it coming. Edited to Add: I forgot that the second thing to go was the washer!! It leaked..right after the water heater. The only things that didn't need repair is the dryer and microwave.
  19. I scoff at that neighbor thing. I grew up in Brooklyn, NY and they don't get any closer than that. I never ever worried about somebody "seeing me". We all just went about our business. If a neighbor was outside we said hi. I do remember when we were kids my brother and I used to get out the binoculars and try and look at the stars from my bedroom window and my neighbor behind us (she was very loud..we'd here her yelling at her kids all the time) say something about us peeping at them. We were so shocked! So that's why I never look at stars. LOL
  20. This afternoon I had to watch..sort of like a trainwreck...my #1 most hated homeowner, Patti! She's the daycare owner (Kiddie Kingdom) in Virginia that made her reluctant husband pay $132,000 over budget so she could have this giant new build. She added a conservatory for her daycare yet she uses the basement for that. It has a suite for her mom...who still has not moved in. She had to have every single upgrade. That poor husband will be working until he dies at his desk so that Patti could entertain in a large space.
  21. Poor brothers...robbed again. They're the only team without a win. I hated Curtis and Amanda's room.
  22. Tonight made me really dislike Cody. He had an awful lot to say about Donny. I can't stand the way they got so excited when he won because it was so obvious that Donny is going this week. I would love to see something happen to change that but I'm not holding any hope. Tonight was very mean spirited. I long for the old days when the power shifted every week and you had no idea who was going...It all came down to the actual vote count which would be like 5-4, 6-5, etc. The last couple of years we were treated to one person running the show..not only that but from the beginning!!! We never had a chance. That being said Derrick deserves the win as much as Dan did.
  23. Oh yes!! I came here just to complain about that pain in the ass with the big glasses. He's the most annoying kid I've ever seen. In the NYC area I've seen a lot of commercials for what to pack in an emergency and I want to scream. There are 2 of them played constantly on the channels I watch such as HGTV and during Yankee games. Go away. Go away. Go away.
  24. OMG I was dying..Jocasta was winning!!! I wanted Hayden. Hopefully Nicole will ally with Donny. At any rate I'm glad it wasn't Zach.
  25. Well well it was the sisters and their signature orange! Color me shocked. Big hair did a great job on their room and despite the clutter (which was not as much as usual), I liked their room best. I'm thinking the fact that Whitney and John put the laundry room up there is what gave them the win. Again, the brothers did a really good job but no cigar but at least they are finally finishing rooms now. I'm shocked the sisters didn't finish. They do execute well...but that's also because they use mostly workers. David actually helped a little bit on the design end this week.
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