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Everything posted by NYGirl

  1. It seemed to me from the first 2 episodes that Kevin Jonas was obsessed with Geraldo. He let that affect the way he ran his project and ultimately who he brought into the boardroom with him. You have to wonder if he ever saw this show before. I was pretty shocked when he was fired but Trump was backed into a corner and had to fire him. I'm not sure I like the way they are presenting the show. Since each episode has been cut down to an hour we didn't get to see much preparation for the task let alone much of the task itself. It seems very rushed. As far as the second episode I did like GG and I was enjoying his "schtick" so to speak but he was way off base with that joke. If he wanted to use humor there were thousands of other things he could have said at that moment that weren't so objectionable. That being said I'm glad TO was spared. I've been a fan of his since he started playing professionally. I knew he was articulate and I liked the idea that he used Geraldo to actually help him without seeming threatening to him..I think that's the way to handle Geraldo.
  2. Happy New Year HH posters! I saw one during today's marathon that I hadnt seen before. The homeower happened to be a commercial kitchen designer and was at odds with the designer. I thought it was ridiculous that they would make her use a designer when she was one already I'm sure she could adapt her aesthetic to a residential kitchen. They pretended to play nice together eventually but who knows what really happened. The HH wasn't the most pleasant person to begin with. The HH designer was very young looking.
  3. They kept hounding Keshia about the amount of money brought in yet she brings Kate to the boardroom and they fire her instead. If Geraldo's team lost and he brought in Lorenzo, it would have been a different story. Sometimes I just hate this show..really. I hate Kate..just by looking at her face and attitude. I'm also not crazy about the Real Houswife..ugh..big mouth.
  4. Could tonight's episode have been producer driven..or is this couple just loony? She wnts a princess house and he wants medieval. She was talking about a princesslike rotunda entrance to the master. OMG they are nuts... and her voice? mute button
  5. I haven't watched the Tiny Houses except for the sound healer but I think from what I've read here last night's episode was a rerun....or...could there be 2 men in the USA that want composting toilets with snarky wives???? OMG I really have problems watching these episodes as it brings out the latent claustrophobia in me. I'm glad they took the new build though. House 3 was almost decent until....no running water!! Whaaaaaaaaa???? Who lives like that..it's like camping out 365 days a year.
  6. I was home babysitting today so I browsed through my DVR and found Our First Christmas from Hallmark. It was billed as a widow and widower getting together for Christmas with John Ratzenberger and Dixie Carter as the stars. Well lo and behold they were just peripheral characters and the real story was about their children's and grandchildren's first Christmas as a family. It was a pretty good movie. I've spent most of the day searching for Its Christmas Carol or Christmas Carol with Carrie Fisher but no luck. I thought I might be able to DVR it whenever it is on but it's not showing up. Does anyone know when it will be on again and what channel? Thanks in advance.
  7. I cannot believe Fabio won with that crap outfit. Yes he did look a little bit like a medical worker. What are these judges smoking? Helen's was horrendous...ugly ugly...I also didn't like Sam's. I don't think it suited her model. I liked Michele's and Dimitry's menswear. Justin's was very blah.
  8. If she was smart she'd take Missy and Keith...not Natalie.
  9. It took me 39 days....all these episodes and I finally found somebody to root for..Keith. LOL I'm enjoying Jeff blathering in between segments. I especially liked the Make a Wish kid who designed that wretched challenge from last week. I'm now wondering if Natalie is going to flip on her alliance.
  10. In my day we'd have called her a hippie. She definitely was missing a screw or two. I liked the bee hive best if you're gonna go small but I was feeling claustrophobic just watching. How does she cook when it rains and I could picture a bear swiping at her while she sat on the bowl.
  11. I didn't see the end coming!! I'm losing my touch. Good Christmas episode. But damn I was getting confused with all Gibbs' rules. I did enjoy seeing Ziva though.
  12. Pretty solid episode and we got to know Callan's girlfriend a little bit. My question is if Weber was voluntarily giving them the info couldn't he have done it differently like..say..maybe just giving it to the guy..instead of the whole robbery angle? I love Deeks and Kensi finally moving along and seeing all of Sam's family. Good holiday episode. I'm glad Joelle came back to Callan.
  13. Oh my I spent 45 minutes of the episode not looking at the screen. I'm with Sylvester..the thought of being in that cave in the dark with water coming in...scares the crap out of me. Plus I was not very sympathetic to the kid for some reason. I love Happy the best. Walter is so stubborn. Now Walter's sister is going to be a member of the team... ugh.
  14. So I happened to be home today and ended up watching 3 movies that I DVR'd over the weekend. 1. The Christmas Parade. I only wanted to see it because Drew Scott was in it but he had a small part. I couldn't take to the female lead...she was almost bitchy. I am still scratching her head as to why she would pack only dressy/work clothes when she was running away to clear her head. No jeans or warm up suits for this gal. The premise was ok..community center in trouble and town needs money, etc. 2. Midnight and Misteltoe. Candace Cameron and her dad Tom Arnold who run a Christmas Village together with Tom being Santa. Tom didn't run the business very well and Candace..her name was Holly... a businesswoman had to come and try and save her family home. Two suitors involved but she went with the obvious one in the end as the other was trying to scam them out of the house and land. I think I've seen this one before but I really enjoyed it. 3. Naughty or Nice. I liked this one best as the premise was very different from the others. A girl name Krissie Kringle who lives on Candy Cane Lane happens to get all the mail destined for Santa. She receives his Naughty or Nice book by accident and it wreaks havoc on her life. I liked that her boyfriend was not a cad, her best friend was another guy and best of all her parents were Meredith Baxter Birney and Andrew Gross!! I love them together. As an aside I cry at the end of every one of these freaking Christmas movies..no matter what it's about.
  15. Last night's family moving from Paris to London. I couldn't stand the wife. Yes this is not Paris so therefore I'm sick of you saying everything is not like they had in France. They were pretty low maintenance in that they only wanted a 3 br house with no special features. I guess that stems from coming from another European location. The realtor, Toby Brown, on the other hand had a voice that made me want to mute the TV!! God he didn't shutup once. He seemed so conniving when he showed them properties above their price range that he could have been twirling his moustache.
  16. That was ridiculous! The freaking show is about BAKING!!!! not decorating. I understand decorating is a big part of baking but it should not be the be all to end all. Bill's house was not bad and decorated nicely even though it was collapsing due to their ridiculous time constraints. But his baking was spot on and the judges loved everything he made. Poor Naylet....her presentation was awful but she too baked some good stuff. I think Bill was robbed.
  17. I too thought it was vitiligo. I think she got it right because I think the defendant was shady...the way he was talking, double talking and the fact that he had legal problems just let me to believe he was lying. Don't get me wrong, the plaintiff was no prize either..with her one tooth. She got some little lump sum from workmen's comp though.
  18. No matter how much I try I just cannot take to this actress playing Kristin. When the series started there was a different actress playing her who fit in with the family in looks and age, etc. I've hated this new actress since season 2 and I just can't take to her. Ryan just annoys the crap out of me ...it's like he purposely says dopey stuff to alienate Mike. The poker playing duo..I loved.
  19. While I agree with all of you that Natalie's move was big I'm still not on board with her nor will I ever be. Some of you didn't watch Amazing Race to see her and her "twinnie" actually steal money from another team who dropped it. Rather than just hand it back to them, they pocketed it. An uproar ensued on the internet message boards, etc. As I've said every single week, I don't like any of the people so each week I change who I'm rooting for just because. My latest is Keith so I guess I'll stick with him. If he gets eliminated I'm screwed. I'm glad they got Jon out. I also feel like Missy should leave because how is she going to do a challenge now? Any other season she'd be gone before she even blinked as she'd have been voted out last night.
  20. I just wanted to throttle the Tamagachis in Aberdeen Scotland last night. A childless couple from Texas relocating due to his work. They wanted close to the city or at least bus service for the wife because she would be sooooooo bored while he is at work. Fine..sounds good. Wanted fenced yard for the dogs. (this goes without saying on every single episode of HH's ). Started out fine until we heard their complaints about the size of the kitchen and the rooms. Honey you're not in Texas anymore. She annoyed me more than he did and it's possible it was just the way she was complaining but I don't know. They were being unreasonable. The first house was so perfect for them, close to work, close to bus, 3 BRs, 2-1/2 baths, etc. Shockingly that's the one they took..even though the rooms were sooooooo small.
  21. I'm with you Stacey. I was rooting for him until this past episode where his constant eye rolling is getting to me...that and his presentation to Nancy. I was so so on Naylet until this weekend too. I am changing my alliance over to her.
  22. Rumor has it she suffered from depression. I don't know how it's known but it was posted on the old TWOP boards. I believe someone at Rankin Bass said it at one point.
  23. And another thing about Mr. Miracle! TMI!!! With Mrs. Miracle there was mystery. Is she an angel? Is she an elf? Did Santa send her? Did she REALLY make that happen? But with Mr. Miracle it was all spelled out..he's an angel, he had a job to do, what the job was, he had a helper, if he failed he'd be sent back, etc. At one point he was meeting the girl at the park and was walking with a limp..very strange. I had to rewind to see if that's how he walked or not.
  24. Did anybody see Wishing and Hoping the other night? It was in the vein of A Christmas Story with the narrator. I plowed through it even though it didn't really hold my interest. The hero was Annette Funnicello's cousin.
  25. I watched The Night before the Night before and I wasn't crazy about it. First of all I'm sick of the same old parents only care about work and not Christmas storyline. It's like in every movie I saw this holiday season. Second, Jennifer Beale's acting sucks and so does the guy who played her husband's acting. They were very blah. The plot itself wasn't bad. Santa landed on their roof and got amnesia. His head elf found him and together with the family they saved Christmas. So Santa himself was one of the main stars. I dunno..maybe I'm watching too many of these movies. I'm not really enjoying them like Mrs. Miracle. I LOVE Mrs. Miracle As far as Mr. Miracle..ugh..I hated it. I don't understand what he was doing with his face. I didn't like any of the characters and I can't believe they'd make another one let alone a series of shows about him.
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