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Everything posted by NYGirl

  1. I watch HG network a lot. What I can't understand is why every single show is the same. The open concept, the sight line to watch their child sitting on the sofa watching TV, the entertaining, the wood floors, stainless steel. My goodness doesn't anybody do anything different nowadays? It's all so cookie cutter (HG word). Every single HH entertains nightly ..even when moving to a new state or country. It's amazing to me. The producers don't even try anymore. The one show I absolutely love now is "Fixer Upper". I love Chip and Joanna and their cute little children. I like the way they work together ..and I love the way she designs. Every house they do does NOT look the same.
  2. I can never wrap my head around them sending the best chef home. I agree with Bobby and he could have been taught how to be on camera. But geez can you teach someone who's good in front of the camera how to cook? I don't think so. Sorry...I'm pissed that my eye candy went home and that idiot Sarah is still there.
  3. All I have to say is Caleb is smoking hot! Too bad he is a douche. I wish Donny and Pao Pao would have won. I really want him to be safe. I agree with everybody that Devin is an idiot and that Christine and Nicole are cute.
  4. So that woman near Boston who's afraid of ghosts was a joke right?.....right???
  5. I'm confused at all these twists. I'm sure they will flop as usual.
  6. I enjoyed last night's Las Vegas couple. The husband had me actually laughing out loud at some of his remarks and antics. He had to have a balcony so he could be Jimmy Cagney. They were a likeable couple.
  7. If Sarah PG doesn't go soon I may just give up on this show. I really have hated her since the first episode. I was worried Christopher was going to go because the judges don't like him at all. Well Giada for sure. I laughed at the stupid monster video and I enjoyed the girl that actually went. She had me laughing the most.
  8. Luca? So soon? I'm so sad. He was the eye candy that made up for us having to put up with Sarah. I didn't expect him to win but a couple of weeks of looking at him would have been nice. Cowboy didn't annoy me this week..in fact I kind of liked him. Christopher is really good looking but so condescending..I don't think I can root for him. I guess I will continue with butcher girl.
  9. They changed the schedule and it's on every day now. I'm so excited. I go on at least 2 cruises a year and I can't understand how the crew is allowed to hit on passengers all the time. Not true in real life. Today I saw Julie make a fool of herself for an older man. I was embarrassed for her. Also Doc actually had to operate on someone!! Recently there was a storyline where he was a fabulous surgeon and his teacher couldn't understand why he's working on a cruise ship and today he needed to have another doctor ship to shore to walk him through the surgery.
  10. I am hating the wife (either Kelly or Robin) on tonight's new episode. Her voice is so freaking annoying and her pronounced Canadian accent makes it worse. She's a bitch to David. I don't know how he doesn't just slap her and walk away.
  11. Go away Sarah...Ugh she gave me such a headache already. I'm hoping Christopher goes far. He's easy on the eyes. The cowboy bugs me. I like the butcher girl. She seemed down to earth. I'm glad Donna went. She bugged already.
  12. Well thanks alot Survivor...ANOTHER BLOOD AND WATER???? Do they ever learn their lesson?
  13. Poor Andrew. I do think Gage talks down to him and definitely Jeff does not set a good example. It seems he gets worse each year. I'd rather focus on the designing so I mY be done with this show.
  14. I hate Kass so much. I laugh at her delusion that she could win this game. There's no way. I squealed with Spencer won immunity. I am really rooting for him. I wanted to smack Kass when she changed the plan to Tasha. I'm so disappointed.
  15. I have to admit I squealed with glee when Jeff said Jefra's name instead of Spencer. I thought for sure they were pulling the usual Survivor antics and getting my hopes up...only to be squashed. I was so happy Spencer stayed. Love him or hate him he at least came to play the game..and he is. I could have reached through the TV and punched Kass in the mouth when she said that it figures Spencer had an idol and didn't share. Go find your own idol bitch.
  16. I hated her for taking her family there just because she saw a movie about it and always wanted to live there. I was cringing throughout the episode but I too fell asleep and never did get the see the inside of house #3 or which one they picked. I've never heard of that country.
  17. Oh my goodness. I could not stand another minute of Jeanie last night. And Zoila? She's really bitchy.
  18. Wow that was wild. I think that Kass made a mistake voting out her alliance's 6th person. It seems they never learn and do this every year. You had the majority vote..keep it idiot. She could have worked it out with Sarah. Now I'm afraid for Spencer. I did love Tony's face during TC thinking he had the upper hand and then all the Jefra votes!! I really wanted to see his ego deflate.
  19. I saw one the other day where everybody travels to another country except Ernie and Uncle Charlie. They meet an old friend who's an actor and puts them in his TV show. I loved it
  20. I'm a fan of Drew. However I always snicker when Jonathan gets mad at a homeowner for not liking his aesthetic.
  21. I loved the format and laughed throughout the show. I hope they do it again.
  22. I loved the cans of paint at the home show. Andrew makes me laugh
  23. I am surprised the Afghanimals got away with running across the tracks like that. I enjoyed the episode nevertheless. I love the tuk-tuks and the elephants. Who would have thought that paper is made from dung..ugh.
  24. Maybe reruns until after March Madness..and then into Sweeps?
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