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Everything posted by NYGirl

  1. Jessie is a professional wrestler with Impact Wrestling on Spike TV. I went to a live show a couple of weeks ago and he was there.
  2. The couple last night..I forget where they were...Nashville maybe? They were car nuts and he definitely wanted a 2 car garage and she was annoying with all of her "must haves" with their giant budget of somewhere in the mid $100,000 or $200,000. Ok I was dozing while watching..I don't remember but I do remember them wanting the world. You know? I don't even remember what house they even picked!!! I'm pathetic in that I fall asleep on that last commercial like every night. My kids are not allowing me to TiVo all episodes anymore because I take too much space on the DVR..LOL Well I'm here to say that they annoyed me.
  3. Question: On the "returnees" wasn't Ken Laurence the guy with the anger problems? If it is why on earth would they have him as a contestant to actually come back? I'm not crazy about Amanda either. Alexander was just meh to me. It seems like they picked 3 drama people for that vote so they'd be assured they'd have drama. You know I've watched every single season and all of the contestants save Michael Costello have been rolled up into one. I'm just now watching the episode so I have no thoughts yet. I'll be back with my opinion. I do agree with everybody regarding Tim Gunn though having watched Under the Gunn. I even can't stand listening to him when watching Sofia the First with my grandchildren where he plays Bailiwick. Edited to add: Thanks Day2Day. I'm just now struggling with why they would ask him back of all people. I am hanging my head with same as I say I kind of liked Mitch's shorts. I liked the winning dress but she seems just a little needy. I was right to hate Amanda. Her facial expressions just add to that hate. There was one that made it through that I thought should be on the bottom...a blue dress with a flower design corset - like top... anyone notice that one? Angela is going to annoy me this year. The right one went home but it did show how much power Heidi does have in that Nina wanted to keep Jefferson because he takes risks and dressed nice.
  4. I enjoyed the first episode too. I thought the sisters were going to quit when the episode started. They were complaining all over the place I was pleasantly surprised when they won. I'm also glad that the teams are able to hire professionals to do the work that they physically are unable to do. I'm looking forward to this week's program.
  5. OMG the wife in the Tulsa episode annoyed me like crazy. All she cared about was granite. I don't think it was producer driven because that's the first thing she got when she moved. She just had am arrogant look about her. Not one smile.
  6. God Suzie and Bob annoy me so much! They don't care how well somebody cooks as long as their story is good. Emma was putting me to sleep tonight. I couldn't believe it when she gave poor Lenny the sea urchin. I am so mad that Sarah did well. I want her gone gone gone. I liked the way the $77 burger looked.
  7. Last night's episode!! She had to have a "tea room"....a TEA ROOM!!!! Why? Why couldn't she use the dining room for her tea parties? He was clueless..and I knew he was getting nowhere. She ignored every single thing he said. You could see the producer script as they said it..when he said he liked the rustic look she looked at him and said "rustic?? you never said you liked rustic! We are not doing that". Then they gave each other knowing looks. In the end she got her tea room.
  8. I absolutely LOVED last night's episode. The HHs were twin sisters and they drove Jonathan crazy switching name tags and doing stuff he and Drew had always done in the past. They were sweet and when they requested things they did it so nice that Jonathan didn't even whine once!! It's my favorite episode. However I didn't like the barn door on the pantry in a new modern kitchen and it looked like he crammed too much stuff in the living room.
  9. God I love Donny so much! He is way too nice and too smart to be playing this game with a bunch of idiots. I loved the way everybody was cheering for him when he won. I'm guessing Devin feels like an idiot that he broke his alliance with Donny now. Double D indeed. Still...I wouldn't put it past them if they voted out Caleb tomorrow.
  10. Thanks for the info ladyofgondolin! I saw the most likeable couple this morning. She had light purple hair and was an art student and he was a sound producer for TV and movies. Roshanda and Ben. They did everything themselves and the renovation was so normal and realistic. I knew they didn't have much money so the "designer" and "contractor" threw me off. Their taste is not mine but it sure was refreshing.
  11. Oh my goodness that couple in Chengdu were so ridiculous. When I heard him whine about having a study rather than the kid's bedroom I almost shut it off...and then she kept saying she had to have a gym and I was like say what.... The house they chose was nice but so American..it's only a rental..enjoy the culture of the country you are living in. These people are so entitled.
  12. Hey I have an idea...you don't like ceiling fans? Take it the hell down. Doesn't take much. I just have to shake my head at these HHs. I live in NYC. In fact I just moved into a new townhouse a month ago. All I looked for was location, amount of rooms and size. I also needed either a garage or basement for storage. I didn't look at room color, ceiling fans, or any stupid things that take one minute to change.
  13. That explains it! Deep down I kind of figured this out since they use her THs a lot. P.S. The producers are idiots..and have been for quite a few seasons now. I.E., Guy Fieri..(ugh)
  14. I thought I've seen every episode but I think I missed the one with the bee damage!! I love the baby goats too.
  15. God help me I'm starting to like and root for Lenny. At least he doesn't take himself so serious and boy did those burgers look delicious.
  16. OMG Sarah's THs were really annoying tonight, especially when people were describing the food. Just because she flamed out she had the nerve to criticize whoever did well. I laughed like hell when Chris wouldn't share his beef with her. I too was dancing with glee at the thought of her finally going. Welcome back eye candy Luca!
  17. Say wha????? I think Eric deserved to win. For a contractor he had great design sense throughout the competition. Every single room he designed was beautiful. I knew Jonathan's team wasn't going to win. As much as I loved Adib (sp) he was too slow. Hilary had a wonky eye.
  18. OMG it's driving my crazy. I see it on all of the shows. It's bad enough these stations now take the bottom of the screen for their graphics but when they move its disconcerting.
  19. That woman from last nights HHI had to be a plant. They were moving to the Bahamas and their budget was 1 million. She kept making faces for the camera and just thought she was so cute!! It made her look ridiculous. I laughed a lot. As far as the Leeds couple I was shocked the husband went along with the more expensive property. He had his butt cheeks clenched throughout the whole episode!!
  20. OMG Sarah..how could you forget to tell them you had sons!!! What's wrong with you. She still needs to go. I hate her. Bye bye boring Ruben. You can take yee ha Ken with you on the way out.
  21. I've watched a couple of Property Brothers this weekend and they are the main culprits of the "open concept". When all is said and done it turns out the whole first floor of your house is one big room..that's it...one room. However....the homeowner can "not be left out of the conversation", "can watch their child sitting on the couch", and has a sight line straight to the front door in case somebody walks by that they wish to entertain.
  22. Re: Westerville! I yelled at the TV when he said "the green house" during the reveal. I absolutely hated her throughout the episode. I just knew she was going to win! FYI my forever house was an old house that needed a lot of work just like that one. I know what it's like. The HHs today have no imagination. They can't see past what the rooms are designated for. In other words who says you can't make a room a bedroom or family room. It's not written in stone. It's your house dumbo..do what you want. They can't see past paint colors. The don't realize they can make a nice clean house like the one he liked into whatever she wanted. When they look at the camera and insist the husband is not getting his way it scares me a little. LOL
  23. I saw the woman with the doggy doors just today and it was Property Virgins. I had to shake my head while watching it. My contribution to this thread is lady that was afraid of ghosts in Boston, Pastor afraid of hills in I think it was Kansas and woman in Fla afraid of hurricanes. Edited: Because I started thinking of the crazies: The woman in Paris that put her daughter in the dungeon. The guy who had to has his toilet bowl in an enclosed room. The woman in middle America that was afraid of basements!
  24. Way to go Donny!! Joey is such an idiot. What's gonna happen to "America" if Joey goes? At this point either one of them could go and I wouldn't care.
  25. I LOVE this show! I love Chip and Joanna's relationship and the things they say to each other. The other night she asked him..eww those socks..when's the last time you changed them? I laughed so much. It was so different for a TV show. They are very respectful towards each other and they do beautiful work. I like when we get to see the kids too I like seeing the farmhouse as it is being renovated.
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