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Everything posted by NYGirl

  1. Castle Hunters???? What the hell!!??!! Not that I minded because I LOVE touring castles. But still.. I am looking for a shed to put my backyard furniture in..can that make a HH about me? Shed Hunters?? pleeeeeeeeease.
  2. I wonder if we will get to see eventually. Maybe they'll have "switch carpenter challenge". I liked how that one guy helped the other...and btw he made some beautiful desk. The guy he helped (bald one) does look like he will bring the crazy and/or drama in later episodes though.
  3. So you could always tell who the crazies are in the first episode. I'm looking at you Leslie. Tempermental much? She didn't even do a good job. I thought she should have gone first but then who would bring the drama
  4. I liked the first episode however I wonder why Ellen herself wasn't there. She was just there via TV. For crying out loud the challenge is only 6 episodes and you can't find the time to be there? I'm pretty sure it took place in California and that's where Ellen is...right?
  5. I actually enjoyed last nights episode with the twin girls. They were not too much over the top and there wasn't a ton of drama. They were pretty likeable.
  6. I was so excited last night when I saw Eric Olsen from NCIS: LA and his wife. What a nice couple. I loved all 3 houses. I loved seeing Jackson Hole Wyoming. I absolutely loved everything. Lol
  7. Since this show has Jonathan and Drew Scott I thought we could discuss it here rather than make a new forum. I'll start: I hate when the homeowners make video selfies during the night complaining about a stupid 2 week renovation! For crying out loud it's only 2 weeks!! I like that we get to see Drew actually showing nice houses. Also Jonathan always does a fabulous job to get the house sold and on a small budget too..usually less than $10,000.
  8. The defendant is accused of giving "bad sax". Really Harvey??? Really???
  9. There's still room for some more comfortable patio furniture.
  10. I absolutely loved the house in tonight's new episode. It was the couple with the 7 children. The wife was a little over the top in her delight but they seemed nice enough. I loved that it was on the lake and the best part was that giant table Clint made for the carport. I'd spend all my days out there.
  11. I saw that one Blue Plastic!! Yes! I thought she looked older and I wondered about her pregnancy. The timeline at the end was very screwed up. When he asked Jillian to hurry up because the baby is coming it left no doubt in my mind that they would "love" it. And it definitely was a long while later if she indeed did have the baby because her stomach was very flat.
  12. Kate was sitting there with a smug look on her face while Kenya and Viveca were going at it. It must have really surprised her when Donald fired her. I giggled. In the back of my head I knew it was her going because we didn't have the drama of Kenya/Viveca yet.
  13. I will reiterate what I said a couple of months ago: PLEASE GO AWAY SMOKEY THE BEAR and your stupid commercials!!! It's winter now..save them for summer and stop playing them every single show. Instead of showing 1 they need to show all 3 at once..EVERY SINGLE TIME!!!!
  14. The Chip goofiness has been amped up this season and is VERY annoying. I'm almost at the point of not watching. Last season it was endearing..now it's ridiculous
  15. I swear I have a headache. It's no wonder I love when women are eliminated and we're left with only men (except for Gary Busey). Trump reminds me of Judge Joe Mathis..just let them keep talking over each other so the audience has no idea what either one is saying. Ha ha though..I'm so glad Kate is finally gone. I CAN'T wait for next week!!! Woo Hoo
  16. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?????? I don't think its her mother..no way...
  17. I just watching the latest new one in a rerun. It's the single girl buying a condo. I cannot stand her friend. It's like she's auditioning to be an actress and acting like it's her house they're buying because the homeowner is so indecisive and annoying. She's wearing bright red lipstick and won't shutup.
  18. Ok this one was rerun tonight as a standalone episode..wtg TPTB. I haven't watched in years (since Grissom left) and I've been debating whether to start watching again. I was getting annoyed at the miniature killer then..which helped me give it up. And now I step into another one of these..let's put an episode somewhere in the middle of the season...let's do part 2 3 weeks later and part 3 maybe towards the end episodes. Ugh..I give up. I do have to say when I first saw Fin..I thought she was dirty and greasy looking. A far cry from Marg. Greg put on some weight and I was never a fan of Sarah anyway. I'm with you Starscream..I had no idea he was Zach Morris with the glasses.
  19. I'm not sure I like the idea of 2 sinks in the kitchen too.
  20. I just watched the Walpole Massachusetts episode and found the wife to be pretty annoying. The house we bought in 1980, brought up our children in, and sold in 2011 was a large colonial and was pretty similar. I did not make it open concept but I did widen the arches in between rooms a bit on the first floor. We entertained a lot of people there and not once did I feel like I was missing something by being in the kitchen. I laughed at the wallpaper because we had the same deal, peeling back layer and layer of it. I liked the contractor/chef/designer and I think he did a pretty good job. If I heard the wife say matchy-matchy one more time I was going to slap her. I did not like the wallpaper the designer picked for the hallway. I kind of like what the property brothers are doing..putting wallpaper on the wall the headboard is on. As far as a pool in Massachusetts..why not? I live in NYC and we always had a pool and the development we live in now has a community pool.
  21. I love this commercial...especially the little girl pleading.
  22. Just watched the couple in Lincoln Nebraska with a budget of around $170,000. God help me but I cannot stand her voice. Sometimes one HH will talk and talk and talk throughout the episode..enough for me to yell at the TV "SHUTUP ALREADY"!!! They kept making me giggle when he said..."at this price I would expect a better yard" or anything beginning with "at this price". Really?
  23. They didn't mention if she worked or not. I agree she was annoying. I was happy he got his house with the land. They lived on the horse farm he worked on. I saw another one today (rolling my eyes) I believe it was Chicago. The laziest HH ever. She didn't like stairs!! Not just ANY STAIRS.....BASEMENT STAIRS!! I told you no stairs!! The bewildered realtor was like..you can't have a basement without stairs. Her husband? All he cared about was his stupid projector wall and if he could fry his turkey. Those 2 were definitely 2 fries short of a happy meal.
  24. They had to play with the formula and make Chip so goofy this season. I wish they'd stop doing that. He was just goofy enough last season. Now he's verging on annoying.
  25. Last night shocked me in that Hillary was able to do almost everything the homeowners needed. I've never seen that. Of course they were going to love it. However I did get to thinking that they still have only 2 bathrooms. That's not enough for 9 people, plus it looked like they had mostly girls. I agree with hoosier80's assessment of the attic. We have no idea if the house even had a basement since they don't always show you all of the rooms in the house.
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