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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Since Wendy is allegedly sick, he should have gotten her slot while the ladies of the real kept theirs..
  2. Douglas Marland was the best and I even enjoyed the Carolyne Crawford mystery that started out great but ended in a whimper. A rare dud by Douglas but I recently learned that Darryl was supposed to have been the killer and that Frannie would have been right all along to suspect him but she would have had no proof. However, the writers who took over for Douglas when he was ill did not follow his instructions regarding that story and they made someone else the killer. I would have enjoyed seeing Frannie's reaction and poor Frannie she can never be happy with a guy.. Douglas loved to torture her but she was a fascinating heroine written beautifully by him and played by wonderful actresses.
  3. I cannot see the Real in my neck of the woods, instead we have Nick Cannon on and he is just awful. He has nothing interesting to say and he looks unwell.. I hope that the Real not being shown in certain places around the country does not affect their status. I miss the ladies and Nick is so damn corny..
  4. It is not just Sara, they have all become very forceful with their opinions. Sunny pushes back in an aggressive manner now, Whoopi can't seem to shut up, Ana is even more outspoken with her opinions and Joy smiles more..
  5. Sara's hair is a mess, yikes! She is too beautiful to look like that..
  6. Erin and Jay were very natural and it was so real that the actors who portrayed them dated briefly in real life. I still wish that Erin was still on the show and it just pains me that smug Upton replaced her on the show. Everything about Upton is forced and irritating. I wish she would go away indefinitely. Speaking of Erin, I wonder how the show would have handled Markie Post's death on the show if Erin was still on the show. Bunny was terrible but beautifully played by Markie Post who gave her flashes of humanity here and there, may she rest in peace!
  7. Richard Cates was such a wonderful story and a great twist. His dynamic with Marlena mirrored her dynamic with Roman and he turned out to be bad. Marlena also cared about him very much so she was very hurt when Abe killed him. If looks could kill, Abe would be dead since Marlena was staring daggers at him as they took away Richard's lifeless body away. I also loved that story because it was all about Marlena. Back then the show used to write for the characters independent of their love interest.. Richard Cates was part of the awesome three prism story and his death pushed that story forward if I am not mistaken, Richard worked for Victor.
  8. Burgess was magnificent and was back to being herself even though she is still dealing with her trauma. She was fearless, brave selfless and took initiative to do what she felt was right even if it meant putting herself in danger. These traits have always been a part of her characterization going back to season 1 when when she went undercover with Nadia as a prostitute.
  9. I used to love her but she lost her marbles after Bernie lost.. It is sad since there is not a lot of progressive voices out there..
  10. It is why Caitlyn Jenner is full of crap and a traitor to her community.
  11. We all saw it was a clusterfuck and it does not surprise us long time viewers.. This was one of the complaints that Rosie O used to have about the show: the lack of professionalism by those in charge. Like her or not, Rosie knows her stuff when it comes to show business..
  12. I am totally indifferent to Jake, so he does not bother to be honest. I just don't like his influence over Gabi who has become so pathetic, a damn shame! If the show wanted somebody to take over for Sami, it should have been Gabi. Ciara is another character who could have been the resident bad girl from a legacy family but that ship has sailed. I would give anything to have her get on a ship with her serial killer husband and disappear for good..
  13. Kevin was allegedly known to have sexually harassed young ladies who interned for Wendy back in her radio days and no way should he be around at risk teen age girls from poor backgrounds. Thank goodness the foundation was dissolved.
  14. Tasha K knows what she is talking about for the most part. Wendy once said at the height of her cocaine addiction, she used to get off the highway, snort coke and keep on driving to her destination..
  15. I have no interest in watching either couple, what made Olivia and Stabler great back in the day was the fact that they were very close like a married couple without the sexual intimacy. If the show goes this soap opera route then it will be so damn stupid.. Why would Carisi get with somebody like Rollins who is a hot mess. I think she would have been great with Amaro, he should have been the father of her first daughter. Amaro/Rollins would have been a great dysfunctional twosome, That was pure hell, I never understood why Lewis was even obsessed with Benson. It would have made sense if it was Rollins, since she was gunning for him since she arrested him and was sure that he was hiding something but everything has to be about Benson and her troubles, yuck! The Lewis arch just ruined Benson's integrity as a police officer. Stabler's absence from the show ruined her as well. Don't get me started on her stupid son Noah.. The only time that I found Benson likable post Stabler is when she is with Brian Cassidy, she is not Super Olivia, she is just a woman in love..
  16. A baby becoming demonic is not entertainment, Ron never learns..
  17. Tyra the nice gal was a persona for the masses. Tyra is an attention seeking fame whore, I grew contemptuous of her during her time on America's next top model as the host and one of the judges. It was very eye opening on who she really is due to the way that she treated these young women who were hoping to become models. She could have done something worthwhile to help them but she used it to make the show all about herself and her issues. I cannot stand Tyra Banks..
  18. On youtube, there are episodes from the early 90's here and there..
  19. I have been rewatcing the early 90's of the show and it is just superb writing by Douglas Marland. I especially love Mary Ellen Stuart as Frannie Hughes. She is just marvelous and she plays a much more assertive Frannie than Julianne Moore who was wonderful as well in the role. Does anybody know why the show decided to have Frannie and Sabrina no longer look alike anymore. I also adored the actress who played Sabrina after Julianne Moore left the role of Sabrina. I wish we had seen more of her during the Douglas Marland era of the show.
  20. Be thankful for that because EJ was a disgusting rapist who used his children with Sami in order to control her. He never loved Sami, he wanted to possess her just like Stefano in regards to Marlena.
  21. I have always said that she transferred her sick obsession with John onto Brady. If Brady had a brain he would see that and stay the hell away from Kristen but he is remedial and will continue to fall for Kristen over and over and over..
  22. I also noticed that she held on firmly to her party's party line no matter what the ladies threw at her. Notice she made sure not to talk smack about Trump. It was obvious the other ladies did not really feel her other than Whoopie with her bizarre invitation to come back.. Sunny was magnificent as always, this is why even though Sunny's cutesy act annoys the hell out of me. However, Sunny is a beast when she is countering somebody's bs like Caitlin Jenner. I really wanted her to question the Vice President last Friday.
  23. She was inconsequential vapid and ignorant as always..
  24. I love your post and I send you cyber hugs over the traumas that you have overcome. Just keep being you and forge your own happiness. People are constantly pressuring women about having children. I hate when people do that to women and as soon as a woman has one child, they start pressuring her to have more kids, like back off! Women are always going to be criticized no matter what. If she remains childless, she is judged, if she has one child another judgment and if she chooses to have lots of kids, they judge her for that too. I wish women were more liberated to be themselves..
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