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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Maybe it is an American thing but 18 is not grown in my opinion. Legally he is responsible for himself but he is still developing and learning. Plus, he just left home and Sunny is being overprotective and I don't blame her, the world is going to hell in a hand basket. Had he been 48 and Sunny was tracking her son via his phone then it would be creepy.. I get tired of Whoopie constantly telling women how to parent their children or how to conduct themselves with their husbands. She used to do that shit with Paula all of the time.. She gets this superior tone and it just drives me insane..
  2. Jack is being used to prop them, especially his horrid daughter.
  3. I feel your pain and I am done with the talk... At least, we still have the view and I am being cautiously optimistic about this season.
  4. That is what we Carrie fans have always wanted for her, her own stories independent of Sami. Carrie should have been the lead heroine but the show stopped caring about writing for heroines and Carrie stopped being a character in her own right once the show decided to make Sami the center of the universe.. Plus, Christy is such a natural actress and even as kid she blew me away. Deidre even said that as a kid the writers always gave her hard scenes but she was just excellent and just inspired the writers to write for her..
  5. The ladies look beautiful happy relaxed and engaging with one another as mature women. Ana being there would have been the cherry on top.
  6. Justin and Eve had great potential as a couple. I really hate how Ron sacrificed her at the serial killer's altar.
  7. She is very annoying and has this entitlement attitude when it comes to her husband being on the show.
  8. I have never understood why Black people even say that word publicly. I was not offended when Carrie-Ann asked that question. I am Black and I am appalled that Black male rappers like Jay-Z and others made that word mainstream throughout the late 90's and beyond. Black people used to use that word with each other when there were just Black people in the room knowing the ugly history behind that word out of respect for our ancestors who were dehumanized by that word.
  9. Does anybody have the real tea on why she is leaving? I liked her a lot but the Sharon Osbourne implosion and the pandemic took away her shine in my opinion. She had potential and depth to be really great in time.
  10. Sherry deserved it because she was always playing that annoying routine of the desperate big girl who is looking for a man. Sherry did and said so many embarrassing things over the years..
  11. Ron got rid of Adrienne for Bonnie and that is so offensive on so many levels. What a hack! I would have preferred Ron have Adrienne divorce Justin for having an affair with Eve. Justin/Eve had scorching chemistry that was never explored. Plus, infidelity has always been a part of the Justin/Adrienne relationship so it would not be out of character for Justin to cheat with another woman. Justin and Adrienne both struggled with monogamy, something that people deal with in real life.
  12. Camilla has been throwing a lot of shade when it comes to the show for years now. I admire her courage but she needs to be careful though because Ken Corday is vindictive and we all remember what he did to Chandler. Camilla looks beautiful in her wedding gown and I think the glasses on her husband is not bad at all. I even love his tan suit. Men often wear a black tux or a White one on their wedding day, I like the fact that he chose to do his own thing..
  13. This is why retconning his paternity sucks since as Philip's son that would have connected him to everybody currently on the show. Parker could have been a mini Victor scheming with his dad against Brady. Just like Will and Lucas did against EJ.. Kate and Victor could have teamed up against Chloe, reminding the viewers how dynamite Kate and Victor were as a team. Give John Aniston one final awesome story with Victor leaving Salem for Greece after putting in place one last wicked scheme and putting the blame all on Kate. The story just writes itself..
  14. We had to watch Caroline deteriorate before she died offscreen. Can't we have one happy ending for an elderly. Soaps used to be good at balance... Let Doug have a happy ending, perhaps he goes to be with one of his sons, his grandchildren, his great-grandchildren and if the actor passes in real life, then, they could write it in by saying that Doug died peacefully in his sleep, the end. It is not so hard. Use a little bit of imagination Ron. I am not a writer and I can come up with that. The show has forgotten that Doug has two sons, so Hope has brothers. They could still keep Susan as Julie if she still wants to work. Julie could make periodic visits to Doug..
  15. Laura in character would have never done that. Laura went through a lot of pain when it came to her son's true paternity. Ron sacrificed Laura cause he had no use for her. Just like he had no use for Anjelica and Adrienne. He completely ruined Diana and that hurt as a Roman/Diana fan. He is a hack and he needs to be fired. Ron will use the vets but will dispatch them like they are nothing to service his stupid plots. Laura was sacrificed for Gwen, full stop. The actress that played Laura intimated that she felt tricked by Ron, she had no idea that Ron was going to kill Laura off..
  16. What was missing was Will as the big brother to mediate between them. This is why I hate that he is not there.
  17. As much as I love Philip and Chloe, this story just sucks. Why is it that every writing regime seem to have something against Chloe. She has gotten atrocious writing over the years..
  18. I could see Rosie Perez coming back before Rosie O and we all know why. The ladies look really nice and happy in those pictures above. I even love what Whoopie is wearing.. I hope the ladies go back to what Barbara Walters envisioned, women talking to each other about a range of topics over a cup of coffee.
  19. True but Philip should be jealous though. Chloe did marry Brady so he should not underestimate Brady and the history that he has with Chloe.
  20. I know why you are really shading him but it would be off-topic for me to get into it...lol
  21. I hate both and I find that Ron is getting in his own way by involving Tripp/Allie with Johnny and Chanel. Johnny and Chanel just sparkle together. Why doesn't he spend time building them up as a potential couple before making a triangle or a square.
  22. Exactly! It just boggles my mind because both actors are popular with the fans.
  23. We Jack fans are destined to be screwed over and over and over. I don't even know why I bother watching the show. Since the 90's we have been down this road, why do they hate Jack and Matthew so much. I think that I might be done with this show once and for all. As consumers, we have so much content we can watch now. It can be a tad overwhelming at times but I am thankful nonetheless..
  24. I think it is because her face is not as pulled back as Rinna.. Lisa Rinna looks so plastic now..
  25. I am so happy we will be spared her ridiculous rants, Megan is insane and will now be a troll on the internet..
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