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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. She spreads misinformation and lies about them that has created an atmosphere where they and their families are being threatened with death. They just want to improve people's lives. It is because of people like Megan and her ilk that I would never go into politics.
  2. Thank you for saying that and I am Black and it is scary and disheartening to know so many Black people who refuse to take the Vaccinations . What is truly sad is that there are Black people online preaching against the vaccination. If Sunny was able to change minds because of her family tragedy then it is a good thing.
  3. I am team Sami when it comes to EJ, he is an obsessive rapist pig and Sami lost her mind when she slept with him creating another child with him..
  4. The thing about Freddie is that he will go on these austere diets and lose a ton of weight very fast. Then months later he gets off of his diet, eating and drinking alcohol gaining it all back and then some. That is not good for the body especially as you are getting older..
  5. If that is true, then, why was she tripping over not being their godmother. She made such a big deal about the thing, creating unnecessary drama. Retconing Lani's parents is stupid illogical and does not provide stories for anybody. Since this is Ron writing, we should be expecting this and more..
  6. Sunny's makeup always looks bad to me and she was orange as well. Sara and Sunny would look so much better with natural minimal makeup. They are already beautiful women, makeup should enhance what you already have.
  7. Twitter used to always talk smack about Freddie's weight and his dubious business practices and I could say more but it would be off-topic.. I thought he had awesome chemistry with his parents but the show has never cared about Sonny outside of Will. The show never gave us more information about his life with his older brothers and parents in Texas. Sonny like so many other characters on this show could be so much more but the show just does not give a damn to put some effort at developing characters and giving them meaty stories.
  8. A lot of people on other boards are trashing the actor before he even airs so he must be really bad, yikes!
  9. Who cares what Lani thinks and what she feels? This is a woman who was defending that psycho Kristen. Paulina is a saint in comparison to that bitch..
  10. Preach! Seeing women fight and treat each other like crap is not my idea of entertainment. Rosie versus Elizabeth, Whoopie versus Paula, Rosie and others always enraged me and made me sad to see women treating each other like that.. I am all for a healthy spirited debate that is thought-provoking but nastiness and disrespect, no thanks!
  11. Sami needs to take the L and move on. She is being ridiculous if she is going to be upset with Nicole for retaliating, come on! She should have expected it, Sami in the 90's would have anticipated this and act accordingly.. Perhaps she tells EJ herself about her indiscretion, manipulating it to her advantage.
  12. That has been their M.O since conservative media came into existence. Distort the truth, in order to rile their base and get attention; something that Me-Again does every day.
  13. It goes to show you how pathetic some of us find Shawn-Douglas and he is Bo and Hope's son. If the writers don't care about him then why should we..
  14. She only cares about sexism if it is a conservative woman who is being mistreated due to her gender.
  15. I am choosing to being in denial about Marlena getting possessed for the third time. I think it is people just speculating online just like we do on here. Would Ron really do this? It was hard to stomach the first time, what makes him think this will be well received?
  16. Belle could get herself a nice gun that can fit in her purse...
  17. Shawn also comes off weak and wimpy so I could see why Belle fell for Philip when they had an affair. He was romantic protective conniving strong and in control back when JKJ was playing him in the 2000's....
  18. Why do you keep calling Ana a RINO, she is not at all. Being a conservative does not mean you are hateful and disrespectful. You have no idea what a conservative is and I have plenty in my family and they are not like Megan.. Megan is a vile nasty ill-informed woman who has never earned anything in her privileged life. Also, Megan had her bff Abby a fellow conservative on there and she treated her so bad that she left the show. If you are sure in your beliefs, you don't need a partner to defend them. Plenty of Democrats are on panels as the sole liberal voice on Foxnews and they are able to articulate their views without acting like Megan. They don't play the victim and derail the conversations because people don't agree with them. This show was not supposed to be a political show, it is supposed to be about women talking about topics that affect women and yes politics will come up but it is not the main thing.
  19. Megan needs to take an English class, stat! I did not understand a damn thing, wow!
  20. How so? Babies mixed with Black are unpredictable. Also, Theo's mother was biracial since she had a White father. Not to mention most Black people in the states have 20% European DNA in their lineage. Anything can happen when it comes to the baby's coloring..
  21. Belle has always loved Sami, in fact she actually had no use for Carrie...lol She was not mean or rude to her but Sami was the big sister that she loved. While she did not approve of Sami's antics but she never judged her either.
  22. Megan is just terrible and will never change. She will always find a way to blame Democrats for anything and everything. We are almost there and I will never have to see her face again. I love Sunny and I concede that she can be smug and full of herself at times, so what who cares as Joy would say. She means no harm. Unless you have been to the South Bronx where Sunny hails from, then you would understand why Sunny is the way she is and I don't think she does it to belittle anybody or to make anybody feel bad. At least Sunny earned her way in life unlike the princess of Arizona who is full of herself without earning anything in life.
  23. I can't believe that this fool who is bff with Me-again got $100 million, life is so unfair...
  24. I don't remember Bo getting close to Victor, he learned to tolerate Victor for his mother. He always kept him at arms length as he should. Victor did hurt his family for years especially his sisters. They were never father/son and I have always loved that about the show. Biology is not what makes a family. Bo started to relent when it came to Victor after Zack died.. There was a scene where Victor yelled at Bo for never accepting him as his dad and this was years after Papa Shawn died. Bo has always made it clear that Shawn is his dad, full stop.
  25. I agree with you on the Philip love with JKJ playing him. Claire should have been his and that would have been the perfect reason to break up Shelle indefinitely. Shelle only worked for me with their original portrayers and even then I never saw them being more than each others' first loves. I think both characters would have been better with other people.
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