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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. To be fair, Sami was ill alone and scared teenager. Teenagers tend to lack foresight and act on emotion. Once she realized her mistake about selling Belle, she fully intended to raise her away from Salem. Plus, Sami and Belle used to be close and young Belle adored and admired Sami. It is too bad Ron had to make her a proxy for Carrie. Belle being a nasty bitch to Sami rings false in my opinion.. Belle also seems to think she is better than Sami because she is Jarlena's sole biological child.
  2. I always loved how Sheryl has never forgotten her husband after all of this time. I remember she says that at times a song, a food that he liked or a smell will remind her of him and she tends to become melancholy when that happens and will even keep her distance from everybody. She has always said that she regretted not having gotten pregnant by him on her honeymoon even though her body was telling her to do that.
  3. I have always said that Belle's character has gone nowhere because they attached her to Shawn-Douglas so damn early and gave them a baby. Belle comes alive with other men but the show is too stubborn to cut their losses. Shawn-Douglas should have been much more than he is but the only legacy child that the show cares about is Sami.
  4. I do like your ideas for Phoebe's powers since I hated how they were on the show. Levitation was the worst power ever. I do wish that Phoebe's empathy had elements of telepathy that would have made her premonitions really powerful. I do think that Empathy and telepathy should have been advancements of her premonition power not separate powers though. Psychic reflection should have been her second power a defensive power since she needed to be able to defend herself and not that stupid levitation since Prue could already do it via her telekinesis. Psychic reflection and Premonitions would have been awesome together in season 3. In time Phoebe should have developed an awesome offensive power. It's too bad she became so damn useless during the final seasons.
  5. I get what you are saying but as much as I love Carrie, she no longer fits on the show. I shudder to think how Ron would write her so it is best that she is not in Salem. I do not wish to see Sami and Carrie at each others throats over a man. I never got a story where the sisters would have to work together for a common goal while dealing with their tumultuous past once and for all.
  6. So Megan was accusing a Jew of being anti-Semitic, the bitch is crazy!
  7. I think that Regina would do it if the guest role was significant and wonderful. She is not a snob to turn down a soap role. I am loving how she is transitioning to the director chair while looking fabulous..
  8. To be fair, she never wanted the baby but that is no excuse though. I don't understand why Ron even gave her a baby, how did that help her characterization and her relationships. Even Sami his grandmother lost interest in him. It was just a plot point that went nowhere.
  9. Even though Vivian deserved it, he always seems to interact with women in a an aggressive manner when he is angry. Do you remember when he raised his hand to Eve in a fit of rage, that was telling and I wished the show had explored that angle.. I am not saying that they needed to turn him into a woman beater but his inability to control himself could have been a good story for him. Plus, he was pretty aggressive verbally with Marlena when he hated her for no reason after she spent his whole life loving him but that was purely a plot-driven mess to make him into Sami.
  10. Brady is a weak man, his relationship with Kristen is proof of that..
  11. I think Sami feels what she did to Eric was a necessary evil because she believes that Nicole is terrible and would hurt her brother. This reminds me of what she did to Will to get him to get his memory back when she had Ben re-enact his murder.. It was appalling but this is Sami.. Remember Sami's family members always forgive her no matter what she does so Eric may be upset but he will eventually forgive her like always..
  12. She will soon be irrelevant and we can all be happy that we will no longer have to put up with her arrogant nasty attitude. All good things come to those who wait and I say we have been waiting and waiting and waiting..
  13. I am team Sami when it comes to Nicole. Stealing a newborn infant from her mother hours after she was born is something a mother will never forgive. Sami lost time with her daughter that she will never get back. Go Sami! As far as Eric goes, he knew who Nicole was and chose to marry her, the doofus should have chosen better. What the hell did he expect from a woman like Nicole? He should have expected her to betray him at some point because she always does. His relationship with her is the very definition of insanity. Eric would work better with a heroine in the long run but the show has never cared about him to even try...
  14. I see nothing wrong with his face either. I just assumed that he has been out in the sun too much for years. Nevertheless, he is still handsome and would have no problem getting a woman to entertain with him for an evening or two...lol It is refreshing to see a man's looks being scrutinized since it is always a woman who is under pressure to look forever young.. We have seen so many actresses mess with their faces and it is tragic in my opinion..
  15. I am not happy with Jerry. I would have preferred a woman. We had so many ladies who used to guest host before the show imploded with Julie leaving due to her awful husband, other ladies leaving as well and the Sharon debacle. Why couldn't they hire Rumer Willis, Jodie Sweetin, Carnie Wilson, Yvette Nicole Brown, Valerie Bertinelli or Brigette Nielsen, I always loved the tea Brigette used to give us about her past. For example: her sleeping with Sean Penn to get back at Madonna was just too damn funny and the ladies' reactions were gold. If Jerry was the best that they could do then I don't see the show lasting after next season. This is truly disappointing news. I could already see Jerry making a fool of himself as they walk out to their catchy theme song, no thanks!
  16. Whoopie was triggered and it was embarrassing to see her meltdown like that and the whole audience was cheering her on but she looked like a fool.
  17. Please send this to Ron because his dreadful Ben/Ciara will never compare to Bo and Hope. It is even offensive that I am putting them in the same sentence. Ron has truly lost his mind if he really believes that they are comparable..
  18. Wendy is a lowlife and I have been listening to her for years on the radio. She used to be funny and tolerable years ago. She has gotten worst over the years so I would take anything that she says with a grain of salt.
  19. Justin and Anjelica were hot and in a another life, they would have been perfect together as a couple. I never understood why viewers were grossed out since they are actors and they are meant to transform into another person. I never saw Justin and Anjelica on General Hospital, they were always Tracy and Ned..
  20. I don't care how implausible it is, I will take it. I accepted mime sex with no shame. It is what it is..
  21. How did a discussion about the protests in Cuba turn into another chance for Me-again to rant about Democrats socialism and communism. I noticed that she made sure to vent her venom at Bernie Sanders. I am so happy that we only have 3 weeks left with her twatness. What a degenerate vile woman! A poster on here came up with her twatness when it came to Me-again and it popped into my head as I wrote my post..lol
  22. If Marlena can kiss Ben's ass after he killed her beloved son and tried to strangle her to death, then nothing evil matters anymore...
  23. Exactly! because of Ben's actions, Will's daughter was separated from her dad and grieved him thinking her dad was dead. That harm towards Arianna can never be undone.. To see Marlena and Will loving and supporting Ben is just asinine.
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