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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. For me, Marlena's interactions with Ben is problematic given how he did kill Will until the show resurrected him. I don't like the Ben/Marlena relationship since I find it to be disloyal. I don't see his other grandmother Kate, kissing Ben's ass..
  2. Thank you for saying that because I could not understand why I have such an aversion to the Ben/Marlena relationship and it has to do with Will being replaced in her heart by his murderer.. Marlena has no loyalty to anybody but John..
  3. Beautiful post and Dena was the worst and I bitch a lot about Ron but her mind scares me. I have never forgiven her for what she did to Jessica on One Life To Live. Plus, she wrote Will's disgusting brutal murder. I cried like a baby at the way that he was killed and discarded like garbage by Ben.
  4. I love this post and I wish that I could like it a million times. Brady being with Kristen and having a baby with her ruined him in my book. He is trash. I am team Philip all the way. Also, the Brady/Chloe/Philip triangle should have been done years ago and they could have been like Jack/Nikki/Victor triangle written by the amazing Bill Bell back in the day on the Young &the Restless. I would love to have that type of complex character-driven stories again. Sadly, those days are gone forever. Parker should have remained Phloe's son and I never understood why they undid that for the insufferable smug vile tan man. What a slap in the face to the Phloe fans. We always get screwed...
  5. The sad thing about Eric is that he had so much potential to be a great hero like his uncle Bo, his dad Roman and John when he was Roman. It is a damn shame that the show only cares about Sami. I always felt that the show should have explored how losing John as his dad, Roman and Marlena's disappearances, Marlena's affair with John affected Eric's psyche and how that shaped his relationships with women. He does not trust women. I have always noticed with Eric that any perceived betrayal by a woman is grounds for him to turn on her and dismiss her. As someone who was ordained as a priest, he is far from being charitable and forgiving. He is very judgmental and resentful. Personally, I always hated him becoming a priest in the first place because it went nowhere, it was just a gimmick that neutered Eric.
  6. I am confused, so is Nutmeg trashing the ladies via her minions. This bitch does not know what being on code means.. I remember Jedidiah was back on foxnews and they were goading her to trash the ladies and she refused to do it. She said that she loves being exposed to views that differed from hers. It was diplomatic and professional. You never know what could happen in life.. Why create enemies for no reason and till this day Sunny and Sarah have maintained friendships with her, people can love and interact with people who do not vote like them. I absolutely loved the Paula/Joy friendship on the show..
  7. I stand corrected about when she cut her hair but the freakout about the haircut by the fans was just too much.. These people were calling her all types of names.
  8. I never understood the outrage online over her haircut, people were going in so much that the actress made a statement regarding her own hair, ridiculous! People need to get a grip. I just fanwanked that Sarah changed her hair due to her relationship with Xander imploding and her grieving the loss of her daughters. Her biological one that she never got to know outside of her womb and Mackenzie the daughter she loved nurtured and protected for over a year. Not to mention, she was ill and how that can affect a parent seeing your child in distress and there is nothing that you can do to help them. So it made sense to me that Sarah would be different..
  9. The ladies were also nuanced in their political views. Starr was a liberal Democrat but was very conservative when it came to male/female roles in a marriage. I absolutely loved her discussion about wives submitting to their husbands. A lot of people at the time were offended but I got where she was coming from.. I always got the impression that Barbara Walters was socially liberal but fiscally conservative... Because of the infamous split screen fight, the show became left versus right and it was not always like that..
  10. As a Bo fan, I am glad that he is dead, it would be heartbreaking to see him kiss the serial killer's ass to please his wretched daughter. She would be a total bitch to him if he were to voice his opposition to her romance with a serial killer. Ciara is another legacy child that had so much potential but was ruined by awful writers. After all this time, I still can't get over what was done to her and Chase for a stupid rape storyline that went nowhere..
  11. Lani should have been a bad girl as Josh Griffith wanted her to be. She was supposed to become obsessed with Shawn-Douglas and target Belle but Josh was fired and all of her scenes as a bad girl were edited out because Dena wanted to take her in another direction.
  12. That is how Ron writes his stories, nothing makes sense and highly offensive.. I think this board could write better stories than him.
  13. It's a shame that things went so wrong for her. I do believe that we lost a wonderful artist in Janet and we were deprived of seeing her create other characters that would have been as iconic as Aunt Viv. Why do humans always got to mess everything up for nonsense?
  14. Janet imbued aunt Viv with a sensuality tenderness toughness and grace that Daphne never could capture with her version of Aunt Viv.. Plus, Janet had such a presence that commanded your attention while Daphne was wall paper... That dance number that Janet's aunt Viv did was spectacular..
  15. I agree with you especially about JJ. Gwen would do something to JJ and Jack would not care. We all know that the show has a bizarre hatred of Horton men.
  16. Did you get the impression that she was upset by what is to come? I am one of the few people on here who likes Marlena and I hope that Ron does not destroy her as a character. That smug asshole is an expert on that...
  17. I will never understand why every thought has to be tweeted to the world. Then when the backlash comes they act all surprised and hurt. What the hell did you expect?
  18. Wendy is a lowlife who is often wrong and spreads her nonsense as facts..
  19. Self-Hatred is part of the Black community unfortunately... We have been indoctrinated to believe that white is right. We perpetuate White supremacy by pushing colorism, featurism and texturism amongst each other. Michael Jackson was just a severe case of it though.
  20. In this country the one drop rule was created to keep Whiteness pure when White men were having mixed race children with Black women who were slaves. In this country, the DJ while being mixed race will be treated as a Black man, because his features are Black, it is what it is.. I am 15% White and 85% Black I cannot claim whiteness because I am Black, full stop. Race is a social construct created by White supremacy.. I am Black and I would be offended if a nonBlack person changed their features and darkened their skin to look Black. On the internet, we call that Blackfishing. NonBlack women are darkening their skin and passing as Black and going into Black spaces, selling products aimed at Black women. How is that right? Rachel Dolezal who is White was passing for a Black woman and I was highly offended.. She even called herself "transracial", bitch please! Black people are not a costume and don't get me started on this country's shameful history with Black face.. I am not Korean so I cannot speak to how a Korean would react to that man you talked about in your post.
  21. She is gone! Thank goodness! I was skeptical when the rumors were flying that she was going to quit. So I prepared myself to be disappointed and as soon as Whoopie gave her the floor to speak, I knew that she was quitting. I changed the channel when the ladies started to kiss her ass. Did you guys see that clip of Joy's expression making the rounds on social media after Nutmeg said that she was going to be there for one more month to fight with them. It is absolutely hilarious, Joy really does not give a damn about her. This is why I love Joy and I don't care what the right has to say about her.
  22. I would keep Eli, he is just gorgeous and Lani needs to just run away with that horrid Kristen and just call it a day. Eli could raise his twins in peace.
  23. Megan is just a vile human being and she has pretty much said today that she does not give a damn about the plight of minorities in this country because we offend her sensibilities when we remind people like her that America has not lived up to her promise of liberty and justice for all. We are all supposed to sit down shut up and just accept injustice and abuse because this is America damn it! love it or leave it!
  24. So, is she back with Fabien? I hope that she is happy and if this is the man that she wants then I wish her all the best. Carrieanne has been through so much and I don't want her to get hurt..
  25. I hate Rafe because Lucas was sacrificed at his altar. He is also played by a bland boring actor who brings nothing to the table. I cannot remember any storyline where Rafe was ever exciting, he was always a self-righteous hypocritical jerk. They threw so many women at him hoping that lightning would strike and nothing has worked. All of the women who were were paired with him went down in my estimation. He is dead weight and should have been fired years ago.
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