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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I enjoyed the episode, but I feel like Football to the Groin would have been mega-viral if that was a thing back then. Also, I liked the 'monorail' gag.
  2. I certainly liked the comic book panel depiction of all the fighting. I feel bad that Featherstone died though. So the voice does work on god. I'm not sure why he didn't just command him to not end the apocalypse. No. She's always been just a little short. Starr was always a step ahead of just about everyone. It wouldn't have been true to the character. I was surprised Jessie set Genesis free. Worth it for him to say "I don't fucking need it" without them bleeping it. Is he still peddling his spiel? Cassidy looked worn out to me. Maybe he just decided it was time. There's got to be someone running hell again if Hitler is out of the picture.
  3. Check her out in Spartacus. She does some fighting there too iirc. She's actually a good actor. I hope she isn't wasted on Steve Love Interest Character.
  4. I didn't realize he directed too. The Deuce indeed.
  5. I saw a dude outside in a car at the next house over and I was getting ready to call the police until I realized he was the contractor and it was his lunch break.
  6. I'm enjoying it so far. There's some good gags. It's not clear why the elves are living in the city (I'm on E5), but I love all the names. I loved the elk with the crown just standing there. All the scenes in hell were fantastic.
  7. No one should slap anyone, but I bitch slapped a dude who said something racist about my then gf, and it was a scene right out of TV where everyone stops and the sound dies. All we needed was a record scratch.
  8. But wasn't she complaining about the lack of condoms on set at the house with the pool and the corn? She was complaining that the actor was gay for pay. I think she was really just pissed off all episode and lashing out. Her song was actually quite good. I think the whole thing was about the lack of control over her own life. She didn't want the part, but the guy still stormed out to get it, etc. Well, I guess none of us were surprised about Frankie. It's always the drugs. I didn't know the shooter was the son of a made man until . I don't know how that actually works. I guess the surprise is that it wasn't Rudy. I didn't know "Andrea" was Dworkin until the subtitles told me. I don't think the "and who are you?" is a particularly good debate tactic, and she came off really condescending.
  9. That's the joke though. Dee can't do "meet cute" and just turns it into a porn.
  10. I have a work function tonight so I'm bummed I'll miss it.
  11. I'm actually a decent crier on command. I got my flight changed. No one irl likes seeing a 40 something that grown ass man tearing up.
  12. I'm nosey AF and always keeping tabs on what's going on in the neighborhood. I rescued a doggo that got loose last evening! To be fair, my little dog is a crack alarm system and alerts me.
  13. I loved the opening. I also am very glad Hulu is uncensored because Randy saying fuuuuuuck you was hilarious. I normally laugh at Cartman's antics but that was some cold shit. Kyle's plan was complete brilliance. Loved the Godfather style ending too.
  14. So that guy really doesn't give a shit either way about climate change because a bitch got books to sell.
  15. Frank was in the house forever, so I don't mind him talking too much. He knows more than anyone on the panel how the politics works. No one is saying - I don't think this even goes to the senate. I will love Gina forever because she answered my question on a PBS news Facebook live. No Bill - you don't get to talk about climate. Germany's emissions *increased* when they closed their nuclear plants. AND they import power from France. Guess the source.
  16. I thought the couple with Mac and Dennis were talking about their pet, but same outcome. I liked that Dennis was down to hook Mac up.
  17. No, she didn't invent it or perfect it, but there was a fairly wide array of characters that she played really well. And really, the dance scene was just a lot of fun.
  18. I wonder if Graham either regrets or doesn't think people remember his 'cleanse the office' comment. Great Skeksis reference in the second segment! I tend to think 'high crimes' should be on par with 'bribery, treason', but I think we're there now. Sam also brought up a really good point about how support for impeaching Nixon grew due to the impeachment investigation; however, they didn't have Fox News and foreign infiltration then. And, Sam mentioned it might possibly erode his base. It won't. But - it might get more independents over to the impeachment. Right now they're split down the middle. There won't be a UK parliament vote of no-confidence because you have to have an election, and the Labour party knows they can't win right now.
  19. I can't imagine a show today where a parent would tell their child that "I brought you into this world. I can take you out."
  20. I hadn't seen the Browns play, and I was impressed they almost had the Rams. I tend to think Baker should be doing 3, 5 steps drops and get rid of it fast, but that's coaching.
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