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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I could be making this up, but I thought this was 1000 years before the movie.
  2. Catch-22 was all at once, but was intended to be a limited series. Casual dropped the first 2 or 3 of each season and then weekly. Seth et al. aren't limit by network constraints now, so opening the season with a 90 minute movie or something would be cool.
  3. If they do that, they'll probably have to make it R. With only 2 gelflings left after the urSkeks depart, they have a lot of work to do to repopulate Thra.
  4. I would limit it to scoring and that's it. You're exactly correct. It's heading down a slope where it's opening up to challenging everything.
  5. I haven't seen Cleveland play yet till now. Good for them so far. They're not making any mistakes and really had two good drives.
  6. You'd think she'd have some semblance of clout. She's basically an A lister. I suppose she should have that in her contract up front, but Fig doesn't seem to be the best agent. I'm not so sure about losing the grip. I think it's more internal with the higher ups taking more off the top. Rudy mentioned Gotti taking over. The mafia certainly wasn't weak under Gotti. It may be that in the past at Rudy's level had more latitude and Gotti will be more centralized; less for the Rudy's. Yeesh I wouldn't be jawing with Rudy.
  7. I watch the first 2 or 3 episodes ages ago. I liked the show, but with so much content out there, the show just fell through the cracks. I've been watching in my free time over the last couple of weeks to catch up with the real-time discussion here. It's quite interesting seeing the city evolve over the eras and how the characters are riding that wave. Of course, TPTBs being who they are, and this being 1984, this isn't really going to be much of a happy ending. The weirdest development is Frankie seems to have his shit together. I'm surprised Bobby didn't have a heart attack yet. He's kind of the classic Simon character who just always seems to be there. Growing up in a fairly rural area, and being a kid I only heard about aids from the paper and it was barely on the local news. I remember no one knowing anything and people just dying. It sounded awful. So glad to see Domenick Lombardozzi. He's my favorite of the Simon acting crew.
  8. Please. The only reason Rice was out of the league was because he couldn't play well anymore. After the results of the court case, he'll likely be back in the league.
  9. That's it right there. It is amazing what an actual, sincere apology can do. Bill does his PC rants but it's not nearly at the mania of Sullivan.
  10. This. It looks like my comment was out of sequence. We're talking about Jessie losing an eye, and a couple of us naturally thought of Odin; to wit- So I was saying the Odin theme in literature is way older than the bible. And, as you pointed out, there's a lot going on with a protagonist losing an eye in a story and what it could all mean.
  11. Whenever the topic is brought up on the show, he always rants like that. Even McGee called him on it.
  12. Yeah, that was sure the case with Skyler. It was the viewers.
  13. I'm watching now and she said it was a Pew poll. I'm all for people walking away from religion.
  14. Wow Samantha Power was great. Right on with McGee slamming Sullivan. She's right though - if a woman went in there and threw a bitch fit they'd bounce her out. I tend to think most people would have been fine if Kavanaugh just had apologized and not been such a royal bitch about it. Then you find out this is what seems to be a pattern now. It's fair to be pissed about it and question whether he's fit to be a justice. It's also fair to question the vetting process. It's also why I think you should have the filibuster for SCOTUS. Sullivan always gets worked up about this to the point where I'm asking what he's so worried about.
  15. I was referring to the Bible verse in terms of losing the eye, also this God is cheap af. And literally everything in literature about anyone losing an eye leads back to Odin.
  16. I wonder if the league leaned on the Pats with the new allegations/investigation that surfaced.
  17. I think Belichick's patience correlates directly with AB's production, and he was probably told that in no uncertain terms. The ball is in AB's court so to speak.
  18. We could have a whole 'subversion of tropes' thread just for Farscape.
  19. The netflix shows I watch seem to be short but are allowed to end.
  20. Oh, those halcyon days when climate change wasn't a political hot potato and people believed in science.
  21. Well, he kind of is with the voice. He literally can send people directly to hell. The loss of the eye to gain power is much much much older than the dinky ass bible.
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