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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. They seriously could have done 4 episodes just on Wolf in the 80s. I do like how Wolf has settled in to the new timeline.
  2. Wow that's a long walk to get to a Wallander reference. 'Gritty' seems like it has been around for awhile though kind of with the explosion of original content from premium and cable channels then to streaming. There's just too much stuff these outlets seem to have to put out that there's a lot of the same. It's amazing I remember a time when just HBO and Showtime just showed movies after they were in the theater.
  3. I'm kind of over the tactic (for lack of a better term) of the pleasant music playing over a tragic/violent scene. It's a little played out. I did have a good laugh on Janice ripping Dom to jerking to Darlene. And Darlene calling her cuntstick. heee. I would love Darlene in real life. Same here on both. And I actually liked the last 2 episodes. Shows like this need to grasp the context of postmodern television. There is a fuck ton of content out there. I watched probably 250 shows at least in the meantime. I'm not rewatching. Then 57 years go by and it's like, 'hey watch our show again.' I didn't know it was back on until like episode 5. I don't mind the torture, violence, or even Elliot being an unreliable narrator. I do have a genuine interest in seeing how it ends. I like the skewed camera angles. Back when things actually happened I thought it was a cool twist that Angela was working with Mr. Robot. But the long break was one factor and this season has just been overly ponderous with a lot of people opining in rooms. I bet if they only had 6 or 8 hours to wrap up the series, this season would have been way way more compelling. I think the show bought too much into its own bullshit. I think there are legit criticisms of the narrative direction of the show, which I think stems from just not having a lot of plot to stretch over 13 episodes. If I was hatewatching (which I think is dumb but I'll concede the point) then at least I'd have some emotional investment. It's just something I'm getting through because I know there's only a month left. The show has basically in a holding pattern since episode 2. I mean, this episode - basically was for the last scene. I'm glad Dom got one over on Janice, but she's just a ridiculously incompetent villain, it makes Dom look even dumber that she didn't execute it in like 45 seconds after she first met Janice.
  4. I've been watching literally all day. I'm pleased that Josh is actually clever. Starting out, I thought he was going to be too much just bumbling around. The fight was silly, but he got the information on the professor and beat him. I don't expect him to suddenly be a total hero, but these small developments are good. Even the plan to get Kronish on the boat than killing him. I don't know how I feel about the cop side plot. Like it was said above, I do like that there's consequences. I like the parents though. And the Night of the Flaming Sombrero. Oh boy. I'm totally dying at Wolf's late 80s/early 90s underground restaurant. Also wow what a coke habit.
  5. We're not going to kill him. We're going to cock block him. It's stupid and brilliant. I did like that Josh could dance. I don't want to see a show where the character is fucking up all the time. I thought he should have tried to just tell Kronish that she had herpes a little more forcefully, but I could roll with it. I love Sleigh Ride! The entire James Cameron episode was screamingly hilarious. bwhahahahahahahahaha volleyball scene.
  6. I've just stumbled upon this and only watched the first episode, but I found it quite entertaining. I love the stunts for the fighting. They were really choreographed well, but the 'video game' comments throughout were really funny. The whole 'we're going to '69' bit was dumb af and I laughed because I'm 12.
  7. Lack of Gratuitously Nude Sex Scenes was my punk disco band in undergrad. We sold out the Palladium in Worcester. The funny thing is that I actually like watching Dickens miniseries. I thought Bleak House was riveting and darkly humorous. Something about Christmas Carol I can't get into. It's like overly Dickens if that makes sense. Although I can't say anyone can come up with character names like Dickens though. I mean, Tulkinghorn.
  8. They just don't have sketches like that anymore.
  9. DoctorAtomic

    Country Music

    I knew of Dwight Y most likely because I just listened to a lot of radio then, but I didn't know much about him. Really interesting guy. It was really touching seeing Gill struggle through the song and having the other singer help him through it. Same thing about Brooks. The clip of everyone going nuts to Low Places just looked like a blast. Super nice of him to help out Yearwood. Well, I hope sometime in your lives you come across that country song that speaks to you and gets you through where you need to go.
  10. No, Ike put the bag on his head to hide his humiliation. Because he had just said, 'oh god dammit' when Sheila started on with the transplant. I lost my shit (heh) when the doctor started the inner monologue about the Spice and then Makay did it.
  11. I don't know. I'm not particularly fashionable, but my clothes last.
  12. Dallas isn't winning anything if you're throwing INTs on screen passes either. They need some better football iq.
  13. Credit to Atlanta for not giving up. It's too bad Ryan doesn't know to throw the ball away.
  14. I'm telling y'all, ditch the tv commentary for the radio broadcast.
  15. Even the Dallas radio announcers were 'they're just not playing well'. The screen pass INT they shredded Dallas.
  16. So high school football games are getting shot up now? There's just days when I don't want to leave the house.
  17. I have the luxury of not paying for cbs all whatever to watch the game so I'm in the kitchen listening to it on the Cowboys radio and these guys are very entertaining. I'm really enjoying the broadcast and I typically give fuck all for announcing crews.
  18. Forget about sports. What a guy.
  19. ooooohhhhhhhhhh. But Godot never showed up right? Still though. Totally missed that.
  20. For any sport. I've never seen this work out. There's a glut of former athletes and not enough jobs, and someone needs to put their foot down. It clearly doesn't work.
  21. USA network had 2 'mother fuckers' on Mr Robot. I'm wondering if there was some new relaxing of a rule or something.
  22. She couldn't even get a part in a movie where she was very good friends with the director and writer. Debbie also was offering a position that not only was she actually good at but would have enormous creative freedom. Any actor will tell you that a steady gig is a steady gig. I think she needs time to let it sink in.
  23. I actually don't nave a problem with it. There's no way these characters don't say fuck a lot.
  24. It's also a scene from the last series of Black Mirror.
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