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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I could see Hop getting shoved into the Upside Down and finding a portal out which brings him into Russia. I'd rather not the Upside Down be used as a transport system that everyone is using though because it takes away from the value that he's one of the only few people to get through the Upside Down and survive.
  2. I only knew the guest from the tv show about Washington's spy ring during the revolutionary war, where he was not the best spy. Cool he's getting a lot of success though.
  3. So does he know she's Jackie's daughter? I can't tell. It would make sense he's doing it for revenge. I do like Jackie pulling an end around on Hook with the brother to get him over a barrel, which was paralleled nice with Ward pulling the same thing with the guy's mother. I can't say I'm interested in Jenny or the Asian babymama. Good for her getting an A+ though. As much as Jackie is awful, she's not the best mother either. I'm not interested in the reporter either especially when the other lady investigator nailed her on sleeping with Jackie. Yeah, great credibility. She did a decent enough job getting Jackie's name from her source, and since, all she's doing is just pestering people. Granted, they don't have to tell her off all the time, and I think the other investigator was trying to be fair when he told her that the case was actually sensitive, but you need to find another strategy. Maybe investigate and find clues? Jackie's babymama is basically shouting to the rooftops that she has his love child. And I mean, really, the 'state senator' said that and you're still here? Yes, because there's freedom of the press, and likely he didn't talk to you about anything anyway. So what? I wasn't too interested in this one because it only solved the AK as a clue. They don't know the trail for the gun. The AK they found didn't match the bullet. Even the deposition with Hook was kind of flat. Though I did like "lawyer. lawyer" like Mike did on Break Bad/Saul. I'm haven't been liking Ward's wife and even less now. Her smugness is going to backfire on her. She's just got it all figured out. Just telling all those other Coalition members what they should be doing. They're probably not going to back her because she's exhausting them. I think she's going to get herself into some hot water. The reverend may have been threatening Ward, but I don't think he was lying about having those connections. Not for nothing (which they should be saying on the show much much more), but Decourcy wasn't "defending her" or whatever she claimed she was. The reverend barged into his office, threatened him, and physically assaulted him. Though I assume she's smart enough to figure out how he got the shiner. Literally turning the other cheek and saying 'you want another shot?' was total gold. The reverend looked terrified. The only common thread I see here is the gun pathway. If they unravel who/how both groups are getting the guns. It would be kind of an awesome twist if somehow the reverend was involved. Like, perpetuating the violence so people can see him as the savior of the community. Unless their next robbery somehow intersects with them.
  4. If I didn't already have Hulu, I probably wouldn't be getting it just for this show, and I really like it. It was my favorite of the last season. But, like I want to watch the new Picard show, but I'm just not getting another streaming service. I don't how this is going to equilibrate because it's ridiculous to expect consumers to get 5 or 6 services per month. No one has that kind of time.
  5. I don't like Archer and Lana bickering *all* the time, so I liked them both going nuts over the space ocelots. Are they going to get the thirty million credits for blowing up the pirates? That's a big score. I did get the best laugh out of the cut from Ray asking "do you see a blinking green light?"
  6. They could spend the next season trying to stop the Russians. They don't need the mind flayer to come back.
  7. The cut screen of the chant and the olympic race was brilliant.
  8. I thought Marcus was fine. He got in some good one liners and I believed him as a Ranger. He could actually fight. I didn't like him pining for Ivanova. He could have just asked her out. Marcus' best line - Did we just win? Ivanova - Shhhhhh! Don't jinx it!
  9. iirc 21 Jump Street was one of the more diverse casts on tv at the time.
  10. That's what Decourcy was saying - their movement is important. Rely on other leaders and freeze him out. I think the show missed a narrative beat here by not showing us having her listen to a whole bunch of other women in addition to the one we saw. I think the show was implying that's what happened but it wasn't entirely clear.
  11. The only reason I could see him not dying is that he's one of the very few people who has survived through the upside down, so if the Russians were able to get to him and he's in the cell, I can see he would be a valuable intelligence source for them based on the tag scene. That also fits with the heavy 80s theme of the series though.
  12. I watched Ellen. There wasn't anything I didn't know before, but it was a good conversion. He had a little bit of anger to her, which you don't see. I liked the story about how they wouldn't let her in to her own medal ceremony when though she was there for the party the week before. She may have thought of herself as weak, but she is very much not.
  13. Natasha Lyonne was at her most Natasha Lyonne which is the best version of Natasha Lyonne for me. This was time well spent. I thought Horse was controlling the loops or something because they both interacted with him on separate occasions, and he was leading the parade at the end where they merged. I actually thought that killing the professor would break the cycle since he was essentially a common point on the night of their first deaths. I'm confused what would be in two more seasons, but if they had it planned out already, I can roll with it. Maybe they'll be controlling loops for other people. I don't see doing the same thing just with different characters would work.
  14. That seems the most direct resolution to the plot to me. Which means Jackie will find out via his CI (learning who the brother is) and somehow he gets her in front of the grand jury for DeCourcy. Or, more to Jackie's style, he threatens the dad with doing that to get him in front of the grand jury to spill and unravel the whole thing.
  15. That's what I got. Plus they arrested two of them, so they can lean on them to give up who they sold the guns to by threatening them with a felony or something. Decourcy's wife is becoming insufferable. I don't know if we're supposed to assume that enough time had passed for it to sink in or maybe she heard a ton of accusers in addition to the singer, but she's becoming really condescending. It almost seemed like she was acting all better then the others because she was able to handle it or something. Decourcy was right to talk about trust to her. If he didn't rip the reverend in two for the house n-word he isn't going to cause a scene here, especially being a public figure working a high profile case. Plus, you know what? "Know how to talk to my mother" please. His observation of marginalizing was correct. Oh, wait. Are they trying to do some parallel to Anita Hill? I'm not a fan of the reporter either. I assume this plays off. I'm rooting for Jackie to get away with it all though. It's not like he doesn't know what he's doing. He's been right so far. I did love him trolling the cop as he died. Does Jackie not know the CI's brother is the ringleader of the heists? Or at least not know who the brother is?
  16. I enjoyed this for the most part. If I didn't know this was based on actual history, I'd say this is completely ridiculous. I had a tough time keeping track of what the actual year was for the show present because it wasn't clear what war Pike actually fought in to me. I didn't really get how she knew Big Momma at first either. I didn't have a problem with 16 y/o Fauna being so adult. It seemed like she had to grow up fast. Jimmy Lee was harsh to me and 'Pat' already had a job as a teen. I mean, it's a typical TNT miniseries. We were making almost the same comments about Into The West in 2005.
  17. I didn't watch much Seinfeld because I was in college at the time and we all lived with a lot of people so there wasn't too much TV time. I read a great article after the show ended though that kind of explained that the network hated the show because the main characters weren't supposed to be likeable and that the jokes weren't typical sitcom 'open setup punchline' which is why they forced in a laugh track. The ending within that context is exactly then what should have happened.
  18. Archer is Archer, but I would disagree with just waiting for blind luck. They all have their issues, but at the end Archer does have transferable skills. He did install the fuel cell and kill off the T Rex. I get they were being meta, but I don't have a problem with that.
  19. The anorexic look was creepy but good artwork. I like that Hayley was not having any of it. I didn't think for a second that Franny made her own dressing either. I like the pizza place was called Pizza Overlord.
  20. The studio forced the character on the show.
  21. Samsung galaxy. My phone is the same so it just loaded all the applications, etc.
  22. There's communication issues throughout the book for sure. They probably could have sealed the bore in like a week. I think there's going to be tons cut for tv.
  23. Didn't one of the books only span like one week? They're going to have to smash a lot of the back half of the series together. I would figure the last book would have to be an entire series itself. I thought Lan was supposed to be a samurai the whole time!
  24. I got a new tablet. Mine was old and the OS wouldn't have any more updates. So you couldn't watch Netflix. I also found a (legal) program that converts .tivo to .avi (you have to enter your access key to use it). So I've been watching shows outside on my porch in my free time. I can blow through shows without commercial breaks. And if I need to go in the kitchen I just bring it with me. I'll pause every half hour or so for a break, drink, email, etc.
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