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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I don't know if it's best to combine with another major character. Thom's been around 'important people' his whole life, so I could see him having visions. One thing I don't want to lose is the whole philosophical research into the wheel. I actually hope they go deeper into it. I do think it's critical knowledge for Rand to seal the bore. I figure they have to lose some though. They did that on the Tudors and those were actual people. There's like more people in the Aiel than in China.
  2. I didn't watch much when it was on because I was in college. Sometimes I'd go over to my people's and watch before we went out. I do think the backwards episode is excellent television. I can't recall any episodes besides that unless someone says something or I see an article and it rings a bell. I do give David and Seinfeld credit because it was the first sitcom where the main characters were meant to be unlikeable (except Friends j/k). Funny enough, I love Curb. I think that's what they really intended the show to be. And no laugh track. I think they leaned on her 'change' a little too hard so it was jarring. The criticism I saw mostly was that fans were mad that HBO was more than willing to give 2 seasons and TBTPs only wanted the one, and it was a shortened season. So we missed out on more of a slow burn. I think that's fair. It would inaccurate to claim she only went mad at the end though. She had white savior complex up the ass.
  3. Well, I guess that answered my question about the bisexuality!
  4. Wow they even got Dick Cavett.
  5. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I have to laugh at this point when Jordan says, 'It became personal to me.' Dude. They out of your favorite ice cream, it's personal to you. After nine hours of this, it getting exhausting. I think it's more amazing the Bulls won so much with having to deal with his bullshit all the time. It's just mind boggling and NBA Finals game is in the 70s.
  6. I assumed that Librarians were out hunting magical artifacts in between shushing.
  7. Back Seat Becky! I remember that one. I would think that Rebecca was in college pre-aids though. I'm guessing Sam pitched in the 70s, so same thing. I guess you could fanwank that he used protection in the 80s, and that Diane probably was careful. Maybe the network came down on any of that content. I'm reaching deep back here because I was little, but people mistakenly thought aids was a 'gay disease', but I don't know when it was known people knew anyone could get it.
  8. Well, yes. That's most of it. I don't like the guy, and the era, on paper, is really shitty basketball. To be fair, I did learn some interesting new things, and it didn't cost me anything.
  9. That's lacking a bit of context. Darlene murdered her husband, and Wyatt is kind of a little sheltered. fwiw, I don't like Ruth/Ben and don't think it's ok, again because of the context.
  10. Funny enough, Larry David and Jerry hated it. The network despised the show and insisted on a laugh track because it wasn't written as a sitcom; i.e., opener, set up, punch line.
  11. I didn't know any of that. That's what I was wondering. They're showing the episode where Coach coaches the kids and he tells them Sam was the best reliever in baseball until the drinking.
  12. I can't say I enjoy episodes where the entire focus is on Sam&Diane.
  13. I remember when Woody was introduced because of the 'screaming viking' gag. I forgot to add - the one with Carla's sister was really funny even though Cliffy had a bad time of it. Did they ever say how Carla and Sam met?
  14. Some sure as hell had better be wearing a jaunty hat.
  15. I had no idea. I watched her on Halt and Catch Fire and didn't notice a thing. I think she might be putting on some 1930s affect to it. I do think Dormer's accent is by design to be unassuming.
  16. In only on season 2. It's not actually that bad. The actors are playing out well. I've watched a lot of TV, and the timing with everyone across the board is fantastic.
  17. I'm in the season one closer and I don't think I'm going to like the Sam&Diane era Isn't Harry Night Court Harry?
  18. They're showing the poker game con with Coach scratching his nose. I barely remember it and I'm dying. Holy shit I didn't even know it was Coach's con in the end!
  19. Holy shit, they got Tip O'Neil to do a cold open?
  20. I completely get a Brady documentary is going to be a chore. They're going to spend at least an hour on 3-27. Please, please please, get a humidifier so you don't choke,
  21. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    What the fuck are people doing that they're testing positive at this point?
  22. I always thought 'mayday' meant crashing, which is why I thought he was always bad. I'm watching the episode where Sam's teammate wrote the book about being gay. I'm glad Sam stood up. I didn't see the ending coming.
  23. I am very disappointed that when the limes rolled out of my bag at the grocery store today, no True Luv was to be found.
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