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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. Chexton is totally going to Tufts on a lacrosse scholarship.
  2. I know these are real words, but I just can't make heads or tails of 'stamp' and 'mail'. I do suppose that the will they/won't they is so derivative now that it's hard to imagine a time where a show was the first to do it. I'm rarely a shipper though. I can think of maybe one show where I was.
  3. Is it though? I'm in the middle of S5, and the episodes with Sam/Diane relationship as the focused plot drags the show down. When they're on the side, it's palatable. I mean, I get that they were the impetus for the creation of the show, and the actors are fantastic, but at some point a show moves past its original intent and it grows. I assume that's why they added more characters, and clearly, it wasn't really needed as the driving force the show went on longer after she left. If Long hadn't left the show would they have kept it up?
  4. I watched the one today where Diane made Lilith up for the tv show and she and Frasier get hot for eacho there. I think the challenge with sitcoms back then was you overall write the characters to largely stay the same and not really have tons of growth. There's good continuity on the show for the most part, but the characters are still largely static. I think Norm actually has the most development. The show really was built on really great actors because not a ton really goes on. Which is amazing since the show was on for 11 years. I do like when they actually get out of the bar. I think the one with Vera's pie in the face is on now! I never knew it was DIANE that threw the pie! I'm dying at the gag of them sliding the tv back and forth. KG's reaction shots are killer. And Sam does the call back to the tongue push ups. One thing I really like about the show is the characters cracking up in the background. I think they wrote themselves into a corner. Long is an exceptional actor and I think they fizzled out Sam/Diane after 5 years and never gave her anything else to do. She plays ridiculousness incredibly. Sam at least had a history built in. I don't really blame her for wanting to leave. 5 seasons then is over 100 episodes with minimal character development. They could have at least had her graduate and do something else while still being at the bar. Maybe she could have been a freelance writer or something. Since social media wasn't around, did they think Sam/Diane was a big fan favorite? Or was it?
  5. Season 9?! I have no sense of time with this show. I was too young when it was on, and then in college when it ended so only saw bots and pieces.
  6. We're on to season 5! I didn't realize they made 26 episode seasons. I'm gunning these down, but wow if I had to watch Sam and Diane every week for 5 years I don't know if I would have made it through the show. Holy shit, Willie Garson is the waiter in the Cape Cod episode. He looks 14! I only knew of Frasier and Lilith when they were married. I didn't know she made appearances prior, but her and Frasier griping is hilarious. Her timing is impeccable. It's got to be hard to play wound up so tight and deliver.
  7. I totally forgot about Klaus and Danuta. I like when they call back to continuity on all the weird shit on this show. And he knows the Kid Rock version of Sweet Home Alabama. I had a huge laugh at the quick sight gag of the guy walking the little dog at the farmer's market because that was literally me yesterday. How do you not know Klaus is into east coast hip hop!
  8. That's very true, but you know what? An actual, sincere apology, you'll likely be forgiven for most dumb shit.
  9. They're showing when Cliff took Diane to the postman ball and everyone can barely hold it together. When Diane pulled out the huge flowers Shelley Long looked like she was going to lose her shit. Diane's stoic look of horror when Cliff touched her was absolutely brilliant. I didn't realize Lilith showed up so early. I like the running gag of Cliff's vegetables.
  10. I think the lack of genuineness is a lot of the problem. Everyone has said stupid shit. It's amazing to me how so many people just won't apologize or make it your fault - I'm sorry you felt that way. Or the stock pr statement.
  11. It was years ago, but there was an essay titled something like, 'no you're not entitled to your opinion' that addressed this type of situation.
  12. Ah that would explain the commercials. I record and watch the day after but I saw something like WGN America or some such. I can't imagine the show is too expensive to produce since it was on wgn. Although I like all the options for content now, I do kind of miss the days of syndicated shows where you had cool shows like this on weird fucking channels like Tuesdays at 1045 or some shit that went on for four years. That aside, this could be good for Hulu or tbs.
  13. I'm up to the first Gary's tavern rivalry. I had no recollection of Diane bowling.
  14. That was kind of my point. How did you think people were going to respond right now?
  15. I have to say - scorned Frasier is hilarious.
  16. He doesn't affect my life either way, but there's a difference between apologizing because everyone is on your case for saying something stupid, or whether you had some actual insight and understand the issue better. I don't know which it is and I don't really care about him, but people aren't obligated to accept his apology either. I'm all for athletes speaking out, but I don't consider them the sages of our time, and the freedom to speak out also carries the risk of stepping it in too. The fact that he couldn't read the room in the first place is the fundamental problem.
  17. Wow Woody is YOUNG af. I of course knew Coach passed, but I didn't know they sort of just glossed over it to start. I didn't know Woody had a connection to Coach either. I do remember the 'screaming viking' gag and can't wait for it. I guess the end of S3 and S4 was meant to be a big time jump. Shelley Long actually looked like she was broken up about Coach and holding back. After gunning down the shit out of this show over like 3 weeks I'm feeling like the talent of Shelley Long is kind of underused on the character of Diane. It's quaint that people talk about eating on the plane.
  18. I certainly have zero issues with athletes speaking their minds, but dude. Honestly if/when the season starts, I hope nearly everyone kneels and it's total chaos.
  19. All right, it's a little much Diane is constantly calling Sam from Europe. The waiter constantly breaking up about Luigi was hilarious. I didn't get when Diane called Sam the last time whether she thought it was him on the other line or actually was the machine and he was on his way.
  20. I did like the subtle execution of the scene. They showed everyone just working when he entered the station. I don't think he got the chance to communicate that to her because he had the attack, but I think the show made a better narrative choice by showing Kai, Ernesto, and the *chief* showing up, with the chief demanding to see Walker. And then showing the little girl come in to give him the crystal. I'd like to see some growth if the daughter returns. She might think she's going to save everyone in the peacecorps, but she'll find out that she's only going to be able to do so much.
  21. I do hope the development with the daughter will ease his heart condition. I don't know if I need the show to keep digging into Walker's past because it's clear they're showing him settling down there and making a new home, but I'd like to see coming to terms with the exwife. They clearly left the door open for the daughter to return, but I don't think she needs to always be in peril.
  22. Diane being stuck in the vent was hilarious. And Michael Richards as a guest star in the Bar Bet. I like the running gag of the guy who can't pass the bar, and Cliff's trip to Florida. And Norm going to the terrible restaurant. The old guy with the hat keeps popping up. 'Sinatra!'
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