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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. Oh, even the dudes get raped in Outlander. Don't play any drinking games.
  2. First, I want to know what sex dice is. I'm not surprised Stan is a sore loser all. I did like that this was an entire family story, obv minus Roger, but he needed to deal with the geese. I did like the essay too.
  3. There is a computer commercial and they showed a FLOPPY DISK. Leno's constant drunk jokes was grating. Dude, you've been doing live TV for how long at this point? You can fill air time. I felt bad for the college kids that won the contest. I also felt bad for men's fashion. Why the hell were all the jackets like tents?
  4. I found it! Wow the Leno jokes in the opener were not not not good. ffs 1993 wasn't that long ago. Everything looks so DATED.
  5. This badinage is not up to my frivolous standards. I don't know if I can stay in this forum.
  6. I don't know if asking 'is college worth it' is the right question. 'What's the best college value for you' might be better. I think Hasan was getting at that in a way.
  7. Check out Adrian Paul today. He's aged well.
  8. Highlander was a syndicated show. USA picked up S1-3 reruns, among the other syndicated shows of the time (Sentinel). The 'euro' cut (on the dvds) has an additional scene or so per episode.
  9. I have finished. I feel like I lived another lifetime over the last month. Diane was kind of wasted in her final appearance. They were going to get back together and then it ended. So much for Sam's 'sex compulsion' too. I can buy he is at the point of thinking he wants more out of life, but they could have gotten there in a more interesting way. I don't feel like I wasted my time. And really, credit to the show, there really were only a few clunkers out of 275 episodes. There were a ton of times where I laughed really hard too, right from the start to the end. I can see why this is one of the iconic shows of all time. I liked the end with just Sam and Norm and how Norm knew Sam couldn't have left the bar. I'm surprised more of the cast wasn't that successful outside of the show. I suppose that depends on how you define it, but Long was never a huge star. It looks like Alley got steady work here and there, but Danson has essentially been working constantly since. I suppose Neuwirth was already a success and continued. Does anyone know the 'reunion' episode of Frasier? I want to check it out for completeness. Are there any other episodes where the characters appear.
  10. I learned about Culloden from the Highlander tv show. (see what I did there?) S1 and S2 of Outlander was the best because of that. That really sums it up. I mean they said - if you're expecting a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention rather early on. Outlander again - Brianna should have married Lord John and everyone knows it. Then he and Jamie could spend the day playing chess. You know you'd all watch that.
  11. To be technically correct, she cured the snakebite with a handjob. We were all like 'wait - what just happened?' Oh, they are. The big discussion was what happened with Ian and why Fergus isn't getting more to do because getting his wife pregnant. The show is actually good when they are dealing with 'future history'. But I lost count of how many times Claire got in trouble for mouthing off.
  12. I was also thinking last night that the councilman could dance too, and they were all dancing at teh sekrit ghey club. It's a good point though - they're not sitting home watching tv. It's just that *everyone* was getting down. No one was just sitting on the side.
  13. That's where I first saw him. Whenever he pops up in the credits, you know you're going to get a memorable character. He was even on Californication iirc as an awful guy but the character was a real, 3D person. To be fair, Duncan lives by an honor code that was trendy when he was a teenager. I liked them both. Also, to be fair, I don't think Methos works at the start without Duncan. It's the contrast that is interesting, and what I think lead to a great season 5, as Duncan realized he wasn't the boy scout he thought he was. Methos also recognized that Duncan was 'too important to lose'. You really would rather have a Duncan winning the prize. I loved when Duncan was on his high horse and ranting to Joe, telling him he doesn't 'know what it's like,' and Joe spits back - yeah I do. Vietnam. And shuts him right up. Aside - checkout 'Evening at Joe's' for more Methos. It's written by show writers so you're getting a really good take on the character. Methos was my mbtv name! I think they should have a separate, hate-watch thread. Not that any thread should all be pro-show, but you can tell when it's getting out of hand.
  14. The final season isn't actually as bad as it started. There was too much a focus on single character stories, and the show never was that strong when it did that. The episodes where Carla got them drunk, the drive in, and when they thought Cliff killed Ma Clavin were all solidly funny and entertaining. Diane and Sam at lunch with the fake spouses was hilarious. I cracked up when Sam went to the Gaines house and the dogs barked at him. The best part was the delayed laugh by the audience as the joke registered. I think they missed a good narrative in not getting Rebecca to cater/host events more.
  15. One for the road. I'm in the home stretch! I have to call a little bs on Sam's sex compulsion. He's a small business owner. There's nothing wrong with liking to work and then go out. Maybe you want to go out with someone age appropriate, but a long term relationship isn't the singular definition of healthy. Besides, they never showed it affecting the business or getting arrested or anything. I did like the crack at the drive in about leaving a hit show. Diane writing for cable in the early 90s seems like a perfect fit for the character.
  16. That's what I'm saying though. Even Maria is getting down. I'm hoping Raul gets more to do. He was talking like he wants to.
  17. Agreed. Not necessarily the actor's fault. I think she was directed to be over the top. At the end I think they were too coy about her being the angel. I get they didn't want to just tell the audience but you knew something was up. The Lexx is a living ship that's basically a big dragonfly. It eats planets.
  18. I like the one where Carla got everyone drunk and Sam showed Carla his rug. Again, same thing, everyone is involved in the story. It's the same reason when Sam & Diane were the main plot. No one else was really doing anything.
  19. I don't know. Elsa seemed to be testing Maria over the orange juice, and Maria replied with a thinly veiled coyote reference. It looked too me that Maria might know who Elsa is. It looked like Rio was doing it too. I have no idea why Rio has anything to do with Mateo because he seems dumber every week.
  20. I liked the councilman story because everyone was involved in the plot.
  21. I wasn't obsessed with BSG but I did enjoy watching every week and talking about it at the old place. It certainly was a unique show airing at the time. I mean, it wasn't Farscape. There's 4 tv movies, and 4 seasons of the tv show. It's ridiculous and absurd at times, but I recommend it. Not all scifi needs to be serious and ponderous. I'll give them credit, the whole Shadow concept is interesting. And I loved Brigadoom.
  22. Holy shit, that's when White Men Can't Jump Came Out? I think I actually saw that in the theater. I don't get why Robin didn't take his 6 million and go off with the French woman and that's his story. Plus it's bad character development for Rebecca to fall back on just wanting to marry rich. Now I'm confused that Frasier and Lilith are back together again because I know he was divorced on the spin off.
  23. There are still good episodes in the last season but the narrative is all over the place. I didn't see a need for Robin to return, the Cranes, Woody was gone for like 4 episodes.
  24. Oh I'm totally fine with Lexx. tbh the third season is some solid high concept scifi. And then Gigerota being the pope was funny af.
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