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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. Season 10 starts tomorrow! I need to end this slow because there's a ton of new content I want to watch. The special kind of sucked though. Not nearly enough from the actors and Long didn't even talk.
  2. Wow I barely remembered! Now I'm thinking of the Cilantro song. I was crying I laughed so hard.
  3. Even then, they still needed the move to Sunday.
  4. Glad to see Bullock make an appearance! I don't remember a solo Stan/Fannie plot for a while.
  5. The end of season 9 on Netflix has the 200 th episode with the actors and hosted by John McLaughlin.
  6. I actually don't mind John. Though I'm only on S9 now. He's a good addition because the show long showed that people had drinks at Cheers while waiting for tables in the restaurant. It's convoluted that he actually owned the bathroom and poolroom. A better plot would be butting heads with Sam over fancying up Cheers as more of a Melville's outlet than a bar in and of itself. They both have a common customer base, and it could be one of the new issues Sam was having (computers, etc.,) that needs a manager; i.e., Rebecca. You could even contrive that the main entrance somehow is closed so everyone has to go through Cheers to get to the restaurant. I'll give the show some credit on Rebecca - Lilith asked her why she'd want to be at Cheers after all that happened, and she said it was her most success. It's thin, but they made an effort. I'm watching the one with Paula, who likes big guys - Danson is playing the hell out of the reaction shots. Frasier/Lilith has been a great addition to the show. I love their delivery. Pregnant Lilith raving about motherhood killed me. I watched the one this morning where Sam was in the cabin after throwing out his back, talking about being old. He's younger than me!
  7. I forgot if I asked, but is the vermouth some kind of running gag? It seems like they're always out. I'm in the middle of season 9, and I feel like they ran out of stuff for Rebecca after Robin. It's ludicrous to think after Sam turned Robin in and won the bar back that she'd think he'd sell it. It's just as ridiculous for John or Rebecca to arbitrarily raise rent on the bathroom and pool room. You'd have to get it appraised and I'm sure there's laws on increase, just like anyone's rent.
  8. I just saw Sam's 'plan z' when he thinks Rebecca wants to get married. I liked the running gag of Frasier making up Dickens into action movies.
  9. I think the accent is on purpose - by the demon, not the actor. She stands weird too. I think she's trying to not be from anywhere so no one could look too much into her. I'm glad the good doctor's wife is as poor an actress here as she was on Covert Affairs. Sounded like she was reading the lines off a card. Lewis is too smart to be taken in by Alex for me. Plus he has the coyote Maria gave him. That's got to come into play. As we have seen it had an affect on the 'boy'. I'm still bored by Mateo. Not by Molly's mom though! Her scene with Tiago was killer. I loved the scene with the high end gay bar. I'm also way past sick and tired that Tiago doesn't know about the sister. I'm surprised the doctor is putting his foot down with Elsa and not being led around by the nose.
  10. Please. Every jury is all white oldish guys with untucked ties with the top button undone pounding on the table until one Says Something and they all agree.
  11. I don't think Firefly would have lasted more than maybe three either, but it's about being allowed to tell the story you want to tell and end the show how you want. From the jump, the network kept poking around. It's just a bad look on the network's part.
  12. I never saw the episode with Earl! I noticed that Sam and Woody do a lot of cutting and moving things around during the scenes when they're behind the bar. I knew Frasier's and Lillith's baby's first word was Norm, but it was still hilarious.
  13. I saw that one coming, but Rebecca gets a lot over on Sam. I liked when she tied him to the elevator. Wow Kevin McHale. Norm got a nice tip in.
  14. Wow late 80s adult clothes were shit. I was in 9th grade so I have an excuse. Gunning down these episodes, I'm enjoying the actors nuances - Alley says 'slut' hilarious. Lilith finally sang! Oh I forgot that I was dying when they had the pool for when Rebecca finally slept with Robin and Ma Clavin was in on it.
  15. I'm from around the area so I've been to Boston a bunch but I never actually went to the bar. I guess locals wouldn't. Then again, in college I never really could watch. I don't even remember the finale. So I have to go to work Monday and there's still three seasons to go. Good thing I have my own office.
  16. Most of my friends in undergrad did actually take classes together. I skipped a few because of AP and took a bunch ahead to get them out of the way or because I heard the prof was easy. It ended up that I was in classes with the same bunch anyway. No bells though. Turned out I had nearly a full senior year of no class at all and just took credits for capstone.
  17. Alley is good looking on the show. Cliff is on jeopardy! Trebek looks like a teenager.
  18. Is there a reason why they killed off Eddie?
  19. They actually got the mayor in 1989 to make an appearance. Impressive.
  20. I didn't know who Cliff's gf Maggie was and it was bugging me because she was ringing a bell and I found out she was Norma on Orange is the New Black and I fell off my chair.
  21. Wow Donald Trump reference to kick off season 8.
  22. I'm up to Woody's 'Kelly' song. I didn't knew Harrelson could play the piano. It looked like it was him. Yeesh Frasier's friend hitting on Rebecca and then being blamed for it is not holding up well.
  23. I'm up to where Kelly is introduced. I'm covering a lot of ground! I have to say that Sam's incessant hitting on Rebecca doesn't hold up well. It's not like she was leading him on or they already had a date. The better episodes is when they're friends and Sam is helping her out. I actually like the episodes where Rebecca throws the parties. She's actually good at it.
  24. Article about Alex. https://precincttv.com/2020/06/11/almost-paradise-alex-walker-hero/
  25. It's the next Gary's bar episode. I like the callback to beating them at the bowling match.
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