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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. Wow Leah Remini is Carla's daughter.
  2. When did they make the decision to do the Frasier show? I just watched where Sam got his car back. Dana Delaney was the guest. I thought she and Danson had really great chemistry.
  3. It did get to be a little much by the end, but I think that's partly of the painting into the corner. They had good actors, who seemed just like nice people. It's an interesting show. I like Farscape way way better because I like weird aliens and just the batshit. But I liked the take on playing BSG straight, so to speak.
  4. Overall, BSG was objectively good. It had some clunkers, and I think that stemmed from extended episode orders. It's really a ten episode season show. They kind of painted themselves into a corner with the twelve models but I think they got out of it in a clever way. I still love Balthar and Six looking at each other all wtf - You can see them?! 33 is arguably one of the best scifi TV episodes. They also really struck the right balance with the techno babble.
  5. I'm disappointed that they wrote off Lilith. The actors were really great together.
  6. I really liked when SciFi reaired BSG the next day and Moore did commentary. You learn a ton about making a tv show.
  7. If I didn't know this was the last season I'd say the show is running out of steam.
  8. The one where henri comes back and works at the bar is easily the worst episode of the series.
  9. As much as I love the show, they shouldn't have made Scorpius a regular though.
  10. Wow that wedding episode took place in one room. It's absurdity, but that was good comedy.
  11. The joke Cliff sold to Carson was funny!
  12. Zhaan [touches Aeryn's wrist sympathetically, exhales] - He is Crichton. The show fairly pointed out when wormholes were involved, John got a little crazy, then he had a chip in his head where he was terrorized by Scorpius to the point where he essentially killed Aeryn, so being annoying isn't OOC.
  13. I'm bemused at Lilith thinking Cliff's jokes are funny.
  14. I don't know if it's too gimmicky, but it would have been cool if they did an episode with each act from times in Cheers past.
  15. I was halfway in until I realized Woody's cousin was Harry Connick.
  16. Yeah, but when they landed on a swampy planet after the cloning, she quips, "It's like Dagobah, and your Yoda" which makes it all worth it.
  17. Case for a season 2. https://precincttv.com/2020/06/16/almost-paradise-season-2-reasons/?fbclid=IwAR05N3qoRPi3uwaIbQDJwxkLpgnQ8MSsqDOOcbFFACJMMeylzMgPMS89wls I really liked Psych and White Collar, but I never really thought about those shows when this one aired. I thought it was a better Hawaii Five-0. McGarrett was a humorless bitch.
  18. Oh you all held back on Carla and John doing it! I think Sam and Carla's fight in the ladies room was funnier. I don't like the Henri subplot though over this tenth season - it's one note. I mean, I don't mind dumb funny, but the guy is a brick in every scene. I very much want to know why Rebecca calls her period Mr. Charlie.
  19. It's Norm's birthday and McHale made an appearance but he's acting like he didn't know Norm from before.
  20. I don't know if anyone watched Amy Schumer, but that's the best Twelve Angry Men parody I've seen.
  21. I don't know how I feel about this Sam/Rebecca baby plot. I mean, I get sustaining a show over 200 episodes, you need to have a deep well of plots. I think when they feature plots with the other characters, that the show is stronger. Not that Sam is boring, but it seems they backed themselves into a corner with Sam. When they had Rebecca get out and throw parties for the corporation, it was really entertaining. I think once she was fired and Sam rehired her as the manager, she could have made her own business doing that while subcontracting the labor out to the Cheers staff. It's a bit contrived, but would have offered some flexibility.
  22. She's better here. She didn't actually have too much to do in GOT in comparison. I'd actually rank here, Tudors, GOT for her roles. I think Maslany would kill her on the multiple roles skill though.
  23. Ironically, when Teddy is just with the kids, they get along and he's kind of normal. They don't really even clown him. And last time they got him unbanned from the radio show. The kids also all told the stories about him where he was fixing the closet light.
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