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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. The Stephen King book /Hulu series kind of had a good twist on that. There's where you develop the story. Who else rises up if he's out of the picture? Maybe the new guy is smart enough not to invade Russia. What happens then? If you really want to get rid of Hitler, you have to go back to the end of ww1. I don't know if you can do a show on treaty negotiations though. Please tell me I'm not the only one who loved Hitler on Preacher.
  2. I really like the monologue at the end of the series by the mother - You're not going to be the president; you're going to be the best president because you are going to *work*. There's really something to be said to just showing up on time and putting in work. I didn't like how the older brother was shown to have cooking skills but then the plot was seemingly dropped.
  3. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I don't see why not. It's the organization's decision.
  4. I don't think it was necessarily supposed to be funny. The network execs hated the show and insisted on a laugh track. Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld didn't want one. I guess it's a partial UO that comedy doesn't necessarily have to be funny to me to be good comedy. I never really watched Seinfeld because I was in college at the time, but I read some articles about it after it ended and what they were trying to do with the show.
  5. When I broke my finger, they prescribed vicodin, but I got a big bottle of advil for less than half the price and did fine.
  6. I just read an article on EW where Flynn talked about some changes they were making to this show. I just can't imagine - I mean, I'm not a 'oh all reboots suck' guy, but the original was so stylized and indelible, like you said, even the score to it, how this is necessary. Good luck to the actor, but if you don't really nail Jessica Hyde from the jump then it's going to fall apart.
  7. Wow, Lorenzo Llamas. That's a looooong reach back for that joke. Good work.
  8. That's a good point about Arrested Development. I also think it work because a lot of the v/o was terse and not monologuing. I didn't get much out of Stand By Me Either and I think I saw it when I was the age of the characters. I don't mind voice overs in general. I find the ones on Outlander to be odd because it's Claire coming out of nowhere, and it's like Claire isn't one to not talk normally and now she's talking even more. And she's usually just saying obvious things.
  9. I think that let's Wendy off the hook. That would have been OOC for the character who was calling the drug kingpin like they're total bros. Also, I'd argue that it was a point in the Byrde's favor overall.
  10. I actually don't care what they name the team because I think nicknames are kind of silly, although I fully agree that all the offensive ones should have been wiped ages ago. I have no doubt that the decision will be made for the most blandly derivative option to placate the dudeflakes.
  11. That must be why. I wasn't existing in that time period. So who is this new show going to be targeting then? Because it seems like the suggestion to set it in the 90s would capture that demo.
  12. Sporting News posted an article just on random names, but the logos were really cool. The Hogs was the best logo but it's a silly name. Red wolves was mentioned a lot.
  13. And Puerto Rican Charlie was the guess for the d&d character. It was only one line in the car but Steve was going on about whether Stan was going to smack him and Stan just said 'uh no.' So I suppose it's good that they didn't hit the kids.
  14. I never really watched The Wonder Years. I never really got the appeal.
  15. I have no idea. Keep in mind it's Factbook so grain of salt. I think the underlying premise is that coming of age period tv show isn't strictly the purview of The Wonder Years.
  16. I didn't see the body switch coming. I figured it would be Jack just stuck in the house. And the Arnold Palmer was brilliantly ridiculous. If you look behind it, there's a picture of Palmer drinking it in a lawn chair. I liked the b plot too because the canoe was so random. Of course Hayley had a Wiccan phase. Roger liked the museum too. That cracked me up. Mary Tyler Moore had her dress there.
  17. Oh yes, for sure. You can't have white viewers remembering that they might have been perpetuating microaggressions.
  18. Short video with some Cheers facts
  19. Because that would be too nuanced for a press release. It makes it sound like the show will have the same characters with the same relationships, but African American. That's not terribly ambitious, creatively, and makes it look like the network/production is just forced-woke. Besides, nearly everyone on FB already said blackish was the actual reboot of the Wonder Years. You want to tell a bold racial story, do it on a family who is in the Black Panthers.
  20. It doesn't really strike me as a reboot per se. The Wonder Years doesn't own the patent to coming of age stories. I agree with the issue about the time period. I'm not sure what new drama can be mined. Furthermore, it's so removed from *now* that any resonance wouldn't be so strong imo. Something in the 90s, people were around. They're going to remember life then.
  21. Fans might not be going to the games but they're going to be watching somewhere. If there is a season, they're going to want to move product merchandise.
  22. I didn't think I would like Rebels, so there you go. I tend to like Force based shows so I'm not totally objective. However, I do think whether another series set in the Clone Wars offers enough new material is a fair question.
  23. I don't know if that's enough to carry a series, and I'm curious as to what else they think they can mine from the Clone Wars.
  24. I would think they'd want a new name by the start of the season if only to sell the new merch for people to wear to the game.
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