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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. Please tell me I didn't see that the sweet Cobra Kai Challenger is an automatic transmission and not a stick. I liked the water wheel / cement truck scene in S2E2, but they're laying on a little thick. All right, if this season is going to be 50s dudes who can't move past high school with their rival karate gyms, I don't know how long I'm going to last. Kreese is a bore and a boor. What's saving it so far is the wife calling bs on everything.
  2. 'Defended myself'. Daniel was a stick. It's not like he's throwing punches like Tyson. What I did like was that he still considered Ali 'his girl' which is wrong on a lot of levels in general, but the whole thing started because she had moved on by then and that didn't either get communicated right or he was too arrogant to accept reality.
  3. I don't know if it's fair to lay that all down on the public school. Like I said, I went and that just didn't happen. I'll concede there's some truth to it, but Johnny did have what looked like a steady job at the opening, and adult enough. I think it's must a little much laying his life choices to a karate match in HS. I'm liking the show, but I think it's a fair criticism. I don't think we needed the origin story of Sid either.
  4. All right, the Speedwagon test drive scene was good.
  5. Yes, but the fact that it's an ensemble now isn't new. To say 'it was never meant to be an ensemble' is not accurate. We all have different tastes as to whether one companion is more enjoyable than an ensemble, which is fine.
  6. That's fair to a point. It didn't help his mentor basically turned on him too. However, that doesn't really excuse being a deadbeat parent (I'm on 1-8, so I don't know if that's addressed). I don't really know anyone irl who 'peaked in high school' though I'll concede there's probably some truth to the trope, but you're in your 50s or pushing 50. At some point you have to grow up.
  7. I meant One, as in the first Doctor. The Doctor/single companion was only a feature of the new incarnation.
  8. I do like the bit of revisionist history Johnny had about the movie.
  9. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    That's really only a matter of winning though. Or winning enough.
  10. I'm in the middle of it now. I wouldn't say *everyone* cares, but the people who do seem to care way too much.
  11. To be fair, Doctor Who was meant to be an ensemble show from One. I'll concede that their are legit criticisms to make of this particular ensemble. I do feel at times that Yas is just there.
  12. I'm not sure we needed a sympathetic origin story for Johnny. Sometimes people are just assholes. That doesn't mean they can't change. Johnny and Miguel are working off each other really well. I know the un-PC stuff is not meant to be funny, but Miguel's reactions kill me. And Johnny was right - the mini golf/arcade was a way better choice for a Date!NotDate. The observatory was way trying too hard. I can certainly see why the Cobra Kai organization would incur penalties from back then. A lifetime ban, however, given that the organization itself ceased to exist at some point, seems a bit much. Daniel being way arrogant too about it didn't really wash with me. It's not ooc per se, but it felt a little shoehorned. Also, it's been over 40 years.
  13. All right. The lunchroom fight was bamf. It's looked liked the daughter was getting ready to do it herself until Miguel stepped in.
  14. I do quite like Miguel and had a huge laugh that he changed his ring tone to Ratt. tbh, I don't really have a problem seeing a bunch of bullies get theirs either. I just don't know if that's a sustainable plot over a TV show v movie. I also think the clips of the movie are kind of a good internal monologue device. To be fair, Daniel got the shit kicked out of him, and I can understand there's lingering issues. Daniel's wife is kind of stealing her scenes. She's getting killer lines.
  15. I'm giving this a whirl finally. I don't have the childhood cache because I was a little young for the movie demo and didn't see it until a few years later. I do enjoy the subtle humor injected here and there. The 80s rock is great too. However, I'm not sure that watching dudes older than me who haven't gotten past high school is that much of a draw. I don't know how old the characters are (they look great), but these guys are in their 50s. After two episodes, that's a bit of a knee jerk reaction and certainly in expecting the show to evolve from there. It's not costing me anything to watch the show. I really didn't have a bad HS experience overall. It was a small school, so a lot of those kids of movies back then and now don't really resonate. Like, I don't know anyone like that. I do agree that 'flipping' the characters is the right narrative choice. Although I can get that he was somewhat of a victim himself, I also done know if I care that much. It feels kind of tacked on. I'm hoping that's addressed more because it's interesting on paper at least.
  16. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I don't know if Harden is a good example. Much of pro sports has a singular definition of how a player should be / act, in order to be considered a great or clutch. Look at how amazed we were that Jordan is still a huge asshole that can't let a grudge go. Look at the toll it's taken. If he's showing up in big games and producing day in and out, I don't think it matters.
  17. Linda should have said it's 3 squared. There's only one number then.
  18. That was my take on it. They're in an actual relationship, and Chloe voiced concerns about part of that to Linda in another episode. Chloe also strikes me as someone who likes to Talk About Our Relationship, which I have to give her some slack because of who she is with. Additionally, iirc this was on the heels of Dan shooting Lucifer and nothing happening, so she is understandably concerned that his feelings may have changed. She does strike me as someone who Needs To Hear It just so though.
  19. I definitely wanted to know more about the duck!
  20. That's just bad business. It's one thing if the season ends and you aren't reupping, but they were under a contract, no?. Actors aside, there's lots of people counting on those jobs with the rug pulled out now.
  21. That wouldn't be a complete game because you were expecting to play the 9. For the doubleheader, the rule is a 7 inning game though.
  22. I'm figuring that's kind of the point, so TPTBs are constrained, storywise.
  23. Do you get credit for the complete game if you pitch the 7 innings? I think the dh should stay just from the labor standpoint.
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