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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. But if you run down the alley it will end in a big chain link fence you can't climb.
  2. No way. EPL is way too competitive.
  3. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    That always strikes me as a not-so-'know your place, boy'-dog whistle. The collorary to salaries being 'what have they done anyway.' Lots of pro athletes have charities or do community stuff through the organizations. I'm going to guess dudeflakes aren't getting down to the community center or local soup kitchen even once a year. Even with the games resuming, it's still all we're talking about. It's going to be all over the news again tonight. I know they're bots, but I love the 'don't care won't watch'. Yet you're bloviating all over the internet about it.
  4. Yeah, but 'Revelation' hasn't technically happened yet. I suppose in the original 'Fall' that could have happened.
  5. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    That's exactly it. Even if they play today. They didn't play yesterday, and it's all the news is talking about. Not just sports news. On FB, there's the typical triggered dudeflake response, 'we pay their salary', which no, or 'who cares, no one is watching,' which is also false. Or the 'he was a criminal anyway', which (1) even criminals have constitutional protections and (2) lacks context because - - which I think is their fundamental motivation for the boycott. And (3) 'keep politics out of sports', which, social justice isn't really political, per se, and sports and politics have been intertwined forever. You're not going to be happy with the rest of the year. Oh, and (4) - they make millions, what have they done? Again, lacks context because of the particular, closed market that professional sports is, and most people don't work on a contract basis. I technically do, and believe me, if these people thought they weren't getting a penny they were owed they would braying at the moon. I think this is a fascinating moment. I have no idea what's going to happen next.
  6. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    Good for both leagues.
  7. I wasn't claiming anything related to the show. It was just what I was thinking if she gets the ring.
  8. What's the myth about the lady spending half the year in Hades? That's what I was thinking. And there's no way we have a whole episode about the ring and it doesn't come in to play.
  9. So is he going to give Chloe the ring and make her immortal or does the baby get it?
  10. Stan not even blinking with Frannie's head in the oven killed me. You do all know that the radiation isn't that bad, right?
  11. I think Dan resented Jed horning in when he and Chloe were still not totally divorced, working through everything. Plus he looks all That Guy that you want to tell stfu. And he's a DJ.
  12. It's my understanding that Lilith birthed the demons was the 'canon' and not something made up by the show.
  13. re Dan - if anything, that can tell him for a definite fact that Charlotte is in the Silver City, and I'd go so far to say that Dan had a hand in turning her life around to lead her there. That can alleviate some of his guilt.
  14. That's what I meant. They would want all the episodes. I saw they had all the Robot Chickens, and the ads for HBO Max had tons of old content in complete sets.
  15. Helfer is good in everything I've seen her it. They've been all large ensemble casts. She just plays well off other actors.
  16. Michael walks all weird, like slouchy. You can tell it's him.
  17. I had a good, 'oh fuck off' at the end, and I mean that in the best possible way because I haven't said that about a TV show since Farscape.
  18. I don't like Dan being a punching bag. He's actually good at his job, and Charlotte isn't his fault. I thought the show dropped the ball on Am talking to him about her, but there's more show to go and Am doesn't know Dan knows.
  19. I didn't read it as Am laughing in her face. More like, what? Oh no. No. Because she said, well you said blessing. No, that isn't what I meant.
  20. I always like when Lucifer brings up to Linda that they had sex, and she always half swoons about it and isn't really regretful.
  21. The whole four men and a baby was a scream. Have you tried whisky? This season is bringing some great bonkers moments. It's a slow where you can do that. I'm wondering if TBTBs figured, 'fuck it, we got a second life so let's just let it rip.' I think it's fantastic. Rachel Harris is completely stealing all her scenes. Lucifer slept with a lot of women. TONS. And MEN. And the devil face calms the baby. Of course. There is bubble wrap on the ceiling fan still. Oh shit Dan.
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