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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I agree, but from what I read today, it was because it was a 3-0. It's still ridiculous. It always seems like the party bringing up 'unwritten rules' are the ones not playing so well. So he walks then. The next guy takes the first pitch out. What's the point? Of course, he'll probably be beaned the next time they play. Which - you putting the other team on base for free helps you win how?
  2. Broad stereotypes aside, that was a good song. I liked the Sub Hub subplot (YES) because I like insane Franny, and the continuity of the sub job.
  3. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    Silver just had about a 10-12 minute interview on PBS news. I watch on the PBS Newshour YouTube channel.
  4. Oh, no, your new bf would show up unexpected with two fancy spoons and a pint of vanilla ice cream!
  5. He's also insistent about playing games in front of fans. Social media had a field day - "They can sit in the end zone because no one catches anything there."
  6. And my first thought was - oh, you could mine show good stories from the early to mid 80s.
  7. Can you still post here if you're not loosely associated with MURDER?!
  8. I'm down for sequestration if use of the pool is included.
  9. If you're sequestered in the five star hotel, does it include use of the pool?
  10. To be fair, we can't expect him to be perfect in his first case, and he did say as much in the closing argument. I think TPTBs knew they needed a mistrial but didn't know how to execute it. Even being the first case, the strategy to 'prove her innocence' was short sighted. I think if they acknowledged that the mistrial/hung jury was the best outcome and then put her on the stand to that end, and got the mistrial, then it's fine. I get they needed to put Ennis on the stand because it's the "Perry Mason move", but with that out, they should have realized hung jury was the way to go. I get Della was pushing that, but he needs to put his foot down and be real. You want to be thought of as a slut or be dead? You tell me. *If* they did that, then it's natural you put on the husband and show off what a heel he was and it wasn't her fault that she needed companionship. Everything else then you don't really need. He went for the confession, didn't get it, and then bribed the juror. There's not much drama there when you can basically flip the off switch on the game if you're losing.
  11. I vaguely remember a reference to a Michael early on in the run after Amenadiel was introduced. They write Lucifer with dense dialogue and there's a lot of one off lines that one might miss.
  12. I know the neighbor got killed, but Perry verified that she saw Emily on the phone. All I meant was that it's not an assumption she was on the phone.
  13. There's no assuming. Mason got that confirmed by the busy body neighbor. Emily happened to be on the phone when Mason was talking to the neighbor and took a picture. While one may speculate and dispute what was said on the phone since one of them was dead, the fact that she was on the phone at the time was observed. I was making a joke about lady librarian /lady lawyer, since I initiated that thread of discussion.
  14. Drake has kept his mouth shut so far too. They'll likely know if he says something about kickbacks and payoffs. It's likely they'll see him here and there given his new job and will be happy to remind him. She continually made him offers too. So it's not like out of the blue. I could infer enough that a legal battle means she's probably not flying planes and making money either. Perry was quite clear in wanting to go to court to file lots of motions. He may lose, but she'll still pay court fees and maybe lose some business.
  15. I don't think I'm going to any parties with you people.
  16. There's still the selection of who he decides to bribe, how the juror was approached, did it take a lot is convincing. I mean, it just happened. Like it was said, it's just a cheat code. Why can't the lady librarian just be a librarian?
  17. It also may have a pension. Perry promised a $600 job and got a single dollar out of it. I don't have that much of a huge issue with girl/lady lawyer since I brought it up. I just thought Della was coming on a little too modern. Also they're friends; if it was just some lawyer or random cop. He was being kind of jokey.
  18. Yes, but it's it something Perry Mason would have done? I think they kind of cheated and didn't take us far enough into his reasoning that it was 'his one move left'. We really didn't see much in the way of strategy. Forcing a mistrial a fair strategy. Juries don't 'prove innocence' they just determine if the burden of proof was met. It wasn't. Now, I get the point is that sometimes the system is rotten and that doesn't matter. But two other people on the jury thought so anyway.
  19. He also said he 'wanted his badge back' which I don't think Mason could have any pull there. He said 'lady lawyer' on the heels of her saying 'hire a girl' so I'm saying I found it a little much. Plus, they're friends. She struck me as back and forth there.
  20. But snipped at Mason saying 'lady lawyer.' I think you need the character for a second season though. You have an established corrupt cop in all sorts of crime. That could be an ongoing plot. However, he was most concerned about Ennis, who is out of the picture. Breaking in to match the dentures or the second secret autopsy is playing dirty sometimes. I don't know why they took it to the level of bribery.
  21. The key point there being the Prohibition era. All those flights to Mexico for tequila and Canada for whisky dry up. (oooh good pun totally unintentional) I wasn't surprised about a mistrial either. Given the social context of the times, a woman having an affair is going to be judged harshly. That's all the DA had - destroy her character. Everyone knew she felt guilty about it all. I was slightly disappointed Mason didn't put Alice on the stand because she could have clearly refuted the 'confession' in the jail that the guard woman lied about, and he could have shown that the DA (whether true or not) was willing to let witnesses purger themselves to get the conviction. I don't know if I buy Mason paying off a juror. It kind of torpedoes his 'standing here for the law', and if Della found out, she'd probably kill him. I could see next season being one or two cases overlapping. A lot of this season was Mason becoming Perry Mason. With all the groundwork set up, they can just move on the cases. I was slightly confused if Emily thought the baby was actually Charlie because she clearly said that his arms were shorter, but when kind of wigged after the baby liked the turtle. Either way, girl needs *help*. She looked catatonic at the revival.
  22. I'm watching Taxi on Hulu and Tony Danza is not a good actor. I mean, he's supposed to be playing a meathead, but it's not much different that Who's The Boss Tony. Who's The Boss was in my demo for the age of Milano at the time, so I had a good reason to watch. I can't remember much of anything overly funny except Mona being a horn dog and Tony seeing Angela come out of the shower that one time. (Which apparently she went full starkers and didn't tell him). A lot of these mid 80s-90s shows worked due to the context of their times, and I don't know if 'seeing what the characters are up to' is really enough of a stake for a new show. I guess they're assuming the demo like me is going to tune in, but I have loads of options for original content for what I'm paying, and I can't see paying for another service for nostalgia is going to make my life suddenly fulfilled. Sitting out on the porch with pets is taking up a lot of that.
  23. I'm a guy and carry a small shoulder bag to professional events because it contains chargers, cords, etc., tablet, wallet, and cards. You can't be running up to your room for stuff (or I stay at a cheaper hotel because I'm not paying $200+/night for 6 hours of occupancy per day). Once I leave, I have everything for the day.
  24. There's still the question of whether Ennis ends up paying for his many crimes. Not really a twist, but there's plenty of drama. And if we find who sewed the eyes.
  25. The entire steam punk scene was worth the episode. With the photo shopped pic a close second. Wow that was out there even for Roger.
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