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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. They haven't yet, but I could buy that. They have related ancedotes where he was actually successful.
  2. Because of my spotty memory and not seeing the first seasons, I thought the joke was that he was awful. I just watched the one where he did the commercial with Tiant. It was really funny.
  3. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I don't doubt he said it, and he probably was joking. However, the documentary showed quite clearly that Jordan's joking was rooted in assholery. So it's entirely plausible an already pissed of Grant would take it the wrong way.
  4. I always thought Sam was a shitty reliever, but from the first season it seems like he was actually good.
  5. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I thought Pippen came off fine. You'd have to criticize him for sitting out on the Kukoc. That's just poor leadership. I can understand him wanting to take care of himself too, in terms of wanting to be compensated for his market value. He can't be surprised Jordan thought it was selfish. Jordan was never in that situation, so you brush it off. Otherwise, he was fine.
  6. It's because you're seeing tv shows that make the same errors.
  7. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    No, but it's hard not to make a connection when he's literally carrying around a bottle of booze in public and constantly has one in every scene in the documentary.
  8. When was the last time Bullock was on? Great animation on the nuking. Wow. Awesome wife joke though! I'm totally going to be that guy - you can't carbon date something 1 billion years old.
  9. I recall some episodes from the late 80s to early 90s but then I went to college. So nothing is really much a spoiler for me. I know Sam/Diane is coming up. And I think I remember her leaving. I remember Fraiser a lot. I know the actor playing Coach passes, and Sam relapses. I'm not looking forward to that. And I know the gag about Vera. Some of the jokes don't hold up - 'what's your son's name? Rick. What's his fiance's name? Ron.' I still laughed because I'm an asshole. Most of the jokes do hold up though. I'm laughing a lot. Some are dumb, but still funny. I think you can get away with that a bar though for the main setting. Shelley Long is a fantastic comic actress, whether she's the butt of the joke, or delivering the punch line. I just watched the one about the guy going into the monastery. I think they aired S1 out of order because Sam orders Carla and Diane to talk it out and stop snipping at each other, but the next episode they were. I really liked the one with Coach's daughter (Miss DiPesto!). They both sold the 'I'm not beautiful' scene. The gags are all just good comedy, and they write such great supporting characters, even the one-offs.
  10. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    A few pages back there was an article about the drinking and the producers confirmed that he was drinking during the interviews. It was tequila. Far be it from me to call someone out on their drinking because I tend to do too much too, but I'm not sure on a 10 hour documentary on my life, I need to have that there the whole time. It came up here right from the jump and it was brought up in an npr interview I listened to. It may not have any correlation to his eyes, but the fact enough people are noticing it, and he doesn't is telling. I don't think this tarnishes his legacy either, but I just feel kind of bad for him.
  11. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    Well, we all know Jordan couldn't have *possibly* done anything wrong so it must be the pizza.
  12. More on Ahsoka that's apparently canon (about sabers). She's even more of a bad ass. They talk about the final Vader scene with the blue saber.
  13. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    Those are fixable problems. The mental health issues is what I think we're all saying are deeply rooted and likely to cause more long term damage. One could argue Kerr accomplished nearly as much with being part of the Bulls and then managing the Warriors dynasty. He's not all bitter and slighted. Even the gambling. He's never going to run out of money, so I don't see it that much of an issue.
  14. I don't know if they were making a point about treating your people well. August really brought this whole thing on himself for treating the manager shitty.
  15. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I wasn't looking for a deeper conspiracy. I was looking for some insight from Jordan beyond that. Willingly stopping at three from all we've seen up to that point from him is just a garbage response. Russell won more in a row. He's not being honest with himself. This is a guy who takes issue with the weather if the wind was blowing the wrong way. The guy has issues, and it costing him years on his life and a peaceful retirement.
  16. I did like how Walker was all 'yay!' and then quickly went to 'wtf did I get in to?' It was interesting that the manager was kind of an enabler. I was a little disappointed that Kai and Ernesto didn't figure out the kid was the lure for so long. The show kind of took a rather introspective turn. Was the soup Walker gave him from the episode about the food stalls?
  17. Just quoting for realness. I didn't realize something was up with Molly till I came here. I thought she was milking it up to piss off the mother, which is why the mother stood up. I can buy she was possessed or whatever though. And clearly fits the theme of the show.
  18. They're writing Kai well as being the junior cop, but not being a hot head/hot shot know it all either. She had a temper about being put on what she thought was a low level case last week, and while it's perfectly fine to vent to Ernesto, she took his advice and worked the case professionally even though she was pissed. Similarly, Ernesto could be an ass to them both, but he likes to work the case. There's some other characters over in Baltimore who'd call him good po-lice.
  19. And here I thought a controversial twin experiment meant one would get the other to stall with his gf so he could go out with someone else.
  20. Or if it's Walter White, he becomes a drug empire.
  21. We saw Gellis kill the guy to go through anyway. That's not really news.
  22. I don't think you're supposed to. Don't worry.
  23. That's kind of the gist of using the Penny Dreadful name. It's an established premise in this show universe. Also sweaters. I keep thinking how perfect it would have been if Eva Greene was Santa Meurte though.
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