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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I tend to think most hall of fame class pros have some asshole to them, but I tend to think it's also part of a past age. Like, I'm sure Curry is a jerk, but I don't think he takes it to Jordan levels. Or he's a good actor. I never felt like Brady or Manning were that level either, but you've seen them yell at players who make mistakes. I don't even think taking a swing at someone during practice is that big of a deal if everyone cools out and let's it go. This may be part of the evolution of the superstar as a brand. I tend to think Jordan has issues though. I mean, I like to drink too, but I don't think I'm going to need it during an interview. Clearly, gambling is a problem. It's not; because he's got unlimited money, but it is. Paxson was being nice, but you could tell when he was talking about him a Kukoc playing $1 blackjack and Jordan asking to play, that they didn't want him to be anywhere near them. Plus we said before, even joking around he has to cut just that little much more deep. Also nowadays, players like LeBron and Wade have known each other since they were like 10. They're not going to pull that bs. Players want to win, sure, but they got a sneaker line, record label, production company, etc., going on.
  2. I thought Claire said 'Ringo' when she was sitting at the dinner table in her disassociative state and said it out loud, so the guy heard her like, 'wtf she saying Ringo?'
  3. tbh, the recording of the song was better than just writing a report. None of the other students actually went out and did anything.
  4. He was fairly keen on getting back home after being hung to a tree to die too, and prior to that expended zero effort on making himself useful beyond griping about Jamie tooling on him. This whole plot was a joke. As much as I am interested in time travel, I understand that's not what the show is about, but it's clear there never was any thought put into it. Not that I expect some high level physics narrative, but even a brief discussion about maybe because the baby was born there. But again, there's way too much plot of characters being dumb to move the plot. Why bother to go to the stones in the first place? Why not just decide this is where they think they belong now? But it's an ass way when the characters could have actually had that discussion and we could learn what's going on in Roger's head. To not be sour, because I do like the show, I will give them credit to have Bree say that the baby is definitely his. Which also could have put him over the top to want to stay. I like all the actors, but it's kind of a sad commentary that to be award worthy, the characters have to be egregiously abused to be considered. Equal time, the actor playing Roger did great with the ptsd, but still.
  5. Wow Harry Potter for stupid people. Nice. The bird joke never gets old. I don't mind the Simpons did it. They've been on TV 400 years. I loved the slam on Cosby.
  6. I liked Linda's adventure. Their town is cool. It was a good idea for the report!
  7. I'm not particularly interested in bullies, so this doesn't do much for me. The girl who couldn't stop laughing was funny though.
  8. Watch the Cast and Crew of Star Wars: The Clone Wars Discuss the Show's Final Episode
  9. I think in the scene by the river (I'm watching now), Claire asked if he was dead and told Jamie, 'He was like me. From the future.' Jamie said he was killed. Not really clear why a guy from the 60s is running around killing people and setting fires though. I'm still assuming it was the baby that prevented them from going to 1972, so Roger can just go back himself, and Bree can watch over her little half brother with Lord John. I guess they were able to make the needles. I know last season ended with the firing up of the regulator plot, but I'm surprised they are still dragging out the fire. Jamie telling me he hunted down my brother's little gang all killed them all for abducting his wife, I'm not so sure I'm going to be issuing threats. Honestly, I found myself marking time during this episode. I'm going to watch S6 because I do legitimately want to know what happens with the fire. I really want them to leave the ridge behind and all head north for the war so Jamie and Ian can become one of Washington's spies. But I'm not awaiting with bated breath. I really hope at the least they actually find something for Roger to do. Cool version of the theme at the end though.
  10. I'm kind of over tv shows using the 'light music' scene cut to a traumatic scene. Lost did it *once* and it's been copied for years. I actually would have liked to see actual scenes of Claire in the 60s. Although seeing everyone in their 60s clothes was fun. Really, the makeup people do a great job. Claire looked like two different people to me. So, like we talked about last week, all Claire had to do was close the drawer and none of this would have happened? I mean, I do like the show or I'd stop watching, but it seems like they resort to characters being dumb because plot. I did like the guy being freaked out about Claire being a witch. I had a huge laugh. I would have liked if they just went to the past and then back to 1772 because that should have been what happened even with the same outcome. I'm still laughing because someone said Ian would be there too. You know, if you're blaming Claire because you're wife won't fuck you, is it really on her? Because it seems like all the other wives don't have problems fucking their husbands. Oooh, you found out Claire's secret identity and are going to tell everyone! Well shit! 'You know Bob?' I wasn't expecting another traveler. That was cool. Someone else commented a while back that nothing really much happened this season. I feel like we had a lot of discussion of interesting storylines that were left on the table this season. With all the interesting things to explore in 1772, it's kind of derivative to resort to assault. Again. I'm beginning to wonder of the author has some issues. Plus, do they need that as motivation to rally for Claire in the first place? Or really anyone? Like if Fergus' wife was abducted, they all being to be like, 'Did she get raped? I'm not getting my bow and arrows out for nothing.' I'm not squeamish and it's fine if a tv show is violent, and they surely live in a violent time, but come on. I didn't care that Jamie et al. killed all of them, for example. They were setting fires and killing people, taking away their livelihood (the still). It's not like you can arrest them all. I guess? I mean, I would say 1972 is probably at least an order of magnitude safer than being 5 years out in arguably from the biggest revolution ever, even if you're at risk of a car accident. Claire definitely jerked Jamie back to life.
  11. I liked the last one because we got some Kai backstory. I applaud the show for *not* having Walker dash in to 'save her' and she got the drop on her mentor *twice*. I get he'd be there at the end, and I didn't think she'd shoot the guy, but the actor did a good job with her disappointment and anger about the whole situation, and I get that Walker would be able to talk to her from a place of experience.
  12. I'm not sure the stones make you change location though. Of course, as we said, plot, so maybe that's the case.
  13. I'm interested in where all that money is coming from and what they're doing with it.
  14. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    Yeah I'm talking one card game. He can beat on my door all he wants. I'm surprised no one just did that to fuck with him.
  15. I don't know if they'd stage it, but either Claire or Jamie or both are smart enough to put 2 and 2 together to realize that this idiot is setting the fires and that maybe he's going to light them up. So maybe they fake that they're in the house and escape or something. I mean come on, who doesn't want them with Ian and Fergus in Boston as part of Washington's spy ring? Fergus is so fucking proto-Bond it's ridiculous.
  16. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    First of all, no one calls gatorade by the flavor! Ugh. I can barely remember games where 84-78 in the NBA. E6 - I mean, ffs you're throwing quarters. Ok. tbh, I would practice the shit in my down time to beat him at cards just one night. I get that the demands on Jordan were incomprehensible at the time and overwhelming, but it's not like he didn't entirely know what he was getting in to. I find all this bullshit about the book to be tedious, which, again, I get the context of the times, but even then, oh a superstar is an asshole? cf., literally everyone before that. I'm sure Bill Russell walked on water. I remember those Knicks teams. They weren't that good talent-wise. Way punched above their weight from Riley. They couldn't score when they needed to. As ass as the Pistons were, they had actual shooters. No disrespect to Ewing. All right, I'm fine with pro athletes doing whatever they want to (lawful), gambling, clubs, whatever, when you're a multimillionaire. You rolling with a guy Slim? Ain't no one you calling 'Slim' that's legit. I do take the point, again, because of the times, where everyone was all clutching their pearls. I totally forgot until I saw it how up and down the Suns series was. That was a good Suns team.
  17. She didn't see that the guy saw it. He walked in while they were mending the wife's wrist and he saw the open drawer and nosed around. He yanked the wife away right after that. Given that he knows she knows he shot the guy, and has it in for Jamie, I'm doubtful he's going to sit down and have a calm discussion where she could make up an excuse. If he grabbed it and said - wtf is this? Then I would think Claire would be able to use her righteous indignation to make something up. I think Roger found a document that only said '177x' about the fire. It looks clear to me that this idiot blowing up the whisky and the other burnt house will be related. Although, I have to say, I'm not really gripped with suspense. Roger et al., can always go back through the stones if they went somewhere else, and Jamie and Claire are more than capable of slipping away to fool the guy into thinking they died in the fire to start over somewhere else. Especially with Ian and Fergus in on the con.
  18. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I haven't watched episode 6 but saw an article on Barkley this morning. I mean, this kind of what we've been talking about. It's Barkley's job to be critical. It's easy Jordan - do better managing your team and he won't. But guy needs some more of the tequila. Who doesn't like Barkley? Dial it down.
  19. I don't know who this guy is, but it was still funny with them going all nuts for him. I'm not surprised Jeff would be ok with it. He'd probably watch. Hey, where do you get a bed with no girls in it?
  20. I would think Ahoka's future is destined for other media.
  21. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I don't have any recollection of this book.
  22. You figure tv101 dictates that shoe will have to drop. I know the country was racist af, but the police guy with the mustache seems a little too over the top to me. I get he'd be mouthing off to Tiago, but spitting on him seems a bit much. Wouldn't Nathan Lane outrank him? He could make trouble for him. I'm not knocking Natalie Dormer, but I'm kind of laughing at all her accents. Oy, Richard Kind shows up everywhere.
  23. I can't believe Molly is the lady from Halt and Catch Fire! Don't know if Tiago making moon eyes over her is going to end well. Nathan Lane can work a ton of dialogue. Every one is a virgin, to start.
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