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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. This is peak television. They did this on the Psych movie, when Shawn was legitimately looking for something they left in Jules' car and found the test *on the floor of the car.* Obvs, it wasn't hers. They played it off type though in that he ended up being relieved and she was like, 'yeah no way kids' and they fist bumped.
  2. The books were a great concept. I liked the animation. You know the flight attendants put a pack of coffee in the bathroom to hold it off? I liked that Stan thought the airplane fiasco was hilarious.
  3. The best hostage scene ever was in Die Hard where Holly asked to used the bathroom and everyone else said they needed to go too. Gruber's reaction shot is priceless.
  4. I don't think it's actually Tiff. When Blair got shot, he was on his back and it was clearly Blair. Whomever this was, the shot was face down. I like that she always tries to make out with Corkie.
  5. Great Poison joke. I remember that song all over MTV. It was nauseating. Not as much as Mr. Big though. Did people say 'literally' in 1989? I couldn't really read the writing on Mo's board but I did see 'Where is Ruby?'
  6. I saw on FB earlier. It looks like there's going to be a time jump.
  7. Oh, I'm not giving him any credit for long term strategy. I do think 'he didn't know he'd jump then' is not correct because they showed him checking the arm band frequently over the movie, and it was zoomed enough for the viewer to see how much time was left. They said, before the initial jump, that if the person was alive when time was up, that they'd automatically jump. I don't necessarily think it would have been 'bad' to yank her back to 2021. She invented the toxin and basically ran the war. They could have kept her locked up in the Pentagon while they figured out how to find the ship, etc. The President who dissed Dan et al., from going to Russia might have been more amenable to throw resources behind the mission with her there.
  8. I thought Dan knew he was going to jump and was trying to take her with him. Not smart either, but a little better than just taking a swan dive with the queen. I could have sworn he looked at his wrist while she was hanging there.
  9. Traditionally, Labor Day is the end of summer.
  10. Given how New Orleans loves itself a parade, I would have told Sophie that it would have been more conspicuous if they didn't decorate the lair.
  11. I like Eliot's more philosophical outlook in this series. They're doing a really good job on giving us a glimpse at all three over the last eight years. I thought that was a little bit much. I can chalk it up to having a lot happen so fast to Harry. Sometimes I say things and I know I should have just shut up. People did die here; Harry wasn't just hiding money, so it's not that bad he blew it. I was surprised Eliot didn't see Krista canoodle with the other guy after she 'reviewed' the menu, but I assume he was nauseated at her butchering the pronounciations. I know Miami is fresh in our minds, as it should be, but this also has shades of the Hyatt in the 80s too. Probably more strongly imo because there was deliberate negligence.
  12. I don't know if that's totally fair. Parker did take on the lead role here as the roper here and showed Sophie she's been working on it.
  13. Those are all first names though. They usually use Who last names. I'm wondering if Maxwell will return to exact some revenge at the end of the season. They really, really burned him. He had nothing to do with the gold bars, and only got goaded into making the phone call.
  14. That too, but from these three episodes it seems Parker was the motivation for Hardison and Eliot (and her) to keep their skillset sharp and take on other challenges; like Eliot with the vents last time. I can buy that they're much better than when we last saw them. I don't think she needed to say 'I'm Parker', but I can fanwank that's she's just teasing the noob. Clearly, she wants Breanna to succeed, as she was teaching her in the opening scene. I'm pleased I figured out the escape beforehand. I saw the ideal gas law on the whiteboard, and said, why would she write that down? And got it when Eliot had the tanks for the pressure. I don't have a problem that they escaped that way. Maybe this boat had something else build under it because they took the hull out since it wasn't a boat any more. It's like they said on Burn Notice - Yes, you can't break every lock by freezing it, but in this scene, this lock actually can be frozen and shatter. So, no, if they were robbing a casino on a cruise ship in the Caribbean, they couldn't escape out that way. But they weren't. It was a riverboat built to be a casino. So they can.
  15. The other gate is still in Antarctica.
  16. I would figure that if they're going with a sequel, they're going to mess around with time travel questions. It doesn't look like they're going with a closed time loop a la Terminator, so there's still a future where the whitespikes have overrun the planet. The queen may or may not have died when Dan jumped too. Similarly Muri. We only saw them plunge into the water. If the queen isn't dead in the future though, that's going to be a tough road for them. It could be that there's a backup time machine somewhere in like Antarctica or something too. The car crash was subsequent on him leaving the family as well. I think it's safe to assume none of that happens. That implies multiple time lines to me. Since they made a point to say it was a car crash, it's an avoidable event, not like the guy who has cancer, for example. Muri never confirmed or denied that the Dolphins won the Superbowl.
  17. I think she's being overly formal to emphasize he's not one of the group yet. It's a credit to Hodge and the TPTBs to accommodate his busy schedule and for him to want to be part of the show still. I would agree that in the ensuing 8 years or so, the crew would evolve. If they were still just pulling jobs on corporate slime, it wouldn't be interesting. However, being such a globally dominant superpower is a bit much too. I could have seen them running a large humanitarian foundation. Although, they actually might be as cover to manage the other crews. What I did like, was in the ensuing time Parker is having the others work on different skills; vents, etc. I am impressed that the actors haven't really lost a step in their dialogue timing either.
  18. The fact that there's significant enough risk that it doesn't work all the time is reason enough that it's silly. And, sure, a lot is luck. So just kick the ball. In this set of PKs, one of them just roofed it into the upper 90, and another, even when the keeper went the right way, still blew it by him. The keeper isn't really looking at the player anyway, only when they plant their foot to kick.
  19. I don't know why he needs an accent anyway. It's not like you have to be from NOLA to go to Tulane.
  20. Klaus has got to be delusional of he thinks Denuta is coming to his dinner party. She bangs bartenders. I can't believe she showed up. Nice Sinbad callback. I liked that older Frannie gave up all the future, but young Frannie was all horned up. Then got totally pissed off. I'm surprised Stan didn't get rich off betting. They didn't give the year but Washington did win the superbowl in 91, no? It took an interesting dark turn with Stan living out the 20 years though. I liked that he found Roger.
  21. I'm really glad to hear that Carl Weathers got nominated, but he owes me $1100.
  22. I think Dawn was being truthful about turning down the label offer. I don't think it's going to turn out how she thinks though if she does decide to sign and leave Mo's label. Arne is going to get all up in Nomi's next record. He was barely giving Dawn an afterthought. I liked when Nomi asked why Mo was listening to five records at once about the avant garde album. I did feel bad for him because the opening meeting seemed like he had a good musician interested in the label.
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