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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. That's true, but there's a not negligible portion of gun violence attributed to incels. There was a great article I read years and years ago called 'You are not entitled to a hot chick'. I feel like I dreamed it because I can never find it. It was fantastic. That's really the kernel of the incels. It's actually not involuntary; it's that they think they're owed something that they aren't. "Incel" just became a colloquialism. Not surprisingly, they're white. Bill brought it up on the show earlier not as explicit. The bag from Illinois who killed the guys in the Kenosha protest. That's an incel. It's the social interaction that's the issue, and yes, for 20somethings, often that's centered around sex. I think Bill was underscoring the getting laid as part of the joke. It's the 'get out of the house' that's the fundamental point. Getting into a virtual reality is going to make these people even more dangerous. Like Bill was saying at the end - you want to be a hero? Clean up, go out, and talk to a girl.
  2. A lot of those is why they made a million prequels. Spice can't be synthesized, for example.
  3. I don't think they 'turned power' over per se, but when Seth took the implant, it was basically the US saying they were just going to go along with the Achian plan - clean water and don't leave the solar system. They never said anything about the other countries though. I assume getting the US on board meant that the US was going to put pressure on the other nations, but that's kind of a stretch.
  4. iirc, it was really only politics-wise. The Atreides were more liked by the other Houses and could garner more support; like, if in a parliament, the minority parties allied to force a vote of no confidence. Sure, Corrino has the best soldiers, but not against literally everyone else. You set up the Atreides, you're basically cutting off the head. Or, Corrino could just be petty that everyone just genuinely liked Leto. You bring Harkonnen in on it because they hate them anyway. I don't think necessarily there needs to be more than vague 'court politics' to kick off the action.
  5. Larry tends to keep everyone around because he likes them irl. I mean, there's zero reason for Leon, but even last episode, he still broke Larry. It doesn't really matter to me what they have the actors doing.
  6. My favorite is Susie saying 'Larry, let me tell you something,' and him getting all hung up on it; 'why don't you just tell me', as part of his 'save the date' diatribe (which I am so on board with). Less than a minute, and she's screaming at him to get out of the house.
  7. They're not so sharp overall. The main reason their general gave was because he wanted to ride a horse. I didn't have much of a problem either. I think the Doctor was right that it still was about his own guilt, but arrogant Doctor could have just told him from the jump to whack them in the back of the head too. This was kind of a double episode - Doctor on her own with a one off companion of historical importance, and companions separated and in peril. Good for Dan for sneaking around and realizing he should be getting some information for the Doctor. I'm not clear on whether Swarm et al. want to destroy time or not. Putting Yaz in there seems like he's replacing the failing Mouri, or whatever they're called. The Mouri seemed to have anticipated Swarm's arrival by putting that shield in place. I hope they're not going with the Doctor was the first Mouri and escaped or something like that.
  8. Rand isn't technically the Dragon until he yanks Callendor out of the air in Tear. Until then, he was a male channeler who seems like he's going to be strong in the power. I assumed the season would end at the Eye. Though I guess if Moiraine is saying, 'I came here because one of you is the Dragon', and then Rand ends up channeling, then yes. I guess I don't recall he being so sure of that in the book. I mean, I guess for tv you kind of want to not drag that out. I just really liked the scene where Ish is taunting Rand and then Rand grabs the sword and Ish is all, 'oh shit', and Rand got the drop on him. I suppose if Ish is a background character, he could be talking with the dark one saying, they all think he's the Dragon, but there's only one way to know for sure, to build up to that. That's really the moment when Shit Gets Real.
  9. I liked that they played it straight and it didn't erupt into Larry getting piled on and then yelling. None of them were offended and just answered him. I'd say the latter. Sports head coaches were rarely superstar players. There are women who are coaches in both the NFL and NBA who clearly never played in the league. By all accounts doing well. That's like being in a writing group. Does your teacher/coach had to have been a best selling author? Not really. Probably sold some work. I don't think Cheryl-actor is bad. I think Cheryl-show just has a tough role. Larry/Jeff/Richard Lewis are all long time friends, so the interactions are going to be different. Susie runs 100% all the time. Cheryl-show is kind of low key. I can't recall anything where she's dragged the scene.
  10. As I've said before, let's add last week's loss too. That's sticking to the man too?
  11. I guess Netflix dropping the show didn't get Larry out of the casting. It seems a bit much, but actual Larry David wants to roll with the plot, so I'll buy in. I do look at the minibar items and sometimes wonder why they are in there. I don't relate to Larry's life at all, but this one, sure. I like Jeff and Richard Lewis best because they know how to break Larry up, but him and Susie don't lack dialogue. They both snipe well, whether they are agreeing on something or not. Susie looked like she was going to break on the toast because they cut from her fast. If they came up with the boring floor conversation without scripting at the start of the dinner party, then that's brilliant. Stuff like that. Susie has incredible comedic timing. She picked right up on Larry's 'they can't middle' and ran with it. I've liked Vince Vaughn since he came on the show; he's got innate chattiness. I never noticed The Producers poster in Larry's office. Cheryl's reaction shots were great in the 'audition'. I can see the wasabi peas and crackers, but the rest was kind of eh for a minibar. Leon is right about why people go to hotels. They're not going to eat figs after. Was the hot dog eating contest actually thrown together, or was there a real one and they didn't know about it.
  12. Ah, brilliant. She should have shrieked in 'modem'. I actually think once you wake up from soma, then that's it. They woke everyone up because they hastily surveyed the planet and were stuck when it showed that there was life there. Niko and Cas were talking about 24 more people to feed. I don't know why if the Salvare was carrying colonization crew that they wouldn't have better equipment to survey for intelligent life even from low orbit. It can't be that hard.
  13. I was so engrossed with what was going on that I was surprised when it ended.
  14. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I've only seen snippets on social media, but Pippen is *salty*.
  15. There's still the shocker of their past and why they use spears that's still unique and should be a good reveal imo.
  16. I assumed he took the time to grow it out and then sculpt it. You knew he'd obsess over it beforehe showed Bob.
  17. If Leia and Luke flipped, there would be no Empire to Strike Back. She'd have cleaned their clocks.
  18. The VA race was national news because there weren't a lot of governor races, and it's a big state. However, the Democrats ran a tepid candidate who ran a bad campaign and said some duuumb things. I don't think it means as much as people are making it out to be, precisely because of races like in GA. I know John only has limited time in the intro segment, but the show usually does better with context. I'm all about the power grid. I do think much about. It's literally my job. I wish John called me. I'm not going to rip on Biden. *Everyone* falls asleep at conferences.
  19. I didn't realize they were doing a take on Fargo. Clearly, this is meant to be non-canon. I liked them taking a really different direction. I mean, really, there were some jokes, but the episode just played straight. This wasn't for kids. They straight up murdered the Texan, and then chopped him up and sliced his face off. I actually thought the money was going to be D. B. Cooper's lost stash, and the debt collector would be actually Cooper.
  20. We do a highway cleanup and only offer pizza. It's high end pizza, but they better not be getting any ideas.
  21. I guess real Alanis was just busy. I did like how there were a lot of kids at the party. I was worried no one would show. I like they have a new kid now too. I didn't get why Beef was so freaked out about the date. It's kind of sad that the only parties most of the kids want to go to are drinking and making out. 'You're a child I haven't seen before.'
  22. Someone Feed Gil was another show. This was really good. The whole Mel scene came out of nowhere.
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