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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. So Coven gave us a performance by Stevie Nicks in addition to the nudity and sex. And Freak Show went with an orgy scene and more gore (compared to the mostly just bloodiness of Coven and this season). She's stunt-casting to get viewers to give the show another shot.
  2. Especially if he didn't warn about the broken elevator, and he has a history of failing to do so.
  3. Early on, there was a documented case of oral transmission, spurring a warning from the Surgeon General about contact within an hour of brushing your teeth. The zombie virus can slip through smaller breaks than HIV, so Major could be at risk just kissing Liv during dinner. Viruses are always mutating, so it wouldn't be the same exact zombie virus again.
  4. And also a fair bit of bare female butt. Clearly the writers know how weak this season is and are trying to hold an audience.
  5. The equipment was probably retired from service. Companies replace tech equipment on a schedule since it's more costly for something to fail unexpectedly than what they save trying to squeeze more years out of it.
  6. Any relationship Kara has on this show is going to be inter-racial. She's of a Kryptonian race, passing for one of Earth's races, so it's unavoidable.
  7. Yes, that's the one. I just don't understand the point of the service. If he wants to know if things are working, he can pick up his cellphone and check. If he were asleep, what value would it be to wake him up? Then he'll be sitting in bed worrying about the fact that potential customers can't connect and there's no way of knowing when it might be fixed. If you're the type of person who's going to worry about the service going down, you're probably going to worry about not getting the phone call that you've signed up to get if that happens.
  8. The feminist dialogue is a bit at odds with seeing the lead character ripping open her blouse. Yeah, Clark does something similar, but strippers aren't known for wearing business suits.
  9. I saw a Comcast ad targeting business owners worried about storms knocking their business off the net. Comcast's "solution" is to call to let them know when that happens. Shouldn't they be offering a reliable service that doesn't go down like that instead?
  10. He should have seen it before the stencil even went on his body.
  11. Stuart's business started failing and his art career went nowhere, killing his confidence. He's about on par with the Howard we first met, except that Howard at least had a couple of good career accomplishments to his credit.
  12. Howard was probably more bothered by the idea of quitting the job he enjoys, lets him play around with side projects of his own, and gives him accomplishments he can brag about. So did Spock, who was half human, and he'd occasionally be affected by them or let them show, so I don't know why Sheldon would have expected any better.
  13. Domino's responsibility for anything like that disappeared a long time ago, when they stopped guaranteeing delivery within a certain amount of time. It's up to the driver (and his insurance company) to cover any damages. From the company's POV, they were settling an unfounded claim to avoid litigation costs. According to the judge on a court TV show involving a similar situation with a different company, the company didn't even have to help identify who the driver might have been.
  14. I thought I was being sarcastic last week when I suggested she might do something like that.
  15. That's just the ones earmarked to buy things that don't exist yet.
  16. Everything we saw of Dr. K suggested that he was pretty accepting of whomever Priya (and Raj) wanted to date, going so far as to support the idea of her having a relationship with Howard. It was Priya's mother who would have objected, although I'm not convinced it was really an issue, rather than an excuse Priya was using to string Leonard along.
  17. They did because they used to push the idea that a diamond had to be colorless to be considered good. Then somebody figured out how to manufacture them better and cheaper than the natural ones, so they started pushing colored diamonds - pink, canary yellow, and now "chocolate" - to get their monopoly back.
  18. What makes you think they want to be successful? It may be a nonprofit organization, but the employees are still getting paid.
  19. All the knowledge in the world about what to do can be moot in the first few seconds of an actual emergency. They did think of the extinguisher because we heard "where's the extinguisher?" yelled out. It's an open question whether they couldn't remember in the heat of the moment, they never knew, or it wasn't where they expected. I wouldn't be surprised if Leon moved it to where he preferred it to be in "his" kitchen and didn't think to tell anyone.
  20. There are also tons of jobs where she could be phenomenal because of her powers without overtly using them. Why be an assistant who can reheat her boss' coffee without using the microwave? (other than so that you can talk about your unused potential) BTW, once you enter a zone where time doesn't pass, how do you get out? You're frozen. If the show explained this, I missed it.
  21. Blaine wants to take over the market for utopium. Boss is his big competition.
  22. It's possible you could have found out about your allergy by taking a different drug with some of the same ingredients. Blame DeBeers. Getting people to spend big money for relatively common stones is considered by some to be one of the greatest marketing successes of the 20th century.
  23. It's sad enough that they've got a grey-haired Henry Winkler pushing reverse mortgages; did they have to put him in the same kind of geeky checkered shirt that Richie and Ralph wore on Happy Days?
  24. Not if she avoided new-comic-book night. Sheldon doesn't deviate much from his routine. He needs to get more of a mix on the wall. There's nothing wrong with the type of art he's displaying per se, but it takes on a different tone when that's all that's there. It could be laziness in selling ad time. Instead of pushing advertisers to each cough up more to reach their target, they're just filling more time.
  25. It really doesn't; the rear seating folds down so you have a choice of it being a two-seater with cargo space or a four-seater with practically none. The company web page seems to highlight the former.
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