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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. I think that's the point. A WTF factor makes the ad, and more to the point, the company, more memorable. For something like insurance, people lean towards companies they've heard of.
  2. I don't see how getting a delivery pizza cold would be an argument in favor of one that's frozen. I remember one pizza that had come apart a bit, presumably from a sudden stop en route. It didn't hurt it any. It's been a long, long time since I've seen the cheese stuck to the box; either they're using a cheese that's less sticky, or are greasing it up better.
  3. They probably didn't want to teach viewers how to do that in more practical ways.
  4. She had the chance to star in a TV movie series; what could they have done?
  5. No, it sells more because some people will think they have to buy two to get them for $1 each even if they don't, and if the store does have a higher price for just buying one, they can't resist getting the second one for only 61 cents (or whatever the difference is).
  6. Probably not. Banks are required to give you at least 6 months to cash a check. The last I heard there's a 7 year limit. In between, it's up to the bank and they're not consistent. Depositing it through an automated system is more likely to be successful than trying to get cash for it at a teller's window. None of Sheldon's checks would be worth anything if the university has changed bank accounts; the account they were drawn against would have been closed at some point after they switched. He'd have a valid claim to the money, so he should be able to get a new check from the appropriate office.
  7. Not if she's a college student and the jobs are work-study or for the summer. Ia the call center in the U.S.? A long distance may mean they're not it close touch. Why is it the ads with that theme recently seem to be featuring people of Asian or Indian descent (i.e. where you might outsource a call center)? You used to see more diversity in those ads.
  8. GPS units for dogs clip on the collar or are built with their own, special, collar. It's separate from the ID chip, which is embedded in the dog. My point wasn't so much about Major knowing about the GPS, which he could belatedly ditch, but that the GPS indicates that there would be an ID chip which would identify the dog sans tags and prevent Major from pleading ignorance about the owner. He could try saying he liked the dog and decided to steal it for himself, but I don't see him carrying that off.
  9. It's too early in the season to pick off the stronger of two competitors (aka the ones who will do well at home). For now you want them on stay on the team. Luis posted 23, 7 and 5 lbs in the season so far, compared to Hope's 10, 2 and 2.
  10. That money is earmarked for specific purposes. To use it willy nilly for other things would be to descend into chaos.
  11. I like Emily, but she's like Stuart in that she's just a go-to for some jokes, rather than a real character. At least they've been able to make broader use of her than Stuart (or Wil).
  12. The key word is "supposed". The university president doesn't agree.
  13. I found the pilot to be a lame start to a series that definitely gets better, but never rises to what it should be. Maybe it's because I've seen just about everything in this genre. Nobody's mentioned Sledge Hammer! yet. Or The Middleman. Or the Hot Shots movies. There are all sorts of gags that could have been done (even from Police Squad), but weren't, and there was plenty of room for them. BTW, it's not a commercial-free 25 hours if you still have commercials, but just don't interrupt an individual episode.
  14. I noticed that Jenna even lip-synced while the show ran a clip of Cold Heated as it went to commercials.
  15. Which could in itself be a problem. There's a point in time where saying he hadn't gotten around to it is going to fall flat, and neighbors know how long he's had the dog, so he won't be able to lie about how long he's had it.
  16. Did the guys know he hadn't already? They thought he did back when Amy and Sheldon were experimenting with gossip. Penny must have found out, or she wouldn't have broken the wine glass, but she may not have told Leonard; retractions often don't get passed along as well as the original gossip.
  17. Ramona, I suspect. BTW, Liz was wrong about being the first woman to have prostate cancer; it's just extremely rare (like men getting breast cancer).
  18. Not necessarily. One of the things that a zombie virus might do is destroy brain cholesterol that gets replaced when she feeds.
  19. Especially what you don't really feel like eating other than by habit or convenience. The whole point of fat is to hang onto excess nutrients until later, and whatever you've got a good supply of stashed away is not something you're going to crave more of. So forget about balanced meals and let it be "later".
  20. It feels like I've seen that alien before without the fake-looking white horns.
  21. Billie was confused by Ramona's appearance, presumably not having seen a vampire before. That was a really effective speech about Devil's Night being the one time of the year that ghosts can be tangible, with everyone closing in acting menacing. So, how were the hotel ghosts tangible enough to kill guests earlier in the season (including the beginning of this episode)? March himself stabbed someone last episode.
  22. Do they have to post a date with that grade? Bar Rescue has featured a lot of filthy businesses that have gone years since their last inspection, about a third in California.
  23. How would he explain not having the dog checked for an ID chip? Anybody who puts a GPS on their dog is going to have an ID chip put in.
  24. It looks like they specialize in covering over what you already have instead of replacing it (e.g. putting a tub shell over your old tub), so it's a different way of making things look new that I presume is cheaper.
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