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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. A local law firm is looking for people who took a big-name blood-thinner and had any of the side-effects that should have been obvious even if the maker hadn't been warning about them in their ads.
  2. Not necessarily. That part of the Bible is subject to interpretation, so what your religion says may not agree with the show. For example, gossip may or may not qualify as bearing false witness (they should have gone with perjury or filing a false police report). On a more basic level, there are two different lists of Ten Commandments because not everyone agrees on how to assign numbers to the clauses in that section (i.e. you're grouping two different pairs of related offenses in each to turn 11 potential items into the stated 10).
  3. I suspect it's the definition of "real milk" that's the issue. It's not unusual to see the price of 1%, 2% and whole milk be different at a local store. If they call it a "real milk milkshake", they may not be allowed to use a cheaper, lower-fat, milk.
  4. Leonard called himself the king of foreplay. Penny said she fell asleep, and she and Priya agreed that it "goes on forever" in a way that suggested that although they appreciate that he's trying, he isn't as successful as he thinks he is.
  5. I think the writers are pretty consistent; Leonard doesn't know what he's doing, so even when he tries he's not that good. The big exception was when Penny called him a genius, but that was because he needed to ask her a big favor, so he got some moves off the net (which he had trouble remembering). It sounded like he did pretty good reading from the Kama Sutra when with Priya, so maybe he should get something to crib from at bedtime; I'm sure Penny wouldn't mind.
  6. The impression I've gotten is that Leonard can give Penny a good time if he tries, but it distracts from his own enjoyment, so he probably doesn't do it often.
  7. And don't forget the bloody swimming pool.
  8. I don't know about the latter, but I'd suggest that she was just putting the knife into the block to resharpen it. It's back in her hand before the end of the ad. It doesn't say much for product quality that she could only get through half a carrot before she had to do that. Do the knives dull that easily, or had the block not sharpened it like it was supposed to have done and she needed to try again?
  9. I haven't had a chance to see Barry "strike back" too many times yet, but I've liked what I've seen so far. I saw an episode last week where Barry commented on Dave's over-appraisals, but then pointed to one of his own items that had been overvalued by the person he took it to on the show. I suspect the producers are encouraging the inflated numbers, but I miss the early days when some items turned out to have little or no value, so you didn't know what to expect. It's boring to have every locker contain a salted item that gets an impressive number stuck on it by the appraiser (who may be the one from whom the show got the item).
  10. Based on what Jenkins said, why is it at all acceptable for the Librarian to be off tracking down who knows what artifacts by himself? If Baird is going to stay behind with the apprentices, they should have hired a second person to come and go with Flynn. The writers could even make how to do the job a point of contention between that person and Baird. They should have picked some other hazard than gas. Gas is invisible and you don't see anything when you open up a line (that's why they mix in something you can smell). Doing a steam effect just looked dumb.
  11. Villains in old movies would make sure that their victims didn't have anything that could be used as tools to get through the wall. That didn't happen here; if the couple had tried to escape, they could have been out a long time ago, so they must not have tried.
  12. She could have gotten a clue early on; he had no enthusiasm coming in the door and was clearly just going along for the ride because of the trouble she had already gone to. Lance Burton has talent; he'd start a TV special with what would be a finale for David Copperfield. The hacks can't survive if the audience knows what to look for, which was why the Masked Magician did what he did.
  13. I haven't seen the ad, but it sounds like you're describing an IQ test question. The point is to quickly spot the answer (or lack of one) quickly, rather than burn up time trying to calculate an answer.
  14. Kal is also supposed to be super-good at slumping when he's being Clark, as opposed to standing up straight as Superman, so there's a height difference of a few inches that helps throw people off.
  15. Seems like this should have led to the cousins agreeing to meet periodically for an instruction and training session, so that the big guy can pass along some tips.
  16. True, but if you associate GE with kitchen appliances, can openers are among the few that don't have computers in them; most do, so it shouldn't be a surprise that the company needs programmers. It might help his family understand what he'll be doing if he knew himself. He doesn't seem to even know which division of GE he'll be working for, much less what he was specifically hired to do.
  17. Why? You're not doing anything to work up a sweat. Just go easy on alcohol or caffeine.
  18. I don't know what's up, but this happened at the tail end of The Good Guy Fluctuation last night. The voice captioned Leonard closing his laptop, Sheldon coming out of the couch, and the first closing credit. I know I heard something similar a little while back near the beginning of a different episode. My guess is that there are corrupted copies of some of the episodes floating around, causing the captioning to be mistaken for regular audio,
  19. There's one point where his smile looks very indulgent, the kind of "it's cute that she's trying" look a sexist guy might use (or a parent humoring a child). I don't notice the car either.
  20. If the old guy uses as little electricity as my grandmother did, it won't cost anything for the strand. Power companies often have minimum monthly service fees; until you bring your usage above that number, a few extra watts won't make a difference.
  21. I think you'd pirate the electricity. It's realistic that the rest be kicking around while bankruptcy proceedings drag on, but Major's a lucky guy that there happened to be a closed business with just what he needed.
  22. When they started talking about what they'd need for bait, I immediately thought of Jenkins.
  23. Sheldon behaved pretty well as Raj's wingman. He did walk out on his date, but that was cluelessness, rather than rudeness. He seems to temporarily respect any woman who talks to him in a no-nonsense way; both Penny and Bernadette have done that, but I don't recall Amy ever trying that approach.
  24. Isn't that inconsistent with the baby still being a baby? If you're not going to have vampires age in this show's mythology, than the Countess' son should be whatever he was when the Countess became a vampire (and that infection was passed along).
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