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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. Maybe she's watching her carbs and wasn't sure until she got there if she was going to eat the bread, or just snack out of the jar.
  2. He may need to be careful that he gets the right one each time. While shopping last night, I checked out the Clorox section at each store, and it appears that Clorox is selling a few different formulas with similar front labels. On the back, one doesn't even promise anything but disinfecting, while at the other extreme, there's a prominent warning about how caustic it is.
  3. Channels running old shows change their lineup to keep things fresh. Something with a lot of seasons, like The Andy Griffith Show, will stay put better than The Monkees, which only has two.
  4. BTW, the FETV channel currently runs four episodes of their show on Saturday mornings.
  5. I suspect there's a "for what they're willing to pay" involved. Reality shows are supposed to be cheap to produce and this one has the costs of a yacht and BTS crew limiting what they can spend elsewhere. In peak charter season, getting a qualified chef willing to be on camera and quickly enough not to disrupt shooting would have been expensive.
  6. Isn't an ongoing aspect of this show humiliating the competitors? Squirting the HG's, no matter what you call the stuff, is in the same vein as the Three Stooges;, I prefer something less slapstick, like the BB comics. It looks like they forgot about their theme again. Pigeons hang out around cities and cliffsides. You don't see them while camping. They could have easily picked another bird (and adjective if necessary).
  7. She probably meant for the experience the guests received. How many times have we seen guests get jerked around because Sandy hasn't figured out how the weather works in that area, or decides that the boat needs to be moved? And some guests care that the food is not being prepared by a real chef. If you're dropping around $100K for a charter (tips are customarily 15-20%), you want the best.
  8. If, as Buddy said, he and Cherie go back five years, to 2012, where's this episode been for the last two years? Are they clearing off the shelves rather than shoot anything new? I thought we were done hearing from Nev's wife.
  9. It wasn't working for me. I even tried mixing up a wall-washing batch, something that used to turn an old t-shirt into brilliant white shreds, and nothing. To be fair, It's been a few years since I last tried it, but the company stopped running any ads touting it as a bleach; it's only been pushed as a disinfectant.
  10. Since Clorox bleach has become worthless for traditional uses, like laundry, they need to come up with other reasons for people to buy it.
  11. How is it a good thing for a customer to have to spend so much time with her insurance agent that she's introducing him to her family? The ads used to brag about how quick and easy things were because of that pricing tool they had.
  12. IIRC that gets yelled at Jamie, who's been in a few ads, usually as the butt of a joke.
  13. TBBT changed radically over the seasons, as the characters aged along with the actors, so it was easy for someone to lose interest (or pick some up).
  14. At least they got the kid to pick up what he left on the floor without having to yell at him.
  15. The whole black box plot was ridiculous. Black boxes are designed to be as easy to find as possible. The ones on airplanes are painted bright orange. No way should anyone have been able to claim it was some mundane piece of equipment, and they needed a better explanation of why the group was able to find it when searchers couldn't. There was a line or two near the end of a previous episode suggesting that the Professor had arranged to let the group get away with "stealing" a ship. They're overusing the trope of bad guys using unsuspecting good guys for their own purposes. This series reminds me of the scene in The Big Bang Theory where Penny is shooting Serial Ape-ist 2.
  16. The episode title was a bit of a spoiler though.
  17. Self aware, but not necessarily that smart. All he had to do was remember the shaking trick from when this comp was used in BB18 (not that long ago). I don't think Analyse needed the hint. Either she saw BB18, or had already seen Jackson doing it; he wasn't as subtle in shaking his eggs as he should have been.
  18. There is a connection between camping and alien sightings/abductions, but it's generally no more than a few campers out in the middle of nowhere, rather than a summer camp kind of thing. I think they were reusing props and costuming they had on the shelves, but it would have fit better if they'd gone with spoofing Friday the 13th and other horror movies with a similar setting.
  19. I remember the idea being floated years ago and discarded because the use of the word was considered too far removed from its origins; region is probably a factor here. BTW, it annoys me to hear "racist" misused. It no more applies in this case than if someone insulted Italians or Texans.
  20. Same for having main characters get infected, and a ship on its way to destroy everything, although just one of those tropes is usually considered enough to create the sense of urgency to wrap things up by the end of the episode.
  21. So production wanted to make a HG look like a dick?
  22. Some people take care of that before they leave work, in case it takes much longer than they expect to get home.
  23. But, there are at least three different ways somebody could use zombie strength to get out, so a zombie doesn't have to be as careful. There was a splash, but it was much quieter than the one for Blaine. DonE may have hit more feet-first, but I think falling on Blaine is what the writers had in mind, and we didn't hear him react because his head was pushed underwater.
  24. Considering the consequences of a mismatch, you wouldn't want any false alarms, so it's almost certain that the scanner allows multiple images to be on file for someone. That means that Ravi could add Charli's to those of Saxon, and the system would be happy to match either person.
  25. And grease. Unlike BK, McDonalds doesn't do anything to get rid of the fat, instead calling their burgers "juicy" and making it a selling point.
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