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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. I thought the point of Terminator 2 is that you really should have technology on your side, but it should be the older, bulkier, stuff; don't trust the newer, trimmer, model.
  2. There was an episode commenting on the under-representation of women in the sciences - still very much true (unless it's something like biology or biomedical engineering).
  3. And yet the episode has a drawn-out feel, like it wasn't originally written to fill much more than a one-hour time-slot. I'm guessing they went well over their quota in selling ad time and needed to pad the episode so they wouldn't have ten minute long commercial breaks.
  4. People knew how to make a safe lunch, often without realizing it. Mayo, for example, contains ingredients to "retard spoilage". So do "sandwich meats". You'd have to pack something you wouldn't expect in a school lunch to have a risk (like Thanksgiving leftovers).
  5. Probably quicklime specifically; in fiction it's also supposed to get rid of the body faster, although I've read that IRL it wouldn't make any meaningful difference.
  6. To get a discount? When they rolled out ordering on their web site, they had promotions offering special pricing if you ordered that way. At some point I expect they'll be doing something similar for tweeting.
  7. The news articles may not have contained anything useful because of Chad's age at the time.
  8. The off-screen barking didn't sound like it was coming from a basement, but I could see somebody figuring it didn't matter. This episode just goes to show you what kind of trouble can come from letting your dog run loose. And why you should always have jack stands or blocks when working under a car; never rely on just the jack.
  9. Hang on a sec; Domino's just got done with a big campaign about their variety of food, and they follow up with a way to do a single favorite pizza order with a single pizza emoji? Is that all they programmed or just all they're advertising?
  10. They reran the episode where Prof Proton dies and Penny mentions that she hadn't been to a funeral before because the only one close to her that had died was her pet pig (and they had a BBQ). So what Penny's father ran over, wasn't her "beloved childhood pet"; it was something she got later and probably wouldn't have gotten as close to before she left home.
  11. If this show is being shot more or less in sequence, giving us all that stuff up front is how they'd have it for promos up front.
  12. Yeah, but first he would have almost killed her twice with wrong treatments.
  13. That's normally true, but for a while, some car makers thought that it would help keep the lug nuts tight if which way they tightened depended on which side of the vehicle they were on. When going forwards the drivers-side wheels turn counter-clockwise, while the ones on the passenger side go clockwise, so they were technically correct, but it wasn't worth the problems caused by mechanics getting it wrong. The lug nuts they were using back then must have been a terrible fit if they thought it mattered.
  14. It is these days, but back when the van was made it depended on the vehicle and sometimes which side of the vehicle. According to google, Feynman's van is a 1975 Dodge Tradesman Maxivan. Dodge is one of the makes that had the threads go the opposite way on that side of some of their vehicles in the '70's. Since Howard had already removed the other four nuts, he presumably knew which way to turn the last one, but it may have been technically incorrect.
  15. Is there a Sonic near you? They do breakfast all day, and that's on the menu at some of them. The bacon and egg bagel sandwich is even the morning special at the one near here ($1.99 including coffee).
  16. They covered that; the first TH commenting on the challenge included an implication that the evolution could be artificial. Scientists are already mixing genes between different animals and plants to give something a trait they want (or see if they've correctly identified what something does). It won't be long before they can do major transformations.
  17. So she had a car sitting outside all ready to go, just lacking insurance, and unlike scads of other people in that situation, she didn't want to drive it anyway? Is that because she's a really bad driver and we'll be seeing her on a LM ad as soon as the General raises her rates?
  18. The statement as such says nothing about what proportion of the group in question (which Liv didn't specify) is good or bad, and you've got good and bad in just about any you could pick (short of "Vatican residents" perhaps). I know I've seen the phrase used on TV before (don't recall what show) in a sincere manner, so I'm apparently not the only one unaware of a hidden meaning.
  19. Seems like going out of the way to find a negative to me, but even so, in context shouldn't Clive's presumption be that Liv is insulting the police rather than African-Americans?
  20. Why did Sheldon think he might be sitting in Feynman's butt print? Why would Feynman be riding in the back seat of his own van?
  21. When Clive told Liv "I'll forget you said that", I presumed her line had been changed. I had never heard of there being anything wrong with what she said until I read the recap. How is her comment "subtle racism"? (I tried Google, but it was no help)
  22. I expect that hash browns are like french fries in that they have to cook up a whole basket of them at a time and can't just make up an order or two, so if they're not selling many at 10pm, they'd have to throw out a lot of them.
  23. In the original sketches, didn't "mass quantities" refer to beer?
  24. If the alarm clock were in the belly, the unicorn would have to be in a sitting position to use it, so wouldn't the kid be waking up to its crotch instead? I don't see how that's any better.
  25. Around here, you'd have at least a shack-sized building with a restroom and a place to clock in. Big exits have office space and more bathroom facilities (per law for more workers).
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