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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. I always go into 2-hour competitions with something else to turn my attention to do during the filler (like the sobbing). Last night was a productive evening. I expect the show to save a lot of money on wardrobe. It seemed like every time you saw Allison, she was wearing a different outfit, but shows don't tend to do that with a male host. I miss Anna as trainer. Jen annoys me.
  2. The copyright of "Warm Kitty" would have expired in 1965 if it wasn't renewed, so I think that's what happened. Otherwise, the claim wouldn't be trying to piggyback on the music company renewing their own copyright. But, the Copyright Act of 1909 makes it clear that the two copyrights are separate entities and what happens with a collection doesn't affect the original work contained therein. The new copyright law doesn't apply to anything that had already expired before 1978. BTW, from what I've been able to google, the tune was already in the public domain when "Warm Kitty" was written, so it's just the lyrics at issue (which the show's writers rearranged).
  3. If the guy backed a big truck or SUV into the front end of a small car with lots of aluminum, that would destroy the car.
  4. Their URL would be much more readable if they had put separators between the words. Most people don't use the word "mas" regularly, so it runs together with the first letter of "scholarship", encouraging spelling errors.
  5. I like Flo's reaction to the weird hairdo she's given in return for the stylist agreeing to try the insurance gadget.
  6. Sheldon's sacrifice is somewhat tempered by the fact that he's expressed his dissatisfaction with the franchise (although he doesn't consider it a failure like he does Babylon 5).
  7. Too long to run routinely. It doesn't seem like it, but the ad clocks in at 90 seconds. You'd need a show where they're looking for lots of filler (perhaps one of the 2-hour reality competitions on NBC).
  8. ITA, but now that he's talked to Penny and has some experience under his belt, I don't think Sheldon will be able to resist sharing tips with Leonard.
  9. Some do. That tends to lead to a just-in-time aspect and some people aren't comfortable fearing that an unexpected delay will leave them without anything to show on schedule. There are also good reasons why that often can't be done. The availability of actors may dictate that all of their scenes be shot together, regardless of to which episodes they belong. The practicalities of shooting on location may require the same. Episodes with special effects may be shot well in advance of prior episodes to accommodate a lengthy processing time. It's not unusual to hear a complaint about a rough scene near the end of a season be explained away as actually being one of the first shot (especially for a new show).
  10. I think they were right to leave that to the imagination.
  11. No problem. I had to google her name to remind me who she was. No disrespect intended, but soccer is not the right sport to be remembered around here.
  12. Even if that's where the animals are ultimately going, that may not be where the ships are taking them. The 90 days could be the round trip to a big "ark" ship parked out where space is "emptier" than around here, because it's designed to transport a big cargo efficiently across interstellar space and has trouble getting in close (like some ocean-going super-ships).
  13. From what we've heard about the quality of her work, I predict that she's going to be disappointed with what the modern stuff is able to do.
  14. This is a common problem with carving a story into equal parts. I'd rather that they tightened things up and used the remaining time for a typical behind-the-scenes filler.
  15. I don't think the Sonic guy on the right is any worse than many sitcom dads, but you'd probably have to be looking at animated shows to find one to match the idiot on the left.
  16. You still have tones once you're connected, to navigate automated systems. It could have been something like Amy's voicemail password at work.
  17. But, all they had to do was clip a half second from the other version, to get rid of the quick boob shot at the end of the Countess' "ride", and you wouldn't have had either nipples or pasties. I suppose it could be worse. Nip/Tuck put bandaids over the nipple areas of mannequins. That was another Ryan Murphy show on the same network.
  18. A phone maker has dredged up Tweedle Dee, an old, sickeningly cute song. It probably wouldn't be so bad if I hadn't seen the Muppet Show episode where they do that song with Jaye P. Morgan in a bird costume.
  19. I forgot about BMW. The local dealership didn't have any Mini's the last time I shopped, but the salesman let me look at his own 3-series convertible. That was roomy, but I decided to pass on the offer to wait two months to pay list price on a fully-loaded model; they knew they were filling a niche other companies had abandoned.
  20. Who says it isn't the cats who are speaking properly? Researchers have been able to teach cats to understand hundreds of words of English; what's the most cat-speak any human has been able to manage? Although, to be fair, what cat has ever been interested in teaching a human more than a few basics?
  21. The work would be in being a pimp. But, he could have dropped most of that on someone else, probably a client since I don't see his typical underling being up to the task.
  22. I thought they looked ridiculous. The producers should have stuck with the other edit they ran, where they did a very brief frontal of the double's boobs and avoided showing that part of Gaga when she was on screen. She had a good point about how just about anyone can be a porn producer these days, although I doubt any would shoot a scene that looks so dated. Wasn't she risking that the porn people would be in the hotel forever? She could have just told them to leave. Can't you buy titles like that?
  23. I used to, but mostly just to find out which models might fit a tall driver. Then the industry embraced ergonomics and designing for people 5'4" to 5'8", so that's pointless now. Given that the average adult male in the U.S. is 5'11", I don't know what they're thinking; are they trying to sell more trucks and SUV's?
  24. Unfortunately, that seems to be a recurring title. Rose held it first. Martha may have ducked out too early unless you count her Tinkerbell scene, but it was definitely back with Donna (aka "the most important woman in the universe") and Amy.
  25. It wasn't my intention to suggest that he was inadequate, only that he doesn't generally rise above "okay" (the word Penny originally used). I suspect that Penny has lead him to believe he's much better than he really is because she's afraid of hurting his feelings (perhaps her acting lessons didn't go to waste if Leonard was that confident).
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